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MLA 7th Edition Form, Citation, and Documentation Quiz For this quiz, please take out a sheet

of paper, and # ! "# $ou need onl% &rite the correct ans&er a!d for each question# 1. Which is the correct works cited format for the following single-author publication? Author: Robert Stone Title: A all of !irrors "ublisher: oughton !ifflin #ompan$% &oston and 'ew (ork #op$right: 1)*+ b$ Robert Stone% ,irst oughton !ifflin edition: 1))"age information: +1. pages a. R. Stone. A all of !irrors. /1)*+0. &oston: oughton% 1)*+. b. Stone% Robert. A all of !irrors. &oston and 'ew (ork: oughton !ifflin% 1))-. "rint. c. Stone% Robert. A all of !irrors. 1)*+. &oston: oughton% 1))-. "rint. d. Robert Stone% A all of !irrors. &oston and 'ew (ork% +1.. 1. 2f $ou use Web sources in works-cited-list entries% $ou must include the 3R4. a. Alwa$s b. 'e5er c. 6nl$ when the reader probabl$ cannot locate the source without it or when $our instructor re7uires it. d. 6nl$ if the Web page posts a note re7uiring 3R4 links to site content. 8. 2n terms of format% $our paper should be a. b. c. d. 9ouble-spaced throughout 9ouble-spaced throughout% e:cepting works cited and notes Single-spaced throughout 'one of the abo5e

+. Which statement is correct? a. Titles of books should alwa$s be italici;ed. b. Titles of books should alwa$s be underlined% unless the book is an antholog$. c. Titles of books should alwa$s appear in italics% unless the book is an antholog$.

d. 'one of the abo5e. <. !argins for $our paper in !4A format should be set to a. b. c. d. 6ne-half inch on the top and bottom% and one inch on both sides 6ne inch at the top and bottom and on both sides 6ne-and-one-half inch on the top and bottom and on both sides There is no standard !4A margin format for research papers.

*. "ublication medium /i.e.% ="rint%> =Web>0 must be included in $our works cited entr$ a. Alwa$s b. 'e5er c. 6nl$ when the reader probabl$ cannot locate the source without it or when $our instructor re7uires it d. 'one of the abo5e -. ,or pagination of online ?ournals that onl$ appear online and do not ha5e a print 5ersion% $ou must include the designation a. b. c. d. '.p. n.d. n.pag. '."ag.

@. The title of $our research paper should be centered on the first page following $our name% instructorAs name% class number% and date% and should be in a. b. c. d. &old t$pe 2talics Buotation marks 'one of the abo5e

). 2f a 7uotation e:tends more than four lines when run into the te:t% $ou must a. Shorten the 7uotation b. Set it off from $our te:t b$ beginning a new line% indenting one inch from the left margin% and t$ping it double-spaced without adding 7uotation marks c. Set it off from $our te:t b$ beginning a new line% indenting one inch from the left margin% and t$ping it single-spaced without adding 7uotation marks

d. Set it off from $our te:t b$ beginning a new line% indenting one inch from the left margin% and t$ping it double-spaced without 7uotation marks


Which in-te:t citation is formatted correctl$? a. =Se5eral things about a poem can be ascertained merel$ b$ looking at it on the printed page> /Turco <0. b. =Se5eral things about a poem can be ascertained merel$ b$ looking at it on the printed page> /Turco% <0. c. 'either d. &oth

11. Which is the correct works cited format for an essa$ included in an antholog$? Antholog$ Cditor: 9a5id &radshaw Antholog$ Title: A #oncise #ompanion to !odernism Cssa$ Author: Stephen ,rosh Cssa$ Title: "s$choanal$sis in &ritain: =The Rituals of 9estruction> "ublisher: &lackwell "ublishing ouse% !alden% !A #op$right: 1..8 "ages in Antholog$: 8.+ "age 'umbers for Cssa$: 11*D18a. ,rosh% Stephen. ="s$choanal$sis in &ritain: EThe Rituals of 9estruction%A> A #oncise #ompanion to !odernism. Cd. 9a5id &radshaw. !alden% !A: &lackwell% 1..8. 11*D8-. "rint. b. 2nclude the works cited entr$ in parenthesis in the bod$ of $our research paper% right after the reference c. !ention the title of the specific work in $our te:t% or include a short 5ersion of the title in parenthesis% along with rele5ant page number d. 'one of the abo5e 11. 2f $our works cited lists two or more titles b$ the same author% and $ou need to refer to ?ust one of these titles at some point in the bod$ of $our research paper% $ou should a. Climinate one of the sources from $our works cited b. 2nclude the works cited entr$ in parenthesis in the bod$ of $our research paper% right after the reference

c. !ention the title of the specific work in $our te:t% or include a short 5ersion of the title in parenthesis% along with rele5ant page number d. 'one of the abo5e 18. ,or a works cited entr$ for an article in a general-interest maga;ine /not a scholarl$ ?ournal0% $ou must gi5e the a. b. c. d. 1+. a. b. c. d. 9ate% but eliminate page numbers "age numbers% but eliminate the date 9ate and page numbers% separated b$ a colon Folume and issue number% ?ust as with a scholarl$ publication ,or a works cited entr$ for a webpage% $ou must Gi5e the date of publication% if a5ailable Gi5e date of access Gi5e both date of publication% if a5ailable% and date of access 'one of the abo5e

1<. ,or a works cited entr$ for a scanned book accessible on a webpage% $ou must list the medium as a. b. c. d. "rint Web "rint 5ia Web 'one of the abo5e

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