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Name: Shannon Camden Cooperating Teacher: Mrs.

Madison Grade and School: 4th, Clymore Elementary Date/Time to be presented: March 19, 2014 Date Plan will be submitted: February 26, 2014 A. TITLE/TYPE OF LESSON: Horton Hears a Who Comprehension (Sequencing/Retelling) B. CONTEXT OF LESSON This lesson addresses comprehension by summarizing a text including sequencing of main events. This will allow students to become active readers and to approach reading with a purpose. C. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand (Concepts/ Skills) 1. Students will explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in fictional texts, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text. 2. Students will demonstrate comprehension of Horton Hears a Who by using before-, during-, and after-reading strategies (e.g., using graphic organizers, question generation, and summarization). Know/Do (Learning Objectives) 1. The student will pass the beach ball around, and answer specific questions.

2. The student will identify the main idea and supporting details within a selection summarizing the text by sequencing events in the story.

D. ASSESSING LEARNING Know/Do (Learning Objectives) 1. The student will pass the beach ball around, and answer specific questions. 2. The student will identify the main idea and supporting details within a selection summarizing the text by sequencing events in the story. Assessment Plan The teacher will listen and observe the students as the beach ball is being passed around. The teacher will look over the students worksheets and provide feedback to every student.

E. RELATED VIRGINIA STANDARDS OF LEARNING 4.2 The student will make and listen to oral presentations and reports. c) Organize information for clarity. 4.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction texts, and poetry d) Summarize supporting details.

4.6 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts. e) Summarize supporting details. F. MATERIALS NEEDED Horton Hears a Who book 23 copies of handout Beach Ball Vocabulary list G. PROCEDURE BEFORE Before reading Horton Hears a Who, have students complete the story words worksheet. Then have them do a think, pair, share to talk about what they have predicted. (5 minutes) Read Horton Hears a Who and let the students know that to pay attention to what is happening because they will be completing a worksheet where they will have to sequence the main events after the story had been read. After reading Horton Hears a Who to the students, toss the beach ball to one of the students. That student catches the ball and can answer any question on the ball.



Have each student toss the ball back to you and then you toss the ball to another student. The next student can add to the answer given by the first student or answer another question. The ball continues to be thrown to various students until all questions have been thoroughly answered. Pass out worksheet to do during working on writing.

H. DIFFERENTATION For English Language Learners: May be hesitant to answer questions because they may not be able to elaborate about the story events ,but they can tell you who some of the main characters are and what their favorite part of the story is. I. WHAT COULD GO WRONG WITH THIS LESSON AND WHAT WILL YOU DO ABOUT IT? If a student chooses a question that has already been answered a lot, ask them to chose another question or pass the ball to another person.

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