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Night Background Project: Content of Presentation W11-12.

2 I can write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
1 ! "xceeds "xpectations Information is plentiful, accurate clear, and easy to understand. #here is a thorough explanation of the event and its impact on the $olocaust, the %ewish people, or the war. & ! ' ! (eets "xpectations Information is accurate, clear, and easy to understand. #here is sufficient explanation of the event and its impact on the $olocaust, the %ewish people, or the war. ) ! *pproaching "xpectations Information is accurate, mostly clear, +ut leaves some ,uestions. #here is some explanation of the event and its impact on the $olocaust, the %ewish people, or the war. - ! .ar /elow "xpectations Information is inaccurate or confusing, leaving the reader with many ,uestions. #here is insufficient explanation of the event and its impact on the $olocaust, the %ewish people, or the war. 0 ! 1o attempt to meet expectations Information presented is not accurate, has gaps, and does not offer an explanation of the event and its impact on the $olocaust, the %ewish people, or the war.

W11-12.) I can conduct short as well as more sustained research pro2ects to answer a ,uestion 3including a self-generated ,uestion4 or solve a pro+lem5 narrow or +roaden the in,uiry when appropriate5 synthesize multiple sources on the su+2ect, demonstrating understanding of the su+2ect under investigation.
0 ! "xceeds "xpectations 6resentation uses a minimum of three sources effectively. 7 ! (eets "xpectations 6resentation uses a minimum of three sources. 8 ! *pproaching "xpectations 6resentation uses only two sources. 2 ! .ar /elow "xpectations 6resentation uses only one source. 1 ! 1o attempt to meet expectations 1o sources cited for the presentation.

W11-12.& 9ather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively5 assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the tas:, purpose, and audience5 integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation.
0 ! "xceeds "xpectations 6resentation uses a minimum of three sources5 wor:s cited list is correct (;* format. 7 ! (eets "xpectations 6resentation uses a minimum of three sources< wor:s cited list has only a few errors in (;* format. 8 ! *pproaching "xpectations 6resentation uses only two sources and/or wor:s cited list has multiple errors in (;* format. 2 ! .ar /elow "xpectations 6resentation uses only one source and/or wor:s cited list is not in (;* format. 1 ! 1o attempt to meet expectations 1o sources cited for the presentation.

Night Background Project: Quality of Presentation =;11-12.7 I can present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying a clear and distinct perspective, so that my audience has a clear understanding of my topic.
1 ! "xceeds "xpectations & ! ' ! (eets "xpectations ) ! *pproaching "xpectations - ! .ar /elow "xpectations 0 ! 1o attempt to meet expectations

Information in presentation is plentiful, accurate clear, and easy to understand. #here is a thorough explanation of the event and its impact on the $olocaust, the %ewish people, or the war.

Information in presentation is accurate, clear, and easy to understand. #here is sufficient explanation of the event and its impact on the $olocaust, the %ewish people, or the war.

Information in presentation is accurate, mostly clear, +ut leaves some ,uestions. #here is some explanation of the event and its impact on the $olocaust, the %ewish people, or the war.

Information in presentation is inaccurate or confusing, leaving the reader with many ,uestions. #here is insufficient explanation of the event and its impact on the $olocaust, the %ewish people, or the war.

Information in presentation is not accurate, has gaps, and does not offer an explanation of the event and its impact on the $olocaust, the %ewish people, or the war.

=;11-12.0 I can ma:e strategic use of digital media 3e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements4 in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.
1 ! "xceeds "xpectations 6resentation is visually appealing and the slides/graphics enhance the audience>s understanding of what the spea:er is saying. & ! ' ! (eets "xpectations 6resentation is visually appealing and the slides/graphics at times enhance the audience>s understanding of what the spea:er is saying. ) ! *pproaching "xpectations 6resentation is visually appealing, +ut the spea:er reads the slides to the audience rather than using the slides as prompts to enhance what the spea:er is saying. - ! .ar /elow "xpectations 6resentation is not visually appealing, and/or lac:s necessary information to enhance the presentation. 0 ! 1o attempt to meet expectations 6resentation is incomplete or inaccurate.

=;11-12.- I can adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tas:s, demonstrating a command of formal "nglish when indicated or appropriate.
1 ! "xceeds "xpectations =tudent spea:s 3rather than reads4 to the audience. $e/she has good voice rate, volume, and ma:es good eye contact. #he spea:er has o+viously rehearsed and is prepared for the presentation. & ! ' ! (eets "xpectations (ost of the time the student spea:s 3rather than reads4 to the audience. $e/she has good voice rate, volume, and ma:es good eye contact. #he spea:er has o+viously rehearsed and is prepared for the presentation. ) ! *pproaching "xpectations (ost of the time the student spea:s 3rather than reads4 to the audience. $e/she needs to improve one or more of the following< rate, volume, or eye contact. (ore rehearsal is needed. - ! .ar /elow "xpectations #he student only reads from the slides and does not address the audience. $e/she needs to improve one or more of the following< rate, volume, or eye contact. (ore rehearsal is needed. 0 ! 1o attempt to meet expectations 1o evidence of rehearsal.

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