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Crimea yesterday voted to join Russia and its parliament decreed that a referendum will be held on March 16 2014

to allow the people of Crimea to make a final decision on the matter ! yes vote is likely because over si"ty percent of the inhabitants are Russian #his is in $reat contrast to the path taken by %osovo& the crime'and'dru$ (independent) nation called %osovo %osovo was of a hi$h de$ree of historical si$nificance to the *erbian people& but +ato ,especially the -* .enta$on/ conspired with violent !lbanian fascists to tear the state from *erbia 0urin$ 112& 2erman fascists occupied %osovo and forced its *erb populace to flee allowin$ many armed and hi$hly opportunistic !lbanians to take over 3y 1441& the !lbanians were bold enou$h to declare their (independence) and whipped up a campai$n of fascist terror 5n 1444& usin$ the same tactics employed by the 2ermans& +ato helped the %osovo 6iberation !rmy to drive the *erbian army out of the place alto$ether #oday& %osovo is run by or$anised crime fi$ures skilled in the business of dru$ and human traffickin$ and currently protected by 7- soldiers 8

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