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SUPERVISORs Feedback OF ED 315 Field Student

Candidate Melissa Mills Supervisor: D. Habanek Cooperatin! "eacher: #. $a%ot School: Ha'ilton Hi!h School Planning and Preparation (AEA: Con eptuali!ation"Diagno#i# $ %&S: 1' ($D)SP: Re#pe t' Re#pon#i*ilit+,
/ses teachin! resources and curriculu' 'aterials that are appropriate in representin! the ideas and concepts. $lans instruction appropriate to students0 sta!es o( develop'ent and learnin! st1les. .inks ne2 ideas to (a'iliar ideas and 'akes connections to students0 e3periences. $rovides opportunities (or active en!a!e'ent4 'anipulation and testin! o( ideas and 'aterials. 5no2s ho2 to enhance learnin! throu!h the use o( a variet1 o( 'aterials. 6alues (le3ibilit1 in the teachin! process b1 'onitorin! and ad%ustin! plans and adaptin! instruction 2hen necessar1 and appropriate. Chooses appropriate teachin! strate!ies4 learnin! e3periences4 and 'aterials to achieve di((erent instructional purposes and to 'eet student needs. 6aries his or her role in the instructional process in relation to the content and purposes o( instruction. $lans 'otivational instruction b1 relatin! lessons to students0 personal interest. Seeks to (ind 2a1s to 'eet the needs o( diverse learners.

Check One: 1st Observation _X_ Date: 3.2 .13 &u'ber o( Students: 1) *rade: 12

2nd Observation ___

Sub%ect+s,: -ritish .iterature

E-iden e (Candidate,

7ou planned a lesson 2ith ob%ectives that 'atched the Co''on Core standards (or readin! and speakin! and listenin!. "here 2as an additional standard (ro' the &C"8. 7our ob%ectives 2ere correctl1 2orded. 7ou planned 'aterials includin! a pro%ection o( the pre(ace to the book students are readin!. 7ou intended (or students to 2ork to!ether usin! their annotations to discuss and dra2 conclusions (ro' the evidence the1 had identi(ied.





Cla##roo. En-iron.ent (AEA: Coordination")ntegrati-e )ntera tion $ %&S: /'3'50D)SP: Re#pe t' Re#pon#i*ilit+ ,

E-iden e (Candidate and Student,

Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U. ., !nternational and Universal Copyright Conventions. "eproduction in part or whole #y any $ethod is prohi#ited #y law.

8D ;O<M =11 >21> 8D

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Con eptuali!ation"Diagno#i# $ %&S: 1' ($D)SP: Re#pe t' Re#pon#i*ilit+,
Sho2s respect (or the diverse talents o( all learners. /ses kno2led!e about hu'an 'otivation and behavior to develop strate!ies (or or!ani?in! and supportin! individual and !roup 2ork. 9s co''itted to the e3pression and use o( de'ocratic values in the classroo'. Or!ani?es4 allocates4 and 'ana!es the resources o( ti'e4 space4 activities and attention to en!a!e students in productive tasks. 5no2s ho2 to help students 2ork productivel1 and cooperativel1 2ith each other. /ses strate!ies o( e((ective classroo' 'ana!e'ent to pro'ote positive relationships4 cooperation4 and purpose(ul learnin! in the classroo'. <espects students as individuals 2ith di((erin! personal and (a'il1 back!round and various skills4 talents and interests .

E-iden e (Candidate,

7ou tend to soldier on and not 2aste ti'e on students 2ho are o(( task 2hen there is onl1 one or t2o. Ho2 2ill 1ou handle the environ'ental (actors in 1our o2n classroo' related to participation and talkin! out@ One student in particular 2as en!a!ed in runnin! co''entar1 al'ost continuousl1. Ho2 2ill 1ou ad%ust thin!s to re'ove her audience@ .ots o( phones out. So'eti'es the e3tra vi!ilance o( trackin! students 2ho see' to be starin! into their laps helps identi(1 the'. At 12:3 1ou announced that phones should be put a2a1. One !irl %ust plunked hers on the table and 2as back on it in 2 'inutes. Ho2 2ill 1ou handle this in 1our o2n classroo'@ 7ou 'ove around and a'on! the students continuousl1. "his sho2s that 1ou are pa1in! attention to their pro!ress and !ives the 'essa!e that 1ou care enou!h to be around the'. At 12:)> one kid 'oved (ro' the second ro2 to the back ro2. Did 1ou notice@ He and the !irl he sat ne3t to talked continuousl1. 7ou beca'e 'ore assertive at the end in ter's o( their attention.




____Distinctive E-iden e (Candidate and Student,

)n#tru tion (AEA: Co..uni ation' Coordination' Diagno#i#' )ntegrati-e )ntera tion $ %&S 1'2'(0D)SP: Re#pe t' Re#pon#i*ilit+' Co..uni ation,

Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U. ., !nternational and Universal Copyright Conventions. "eproduction in part or whole #y any $ethod is prohi#ited #y law.

8D ;O<M =11 >21> 8D

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Con eptuali!ation"Diagno#i# $ %&S: 1' ($D)SP: Re#pe t' Re#pon#i*ilit+,
/ses di((erent representations and e3planations o( concepts 2hen necessar1 to acco''odate students 2ho approach learnin! (ro' di((erent conceptual (ra'e2orks. /ses teachin! approaches that address di((erent learnin! st1les and per(or'ance 'odes. /ses instructional strate!ies that pro'ote student learnin! (or a ran!e o( student abilities. 8ncoura!es discussion. 8licits sa'ples o( student thinkin! orall1 and in 2ritin!. 6alues the develop'ent o( students0 critical thinkin!4 independent proble'Bsolvin!4 and per(or'ance capabilities b1 usin! varied teachin! and learnin! strate!ies to en!a!e students in active learnin!. Modi(ies e3planations 2hen necessar1 to assist students0 understandin!. Or!ani?es4 prepares students (or4 and 'onitors independent and !roup 2ork. <eco!ni?es the i'portance o( verbal and nonverbal co''unication. 9s a thou!ht(ul and responsive listener. Co''unicates in 2a1s that de'onstrate a sensitivit1 to cultural and !ender di((erences. Models appropriate co''unication strate!ies in conve1in! ideas and in(or'ation. Supports learner e3pression in speakin! and 2ritin!4 and other 'edia. 5no2s ho2 to ask :uestions and sti'ulate discussion in di((erent 2a1s.

E-iden e (Candidate,

7ou be!an 2ith a revie2 o( the concepts previousl1 discussed that related to 21st centur1 values o( art and the aesthetic 'ove'ent. Students added ideas that 1our elaborated on and recorded on the board so the1 could take notes. 7ou had to deal 2ith 'issin! 'aterials and uncooperative kids. 7ou paired kids 2ho needed a book. Consider ho2 1ou ask :uestions. 6oid those 2ith 1esCno ans2ers like Dcould so'ebod1 read the (irst :uestion (or 'e@E Ho2 'uch ti'e 2as there to 2ork on the (irst batch o( :uestions@ "2o thin!s to include in 1our directions: a ti'e !oal (or co'pletin! the task and also 2hat is per'issible to do 2hen (inished so those 2ho need 'ore ti'e aren0t inter(ered 2ith. 7ou !ave a 'inute 2arnin!. Do the1 kno2 speci(icall1 2hat en!a!in! 2ith the te3t 'eans@ Since this is a ne2er concept in school4 re'indin! the' and !ivin! e3a'ples repeatedl1 is necessar1. $aper o( kid near 'e had responses to all :uestions e3cept the ones that asked (or speci(ic evidence4 :uotes and a!e nu'bers. "he (irst t2o :uestions 'odeled the role o( :uotes. Fere the1 connectin! that to the ans2ers (or the ne3t t2o@ 7ou asked ho2 'an1 had all the :uestions (inished 2hen 1ou called ti'e to shi(t to 2hole !roup discussion. Fh1 didn0t 1ou kno2 (ro' 1our observations and data collection@ So'eti'es 2e 2ant students to %ust speak 2hen the1 kno2 the1 ans2er. So'eti'es 2e 2ant hands raised. Ho2 do 2e decide and ho2 do 2e ensure that ever1 voice is heard and kids sta1 on task@ <e'e'ber to have a student repeat the directions (or ho'e2ork. DDoes ever1bod1 understand 2hat 1ou are doin! (or ho'e2ork@E isn0t the sa'e thin!. 7ou did this at the end both (or the short ter' and (or 2hat is due a(ter sprin! break. Did the1 understand 2hat the topics 2ere@ 9t see'ed like the1 had trouble 2ith so'e vocabular1 like i''oral and i''ortal.




8D ;O<M =11 >21> 8D

Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U. ., !nternational and Universal Copyright Conventions. "eproduction in part or whole #y any $ethod is prohi#ited #y law.

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Con eptuali!ation"Diagno#i# $ %&S: 1' ($D)SP: Re#pe t' Re#pon#i*ilit+, A##e##.ent (AEA: Diagno#i#")ntegrati-e )ntera tion $ %&S: 3'40 D)SP: Colla*oration' Co..uni ation,
5no2s ho2 to select and construct assess'ent strate!ies and instru'ents. /ses appropriate assess'ent techni:ues to enhance his or her kno2led!e o( learners4 evaluate students0 pro!ress and per(or'ances4 and 'odi(1 teachin! and learnin! strate!ies. Solicits and uses in(or'ation about students0 e3periences4 learnin! behavior4 needs and pro!ress (ro' cooperatin! teachers and the students the'selves. 8valuates the e((ect o( class activities on both individuals and the class as a 2hole4 collectin! in(or'ation throu!h observation o( classroo' interactions4 :uestionin!4 and anal1sis o( student 2ork. /ses classroo' observation and in(or'ation about students as sources (or evaluatin! the outco'es o( teachin! and as a basis (or re(lectin! on and revisin! practice.

E-iden e (Candidate, E-iden e (Candidate and Student,

7ou planned to record data about student participation and !roup 2ork. 7ou 2rote notes on 1our recordin! docu'ent throu!hout the ti'e students 2ere 2orkin!. "he (or'al assess'ent 2ill include a round table discussion +ho2 2ill this be assessed@, and an essa1 2ritten individuall1.




____Distinctive E-iden e (Candidate,

Pro5e##ional Re#pon#i*ilitie# (AEA: Co..uni ation")ntegrati-e )ntera tion $ %&S: 16$D)SP: Re#pon#i*ilit+' Colla*oration' Co..uni ation,
<elates pro(essionall1 and e((ectivel1 2ith the cooperatin! teacher and (acult1. Dresses pro(essionall1 and consistentl1 portra1s a pro(essional de'eanor. 9s enthusiastic about teachin!. Seeks out the cooperatin! teacher to support hisCher develop'ent as a learner and a teacher.

7ou have the ener!14 appearance and behavior o( a pro(essional.





Su''ar1 State'ent: 7our stron! personalit1 and intelli!ence are ver1 evident 2hen 1ou teach. 5eep 2orkin! on en!a!e'ent and ssess'ent.

Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U. ., !nternational and Universal Copyright Conventions. "eproduction in part or whole #y any $ethod is prohi#ited #y law.

8D ;O<M =11 >21> 8D

Overall $er(or'ance: ____9nade:uate




Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U. ., !nternational and Universal Copyright Conventions. "eproduction in part or whole #y any $ethod is prohi#ited #y law.

8D ;O<M =11 >21> 8D

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