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Weekly Goal Sheet

Name: Rachel Mosier

1. Reflection What did I accomplish this week in the field?
Engagement with Students
(Tutoring, instruction, assessments, conversations, interviews, etc)

Week of: September 9- 13

Other Involvement
(Observation, planning, planning tasks, team meetings, paperwork, communication with parents, etc.)

During the past weeks I attended SEP conferences, I got to introduce myself to parents, and got to learn even more about my students. I have taken over math in the afternoons. I have taught a couple of lessons, I have worked on number placements, and comparing numbers. I have done a few smaller group lessons with at risk students. All the small group activities have been with math. I have also taught a comprehension lesson and have discussed a service-learning project with my students. They came up and voted on fire safety. They decided they knew what to do if a fire happened at school, but they want to inform students on what to do at home.

I have been communicating with two parents in our classroom. I have been communicating about homework sent home and about planners. McKinley and me have been exchanging ideas and helping each other with lesson plans and I ideas. It has been really nice having her in 2nd grade with me. I have been paying close attention to how my teacher communicates with parents and notes sent home. For my advance readers I have taken them to chapter books at the library, so they can read more challenging books. I am now doing the after school reading program on Tuesdays as well.

2. Reflect personally on your experience in one of these areas.

I really liked being included in SEPs. My site teacher allowed me to say things that I have noticed about students, and sugg est ideas. I was grateful that she included me. I learned so much by observing and participating. I learned how to communicate with parents, what strategies work, and to make the environment calming. I really got to know a lot about some of our students with behavioral problems in the classroom. When I learned about home situations and family dynamics I got a lot more information that could be causing the behaviors. I learned that one students has how has anger problems comes from a family of 5 brothers, he is the oldest, and has gone through 3 dads, and just moved. This can be so stressful on a child. I now know what may be causing the anger, and not I can think of some strategies for him to use. Like breathing.

3. Looking ahead What do you want to focus on next week? What goals can I set?
Focus for My Work with Children Focus for Observation or Other Involvement

I during the next couple of weeks I would like to start teaching half day. I am working on my teacher voice and strategies to get students to focus their attention with out raising my voice. I still have not gotten the chance to see a small group literacy lesson, but I believe I will see one soon. I would like to observe a small group being done, and then start teaching small literacy lesson as well.

Ive been making sure that I look at planners before students leave, to make sure they wrote down the homework. I had a couple of parents concerned with not knowing what homework their child had. I think I should start walking around the room, and make sure all students are writing.

I need to take the time to sit next to more students and get to know them. There are two students in particular that do not speak much; I would like to get to know them a little better. I have a struggling ELL student, who even has troubles copying. We are discussing options for her.

4. STEs Comments/Observations/Reflections/Concerns/Thoughts

Rachel Mosier
TCs Signature

STEs Signature

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