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Pinehurst Junior College Planning Template

Curriculum Area Date

Term One 2011


Curriculum Links
Literacy..all other subject areas.

Weeks 2-6

Year Level
Year 8

Curriculum Levels
CIE Lower Secondary

Curriculum Objectives
Word Level: WL11,12,13,14 Sentence Level: SL2,10,11,12 Reading: R2,4,5,7,10,12,13,14 Writing: W3,4,11,16,17,18 Speaking and Listening: S&L7,9,10,11

Learning Intentions
Global (Real Life) Learning Intention: Holes is a novel aimed at teenage readers which explores many social issues such as family relationships, friendships, peer pressure, bullying and racism. By analysing the book Holes I will learn how an author crafts words to create a novel that entertains and captures the readers imagination. Specific Learning Intentions: Students are learning to: Understand the language and vocabulary of the novel genre. Understand how setting is used to enhance the plot. Identify the authors use of descriptive language in creating a believable setting. Identify the techniques the author uses to create believable characters including their motivation and use of minor characters. Understand how the author uses the actions of the character to create them. Understand vocabulary choice and identify on a writers use of language; informal and formal. What kind of relationships do the central characters form with other characters to form character stereotypes? Identify who is telling the story and how the form changes accordingly (perspective). Identify the techniques the author uses to create an exciting plot. Identify the themes the author develops within the plot such as cruelty and bullying; friendship; fate and destiny; crime and punishment; family. Further develop reading decoding skills.

Pinehurst Junior College Planning Template Habits of Mind

Striving for accuracy Flexibility Awareness of Own Thinking Precision of Language and Thought Persistence Wonderment, Inquisitiveness Drawing on Past Knowledge Managing Impulsivity Remaining Open to Continuous Learning Listening with Understanding and Empathy Questioning and Problem Posing Taking Responsible Risks Creating, Imagining, Innovating Thinking interdependently Gathering Data through all the Finding Humour

Differentiated Learning Experiences

Most students will Use the appropriate reading strategies to decode unfamiliar words in context. Engage with meaning on both a implicit and explicit level. They will be able to identify aspects of audience purpose and form and state how the author creates a successful novel through the development of character, plot and setting. Learner Extension: Some students will have progressed further and will Use the appropriate reading strategies to decode unfamiliar words in context. Fully engage with meaning on both a implicit and explicit level, making predictions and deducing how the author is able to show not tell. They will be able to accurately identify aspects of audience purpose and form and state how the author creates a successful novel through the development of character, plot and setting. Learner Support: Some students will not have progressed so far and will Use the appropriate reading strategies to begin to decode unfamiliar words in context, e.g. work on word families and patterns: chunk words: use dictionary activities: re- write sentences with different syntax: use cloze activities. Engage with meaning on an explicit level and begin to unpack meaning on an implicit level. They will be able to identify aspects of audience purpose and form and begin to state how the author creates a successful novel through the development of character, plot and setting.

Specific Vocabulary
Text Genre Author Narrator Characters- Main and minor Setting Style Narrative Plot Point of View Themes

Specific Resources

IT Component

Pinehurst Junior College Planning Template

Holes by Louis Sachar Heinemann English Project Text Study: Holes Presentation A4 paper; Powerpoint.

Thinking Tools
De Bonos Thinking Hats:
Red hat Feelings / Yellow hat Strengths / Black hat What are the problems / Green hat New Ideas / White hat Information / Blue hat Thinking about thinking

Multiple Intelligences:
Image Smart / Logic Smart / Body Smart / Nature Smart / Sound Smart / Word Smart / People Smart / Self Smart

Graphic Organisers: Thinking Maps Describing Qualities (Bubble Map) Comparing and Contrasting (Double Bubble Map) Sequencing (Flow Map) Questioning Quadrant

Blooms Revised Taxonomy: (verbs)

4,5,6 higher order thinking skills

1, 2, 3 lower order thinking skills

1. Remembering: recognise, list, describe, identify, retrieve, name. Can the student recall information? 2. Understanding: interpret, exemplify, summarise, infer, paraphrase. Can the student explain ideas and concepts? 3. Applying: implement, carry out, use. Can the student use the new knowledge in another familiar situation? 4. Analysing: compare, attribute, organise, deconstruct. Can the student differentiate between constituent parts? 5. Evaluating: check, critique, judge, hypothesise. Can the student justify a decision or course of action? 6. Creating: design, construct, plan, produce..Can the student generate new products, ideas or ways of viewing thing?

Assessment Formative
Pre test what is known if anything of the novel or any of Louis Sachars other works. Pretest for vocabulary understanding.

Students to create a piece of work which displays their understanding of the text. This could be in any form they choose. They co-construct an assessment rubric to self assess and place into Portfolio.

Pinehurst Junior College Planning Template Teacher Reflection

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