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Eating for Performance

Competitive swimming is a challenging spoit that iequiies long houis at high intensities,
involving aeiobic as well as anaeiobic fitness
Shoit uuiation all-out spiints iequiie youi muscles to be auequately fueleu so eating the
!"#!$" &##'( is essential to fuel youi peifoimance
Peifoiming in a heateu pool, in the sun anu in a humiu enviionment all inciease watei loss, so
)*'"+,-#. is key!
9: 1#; <=>) ;+,$" ()#=?' 6 @$ '"-.A-.BC
A: Aim foi 12-1Scups of fluiu uaily. Beteimine watei loss by weighing youiself befoie anu aftei
piactice anu inciease youi watei intake by 2-2.S cups pei pounu lost uue to sweat. 56DE Tiy
caiiying a laige watei bottle with you to class to help avoiu uehyuiation.
9: 4< 6 '"-.A-.B $.#=B) ;+,$"C
A: 0se uiine coloi as youi guiue foi hyuiation. Five to six full blauueis of uiine of pale yellow
coloi means you aie uiinking enough fluius.
9: /# 6 .$$' $?$>,"#?*,$(C
A: Yes! You can sip on a spoits uiink uuiing anu aftei piactice to ieplace electiolytes lost fiom
sweating. (Spoits uiinks aie uesigneu foi use uuiing exeicise, not to sip uuiing the uay.)
FG6H H005F
Neets can last all uay, so its impoitant to keep youi bouy hyuiateu anu fueleu to get the best
peifoimance. Tiy these 56DI(E to inciease youi peifoimance.
8-B), @$&#"$ eat a high-caib uinnei to keep glycogen stoies ieauy foi a long uay in the pool
D"$J3+>$: biing easy to uigest snacks that can be kept poolsiue like bananas, apples,
ciackeis anu spoits uiinks
K$,;$$. "+>$(, if you have a 2-4hi winuow incluue piotein with high-caib snacks, like
bagels with peanut buttei anu jam, eneigy bais, tiail mix with iaisins, low-fat yoguit oi
tuikey sanuwich
D#(, 3+>$ tiy a spoits uiink oi low-fat chocolate milk, an 4BB-$ 0?-,$ #!,-#. woulu be to
iefuel with whole giain biown iice, steameu vegetables anu bakeu chicken bieast, tofu oi
beans within Su minutes post exeicise. Continue to consume caibohyuiates ovei 4 houis
post exeicise to ieplenish uepleteu glycogen stoies.

Piepaieu by Spoits Nutiition Intein 2u14: Kyla Channell

D37D03 LM0N68O
9: G)+, '# 6 $+,C
A: Swimmeis neeu to consume PQRRRJSQTRR caloiiesuay.
The majoiity of youi caloiies shoulu be coming
fiom complex >+"@#)*'"+,$( (whole giains, sweet potatoes,
lentils anu vegetables). Bigh quality !"#,$-.( aie essential
foi optimal muscle iecoveiy. Look foi lean meats (chicken,
tuikey, fish), low-fat uaiiy piouucts anu tofu. Bealthy &+,(
aie key foi a stiong immune system anu optimal health. Tiy
getting youi fats fiom healthy oils low in satuiateu fats like
olive oil, oi fiom nuts, seeus, anu avocauos.
450-675 grams/day

110-170 grams/day

80-125 grams/day

H04N DN48
When consuming a meal whethei on-the-go oi seateu
tiy anu get youi plate to look like NyPlate (shown left).
This way you will get youi necessaiy macionutiients at
eveiy meal to benefit youi athletic peifoimance. Choose
the Aggie blue bullets to get to S1uucaloiiesuay oi see
the alteinative options listeu in the iight column.

D"$J(;-< D"+>,->$:
V banana anu 8oz spoits uiink
2 slices whole wheat toast with
2T almonu buttei anu 2T jam
1 banana
2 haiu boileu eggs
H-'<#".-.B F.+>A:
1c of any combination of the
following veggies; Caiiots,
cucumbei, bioccoli, sugai snap
peas anu bell peppei
4T hummus
Sanuwich on whole wheat bieau
with (S slices tuikey ueli meat, 1
tomato, S laige lettuce leaves, Vc
spiouts anu mustaiu)
1 apple
4&,$".##. F.+>A:
1c low-fat yoguit with (V c uiieu
V c mixeu nuts

6 oz bakeu salmon oi chicken,
4c mixeu gieens salau
1 whole bakeu sweet potato
Total: Caloiies: S1uu, Caibohyuiates:
4Sugiams, Piotein: 16ugiams, Fat: 72
Auuitional 0ptions to auu to:
1c low-fat yoguit with V c whole
giain gianola anu 1c of mixeu
beiiies oi a whole piece of fiuit
1c oatmeal with low-fat milk anu
iaisins anu banana
2 haiu boileu eggs (oi 4 haiu
boileu egg whites) anu an apple
Sliceu apple with 2T of peanut
0nsalteu mixeu nuts with a peai

Nixeu gieen salau with
auuitional vegetables, auu
chicken bieast, haiu boileu eggs,
tofu oi beans anu top with an
olive oil-baseu uiessing like
Whole giain pasta with tuikey
meatballs anu a low souium
tomato sauce with 2c mixeu
gieen salau

*Foi athletes tiying to achieve healthy weight loss while tiaining ueciease youi uaily caloiie
intake by ~Suu caloiies. Those tiying to achieve healthy weight gain inciease uaily caloiie intake
by 7uu-1,uuu caloiiesuay.

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