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Teacher Observation Tool

Name: Teacher A Date: 2/25/14

Standard 1 Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school districts student achievement goals.

b. Implements strategies supporting student, building, and district goals. d. Accepts and demonstrates responsibility for creating a classroom culture that supports the learning of every student. e. Creates an environment of mutual respect, rapport, and fairness. f. Participates in and contributes to a school culture that focuses on improved student learning.

Teacher Lesson Plans Focusing on power standards determined by the English department. List the standard s! "tudents will be receiving a CFA where they will be as#ed to write down the main points of Act $. Act $ of what%%% &hey are practicing the s#ill of writing an ob'ective summary. Are they practicing it% (sing it% )eveloping it% *r is this a probe to see where they are on the spectrum of ob'ective summary writing% "tudents will also be learning about dramatic foil and will be creating a character that is the foil of themselves. &hey will be drawing a cartoon of themselves, and have $ characteristics for themselves and for the foil of themselves. &hey will also be pic#ing two characters that are dramatic foils of one another, and must write $ characteristics for each character. +ight e,plain what a foil is so they #now what they are loo#ing for%

Teachers Comments

Evaluator Comments

Standard Demonstrates competence in content !no"ledge appropriate to the teaching position.


a. (nderstands and uses #ey concepts, underlying themes, relationships, and different perspectives related to the content area. b. (ses #nowledge of student development to ma#e learning e,periences in the content area

Teacher Lesson Plans Completing SPED endorsement at Grand View University, will be completed in the summer of !"# $ight briefly e%plain how you are using &nowledge gained in classroom setting daily Currently ta&ing 'participating()SPED

Teachers Comments

Evaluator Comments

meaningful and accessible for every student. c. -elates ideas and information within and across content areas. d. (nderstands and uses instructional strategies that are appropriate to the content area.

practicum* Professor was in last +hursday to observe a lesson , taught*

-ewors. Grandview professor overseeing practicum observed a lesson last wee&* ((

Participating in the /lternative +eacher Contract* 0hy( 1ife long learning( 0or&ing with SPED students in co2 taught class one2on2one to wor& on writing s&ills3goals only SPED students( 4ow( 4ow do you bounce teaching tas&, lesson plan ideas, and teaching strategies bac& and forth( 0hat decides who leads what( 4ow are you more than support, but an active teacher to all(

Standard # Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction.


a. (ses student achievement data, local standards, and the district curriculum in planning for instruction. b. "ets and communicates high e,pectations for social, behavioral, and academic success of all students. c. (ses student.s developmental needs, bac#grounds, and interests in planning for instruction. d. "elects strategies to engage all students in learning. e. (ses available resources, including technologies, in the development and se/uencing of instruction.

Teacher Lesson Plans "tudents will be completing a CFA to assess their ability to ob'ectively summari0e the main points in Act $. 1efore completing the CFA they will get several minutes to collaborate with a peer. could use this in an earlier place also )ata has been used to determine which students need additional support and re3teaching. 4hat data, why, how, what ad'ustments or support% "tudents will be completing an individual activity where they will write $ characteristics about themselves, $ characteristics of someone who is a foil to them. &hey will also do the same for two characters in the play who are foils of each other. 4hat type of writing% 4hat types of support% 4hat is the purpose%

Teachers Comments

Evaluator Comments

Standard $ %ses strategies to deliver instruction that meet the multiple learning needs of students.

a* b* c* d* e* f*

/ligns classroom instruction with local standards and district curriculum* Uses research2based instructional strategies that address the full range of cognitive levels* Demonstrates fle%ibility and responsiveness in ad5usting instruction to meet student needs* Engages students in varied e%periences that meet diverse needs and promote social, emotional, and academic growth* Connects students6 prior &nowledge, life e%periences, and interests in the instructional process* Uses available resources, including technologies, in the delivery of instruction*

Teacher Lesson Plans Focusing on power standards determined by the English department. Are standards included in your lesson plan% "tudents are completing CFA assessing their summari0ing s#ills. 5ow will they be assessed% *n what% 4hat will be done with assessment information% (sing Elmo and pro'ector. For what purpose% &o pro'ect what%

Teachers Comments

Evaluator Comments

Standard & %ses a variety of methods to monitor student learning.

Criteria Teacher Lesson Plans Teachers Comments Evaluator Comments

a* b* c*

/ligns classroom assessment with instruction* Communicates assessment criteria and standards to all students and parents* Understands and uses the results of multiple assessments to guide planning and instruction*

Students are completing C7/ for /ct 8* +hey have already ta&en two similar to this, but this is the last one assessing ob5ective summary* +he day before students too& their first C7/ to assess the standard of cause 9 effect* 4ave they all assessed ob5ective summary( ,s this leading to a 7/( 4ow were C7/6s used to guide instructional decisions( +wo different C7/6s two periods in a row( /ssesses same parts of reading but different tas&( /s a class we will be discussing what the correct answers were for the C7/ on cause 9 effect* 4ow( 0hy( 4ow will the information in this discussion be used going forward(

:eed to chec& in with +; who has received a simple language copy of the play* 4e has missed several days and has not done well on his first two C7/6s +hen what( Chec& in with ; -ios to orally recap what was read in the day6s reading* , am in fre<uent contact with -ios6s mother about how he is doing in English class* /lso collaborate with $s* 1ewis who has him in learning enhancement to ma&e sure he gets e%tra support when needed* 0hat type of e%tra support are you wanting( S* Vargas6s mother has been as&ed to be notified when he has missing assignments* Currently wor&ing on a boo& evaluation that needs to be completed* Depending on how he does on his C7/ will determine if

Standard ' Demonstrates competence in classroom management.

Criteria Teacher Lesson Plans Teachers Comments Evaluator Comments


b* c* d*

Creates a learning community that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement, and self2regulation for every student* Establishes, communicates, models, and maintains standards of responsible student behavior* Develops and implements classroom procedures and routines that support high e%pectations for student learning* Uses instructional time effectively to

Students have class binders where they &eep notes, assignments, graded wor&, etc* in* Daily e%pectation of SS- for the first = minutes of class where they read their individual boo&s* 0hat is your hope through this process(

,n this class we have several male students who ta&e some e%tra effort to comply with class directions* >ne of them in particular is involved in replacement angry therapy, and has issues with female teachers* , also have some sped students who re<uire more one2on2one attention when wor&ing on written assignments* -eflective comments on tas& to


ma%imi?e student achievement* Creates a safe and purposeful learning environment*

complete student learning show the amount of time you are putting into student learning outside of classroom instruction*

Standard ( Engages in professional gro"th.

Criteria Teacher Lesson Plans Teachers Comments Evaluator Comments

a* b* c* d*


Demonstrates habits and s&ills of continuous in<uiry and learning* 0or&s collaboratively to improve professional practice and student learning* /pplies research, &nowledge, and s&ills from professional development opportunities to improve practice* Establishes and implements professional development plans based upon the teacher6s needs aligned to the ,owa teaching standards and district3building student achievement goals* Provides an analysis of student learning and growth based on teacher2created tests and authentic measures as well as any standardi?ed and district wide tests*

Completing SPED endorsement at Grand View University and will complete it in the summer of !"#* ,mplementing @ day plan concerning the ,owa /ssessments in both co2taught and self2 contained classes* Currently completing SPED Practicum* Participating in /lternative +eachers Contract* Professional :ew +eacher Goal2 documenting lessons plans, differentiation for students, and reflection* Participating in co2 lab teaching with 4annah 4armsen* Participate in wee&ly data team with 4armsen and other English teachers to create C7/6s* District P1Cs, regularly scheduled SPED meetings /dhere to ,EP accommodations for individual students in co2taught and self2contained* Create and write and monitor also(((

/ttend the ,EP help session last wee& and was able to sit down with Aec&y Curry and get feedbac& on a wor&ing ,EP* 4olding ,EP meetings for roster studetns((((

Standard ) *ulfills professional responsibilities established by the school district.

Criteria Teacher Lesson Plans Teachers Comments Evaluator Comments

a* b* c* d* e*

/dheres to board policies, district procedures, and contractual obligations* Demonstrates professional and ethical conduct as defined by state law and individual district policy* Contributes to efforts to achieve district and building goals* Demonstrates an understanding of and respect for all learners and staff* Collaborates with students, families, colleagues, and communities to enhance student learning*

/dhere to confidentiality of students6 ,EPs* Getting to &now my students as individual academic achievers to ma&e ad5ustments to lessons and differentiate for their needs* /ttended ,EP for students on my roster and in my classes*

Submitted 8 ,EP6s for implementation Currently wor&ing on 8 ,EP6s to finish* ,EP meeting scheduled with parent and student for $onday*


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