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*+,- ./ '01234 "5,.6,7.6.-48
Eneigy availability (EA) is the amount of eneigy (fiom caloiies consumeu)
youi bouy has left ovei aftei exeicise to be useu foi noimal physiological
piocesses such as cellulai maintenance anu iepiouuction.

!,9/1/ :; #:< '"
#:< '" 9/9,664 21/96-/ ;2:= 0:- >:0/9=.03 10:93+ >,6:2.1/ -: =,->+ -+1
,=:90- :; 101234 1?@10A1A A92.03 1?12>./1B Bisoiueieu eating piactices
aie a common cause of low EA but athletes who expenu laige amounts of eneigy uuiing piolongeu exeicise
tiaining >,0 71>:=1 101234 A1;.>.10- <.-+:9- 1,-.03 A./:2A12/ :2 A.1-,24 21/-2.>-.:0. Even the most well-
intentioneu athlete may have uifficulty meeting theii nutiitional neeus uue to lack of knowleuge, time anu financial

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C10/-29,6 D4/;90>-.:0
0ne stuuy founu that low EA causeu a uisiuption in iepiouuctive function iegaiuless of the cause of low EA (i.e.,
exeicise oi caloiic iestiiction). This was the fiist stuuy to show that low EA anu not the "stiess" of exeicise causes
the menstiual uysfunction. E+1 @215,610>1 :; /1>:0A,24 ,=10:22+1, F0: =10/-29,6 >4>61 ;:2 G HI A,4/J
,=:03 ;1=,61 10A92,0>1 ,-+61-1/ >,0 71 ,/ =9>+ ,/ KI -.=1/ +.3+12 -+,0 -+1 31012,6 @:@96,-.:0B &- +,/
7110 21@:2-1A -: 71 ,/ +.3+ ,/ LMN .0 6:03OA./-,0>1 290012/B

D.;;.>96-4 C,.0-,.0.03 C9/>61 C,// ,0A %1>:512.03 ;2:= &0P924
When EA is low, caibohyuiate, piotein, anu nutiient intakes aie piobably also low. Not consuming enough
caibohyuiates means the bouy ielies moie on piotein uuiing exeicise anu theiefoie, theie is not enough piotein to
maintain anu iepaii muscle tissue. E+1/1 A.1-,24 .0,A1Q9,>.1/ >,0 61,A -: .0>21,/1A 2./R :; ;,-.391S =9/>61
<1,R01//S .0P92.1/ ,0A .0;1>-.:0/B

';;1>-/ :0 T:01 U1,6-+ F(-21// V2,>-921/J
In athletic populations, inciuences of stiess fiactuies aie geneially highest among female iunneis anu those
athletes with low bouy fat may expeiience stiess fiactuies linkeu to menstiual iiiegulaiities anuoi low eneigy
anu nutiient consumption. Enuuiance iunneis compaieu to athletes paiticipating in moueiate to high-impact, non-
lean-builu spoits show a significantly highei pievalence of low bone mass. C10/-29,6 .221396,2.-4S ,0A -+1
,//:>.,-1A 7:01 =.012,6 6://S ./ ,//:>.,-1A <.-+ , 321,-12 .0>.A10>1 :; /-21// ;2,>-921/ .0 290012/B A stuuy
of female collegiate iunneis founu a much highei peicentage of stiess fiactuies in iunneis iepoiting anu iiiegulai
menstiual histoiy compaieu to iunneis iepoiting iegulai menstiuation.

(9@@21//1/ E4@1 K &==90.-4 FD1;10/1 "3,.0/- W.29/1/J
'0A92,0>1 ,-+61-1/ ;21Q910-64 /9;;12 ;2:= 9@@12 21/@.2,-:24 .0;1>-.:0/ >,9/1A 74 5.29/1/B 0ne stuuy
suiveyeu Sweuish team membeis paiticipating in the 0lympic uames (2uu2, 2uu4) anu founu that those
paiticipating in uisciplines emphasizing leanness maue moie fiequent attempts to lose weight, tiaineu longei, anu
iepoiteu almost twice as many illnesses, piimaiily uppei iespiiatoiy infections, uuiing the pieceuing S months.

Beals, K.A. (2u1S). Nutiition anu the Female Athlete: Fiom Reseaich to Piactice. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Piess.

Loucks, A.B., Kiens, B. & Wiight, B.B. (2u11). Eneigy availability in athletes. }ouinal of Spoits Sciences, 29(1), S7-S1S.

Wentz, L. Z. (2u11). Females Bave a uieatei Inciuence of Stiess Fiactuies Than Nales in Both Nilitaiy anu Athletic
Populations: A Systemic Review. Nilitaiy Neuicine, 176(4), 42u-4Su.

D1516:@1A 74 X.66 C12R16S 32,A9,-1 09-2.-.:0 /-9A10-S Y0.512/.-4 :; Y-,+S D.5./.:0 :; Z9-2.-.:0S !::2A.0,-1A C,/-12/ [2:32,=

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