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Treyouna Harris 4/1/14 3rd Hour Why say no, when you can say YES

Come on man, it wont kill ya; I do it! It only makes you cooler. Ever heard this sentence before? If so, it is one of the many situations of peer pressure. How does it mentally and physically affect us? How do people know if their kids are victims? Why do they give in knowing consequences? Peer Pressure has affected everybody and anybody, no matter positive or negative. Greg Stewart and Henry B Tippie, research professors of Management and Organizations, say, Peer pressure is a strong motivational force and workers willingness to please people who mean something to them is often a better reward than financial rewards (Team Spirit 18 ). Many Situations of Peer pressure involve drugs, sex, and stealing. This closes up more on the teenagers and kids. Teenagers know whats Happening and Hip. If they said yellow is the new black, everyone would do the same. Only 1,000 out of 2,206 teenagers say no to peer pressure. The other 1,206 just want to get in where they fit in, because others say its cool. Positive Peer pressure is more on the help to success. Its not about giving or receiving drugs; its about telling a friend about a new health club or picking out a prom dress because they want you to help. Many examples of peer pressure mostly come by School Cliques, Gangs, and partys. Labeled Cliques like bikers, preppies, nerds, jocks, druggies, and bikers. Its all by the way they act towards one another. This influence others because they think they have to act a certain way to be apart of their clique (feller 42) Dr.J.B.Casey from the weill medical college of cornell university states teens are quick in making decisions on their own in situations they have to think, However, make even quicker decisions in the heat of the moment influenced by the crowd of their peers. This is why picking a good group of friends are important, because some things have negative impacts and positive impacts. SO having a good group of friends that are always optimistic can really lead to a better road.

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Why do people give into peer pressure? They give into peer pressure because they think they would be more liked or they will fit in better. Judgement that they might get bullied if they dont or just by the spark of curiosity. They have the idea that everyone is doing it, and they dont want to be the only one thats not. How this affects people is when they give, they are putting their health at risk. Drug abuse contributes from peer pressure. People can grow addicted to a certain drugs they have been pressured to do.(riggs 3) Some try to play the Wanna try- nah never mind youre too scared Making the person feel as if they could do it replying oh yes i can give it here. So technically they arent forcing you, again its how quick they decided without thinking consequences. All in all, Peer Pressure can be Positive and Negative. The negatives including, drugs, drinking and stealing, and the positive including, Healthy eating, helping others and saying no. Some kids were not learned the social skills needed to say no. So, why say no, when you can say yes? Its because of the high consequences of the situation, you smoke your addicted to nicotine, you drink, you drive drunk. There is always an outcome of every decision made. Picking the right one is the question.

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Works Cited

Call made for empowerment of positive peer pressure Africa News service 26 feb 2014. Student Edition. web. 31 mar. 2014

Dealing with peer pressure. N.CL. web. 21 apr 2014.

Manafy, Michelle. Peer Pressure E content mar. 2010 : 5 . student edition. web.1 apr. 2014

Riggs, Paula De Graffenreid. Drug Abuse. World Book student. world book: 2014 web.31 mar 2014

Team Spirit and Peer Pressure motivate employees more than money EHS Today sept.2014:18.student edition.web.31 march.2014

Weston, Carol. Pressured by BF. Girls Life Aug-Sept. 2009.20 student edition web.apr.2014

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