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Over the years I have watched as childhood slowly disappears from society.

A new emphasis has been placed on children to achieve higher academic standards, take on more and more adult responsibilities, and dress more like their adult role models. This issue is one that is important to me as a mother and future educator. These growing demands that are being placed on children today change the overall thoughts and feelings of children, and put children under much more stress to be successful, and fit into the constantly changing mold that society has created. Academic standards have been on the rise and because of this children are under more pressure than ever to succeed. New standards such as the Common Core Standards have been adopted to ensure that children are prepared to succeed when moving on to higher levels of education. Along with these standards children are being put under pressure to pass standardized achievement tests such as the PSSA tests that contribute to the determination of the schools funding. Because of these growing standards more emphasis is placed on the teaching of academics. Teachers are teaching the test and not teaching children in a way that is developmentally appropriate. Children learn best through play and hands on

learning experiences; the growing emphasis on academic achievement is leaving less time for teachers to teach students in a meaningful context. Along with higher academic standards children are given less time to play. Instead of playing children are going home to take on more adult responsibilities and extracurricular activities. There is no time anymore for children to engage in make-believe play or to live in a world governed solely by their imagination. Schools are also now cutting out and shortening the time children are given for recess. Instead of playing children are sitting in desks being spoon fed the content of academic achievement tests. Without play children are losing out on learning what it means to be creative, have fun, form friendships and social skills. Also contributing to the disappearance of childhood is the emphasis placed on children through the media and more advanced peers within social circles. Children today are dressing in more adult fashions as well as becoming educated about adult topics. Young girls clothing lines are now featuring high heels, padded bras, bikinis. These items of clothing are being made for children as young as eight years of age. Sexual education has also been making its way into the classrooms of children in earlier grades. What

is being deemed appropriate for young children has broadened greatly over the years and continues to grow with the influences of todays society. As we continue to move forward in time there has yet to be any efforts to preserve the wonderful years that childhood should entail. Children continue to live under the pressure and demands placed on them by society.

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