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Chapter 29: A Time of Upheaval, 1968-1974

Toward a New Left: Using Port !ron "tatement #no ra$ism, materialism, violen$e%, &i's forme' "t!'ents for a (emo$rati$ "o$iet) From Protest to Resistance: U* of Cali st!'ents #+ario "avio% ,ere f!n'raising an' re$r!iting at the $amp!s gate- !niversit) s!''enl) .anne' this /orme' 0er&ele) /ree "pee$h +ovement- $oalition of st!'ent gro!ps fighting for free'om of politi$al a$tivities Protest s$hool $o!rses1tea$hers, 'ress $o'es, la$& of minorities, 2ietnam 3ar #$hemi$al1napalm $ompanies, arm) re$r!iters% At Col!m.ia, st!'ents fo!ght ne, g)m in arlem 4 hel' 'ean $aptive: poli$e violentl) too& over s$hool, let to $lass .o)$ott 5e, +o.ili6ation #anti,ar% le' +ar$h Against (eath in (C to protest 2ietnam 3ar Kent State and Jackson State: After 5i7on inva'e' Cam.o'ia, st!'ents at 8ent "tate proteste': 4 ,ere shot .) $amp!s poli$e after ref!sing to 'isperse +ississippi poli$e &ille' 2 at$& $ollege% 9a$&son "tate* "tri&es $lose' 4:: $olleges a$ross Ameri$a Legacy of Student Frenzy: 3hile some anti,ar a'vo$ates !se' terrorism #U* of 3is$onsin%, others 'i'n;t< an' ,ent strea&ing=> ?ga's> "t!'ent leftism gave @ep!.li$ans another thing to $omplain a.o!t* Allo,e' @eagan to .e ele$te' to California governor Hippies and rugs!!!!!!!: ippies 'istaine' emplo)ment an' $ons!merism- @os6a$& $alle' it $o!nter $!lt!re #'isaffiliate' from mainstream $!lt!re% alf of $ollege st!'ents trie' mariA!ana- B"( ,as !se' in Ca$i' testsD to e7periment its effe$ts "usica# Re$o#ution %F&N'LL(!): 0?ATB?+A5EA, 0F0 (GBA5, A5( 3FF("TFC8 ;69> ,here the) share' m!si$, 'r!gs, an' se7!al partners> Bol> Charles +anson m!r'ere' movie stars- ell;s Angels #motor$)$le gang !se' to g!ar' @olling "tones% terrori6e' a!'ien$e T*e Se+ua# Re$o#ution: Fral $ontra$eptives starte' in the H6:s- also !se' EU(;s* @oe v* 3a'e $ompletel) legali6e' a.ortion '!ring 1st trimester Ba,s en'e' restri$tions of se7!all) e7pli$it art: res!lte' in Playboy, I an' @ ratings, se7!al Ao&es on television Coha.itation #living together ,itho!t marriage% .e$ame more $ommon, along ,ith Copen marriagesD an' s,ingers ,ay Li-eration: Ja) li.eration starte' after ga)s at ga) .ar "tone,all Enn fo!ght against an 5GC poli$e rai' /o!ght for eK!al rights, removing stigma of homose7!alit) #ga) is not a mental 'isor'er%, ma&e it a reg!lar orientation omose7!alit) .egan to .e $lassifie' as a $ivil-rights prote$te' stat!s: $a!se' man) to C$ome o!tD* "U@P@E"?> T*e Tet .ffensi$e in /ietnam: ?!gene +$Carth), a (emo$rati$ ,ar $riti$, ran against B09, ,ho ,on .) a giganti$ margin in 1964 After 5orth 2ietnam15B/ atta$&e' the so!th an' the U" em.ass), the so!th1U" 'efeate' the $omm!nists, .!t man) 'ie' "a, as a 'efeat for B09 #$as!alties%, ,hi$h set !p a (emo$rati$ ta&eover ' S*aken President: Bi.erals ,ante' @o.ert 8enne') to ,in #en' ,ar%- B09 anno!n$e' he ,o!l'n;t r!n for reele$tion 'ssassinations and Turmoi#:

+B8 ,as &ille' .) 9ames ?arl @a), a ,hite ra$ist- rioting an' violen$e $ommen$e', poli$e or'ere' to shoot rioters1arsonists @o.ert 8enne') ,as assassinate'- !.ert !mphre), B09;s 2P, got 'emo$rati$ nomination Jeorge 3alla$e #Amer* En'e, s!pport segregation an' anti,ar protests% an' @i$har' 5i7on #@ep!., ret!rn to $onservatism% F!tsi'e (em* Convention, CGippiesD #anar$hists% ri'i$!le' politi$al s)stem: poli$e violentl) .eat them, ,as a Cpoli$e riotD 0onser$ati$e Resurgence: 5i7on represente' Csilent maAorit)D of $onservative ta7pa)ers an' goo' Ameri$an $iti6ens @ep!.s .e$ame s)non)mo!s ,ith the so!th- The Emerging Republican Majority .) Phillips tol' @ep!.s to fo$!s on "!n.elt /ietnamization: 5i7on .elieve' in realpoliti& #pragmati$, national interests% an' $hose enr) 8issinger as "e$* of "tate 5i7on (o$trineLAmeri$a;s role in Mr' ,orl' ,as that of a helpf!l partner, not prote$tor #,ante' to en' 2ietnam% Troops at +) Bai le' .) 3illiam Calle) massa$re' $ivilians, gang-rape', .!rne' the to,n- +a'e more veterans against ,ar 3ante' to repla$e Ameri$ans ,ith "o!th 2ietnamese #2ietnami6ation%- in$rease' of the 5orth, Cam.o'ia, Baos L1J2s 3ar 1ecomes Ni+on2s 3ar: After 5* 2ietnam troops in$rease' U"1"o!th 2ietnam inva'e Cam.o'ia1Baos: en'e' Cam.o'ian ne!tralit), $reate protests 'merica2s Longest 3ar 4nds: The Paris A$$or's en'e' hostilities, 'i'n;t resolve 5orth1"o!th $onfrontations* @elease' PF3;s too 5tente: "tep .a$& from 2ietnam ,ar ma'e 'etente #easing of relations% .et,een Ameri$a an' $omm!nist $o!ntries 8issinger organi6e' 5i7on;s trip to China to get 'iploma$)1re$ognition of P@C Agreements ,ith "oviets on tra'e, te$hnolog): "trategi$ Arms Bimitation Treat) fro6e missile $onstr!$tion for N )ears S*utt#e ip#omacy: Esrael too& over "inai, Ja6a "trip, 3est 0an&- ,o!l' give !p for negotiate' pea$e, .!t Ara.s ,o!l'n;t agreeL$reate' PBF After ?g)pt atta$&e' Esrael, Amer* gave ,eapons to fight an' ,in #Gom 8ipp!r 3ar% "h!ttle (iploma$)L8issinger fle, aro!n' +i''le ?ast to $reate $ease-fire, ret!rn of some lan's, en' of oil em.argo Jave mone) to opponents of +ar7ist "alva'or Allen'e in Chile: he ,as assassinate', Ameri$a ,o!l' re$ogni6e ne, 'i$tator T*e Ni+on Presidency: 5eil Armstrong ,al&e' on the moon in 1969> JF A+U@ECCAA>>> F$$!pational "afet) an' ealth A'min* enfor$e' stan'ar's in ,or&pla$e- ?PA* ?arth (a), 18-)ear-ol's $o!l' vote> /amil) Assistan$e Plan of ;69 propose' .!t 'i'n;t pass: ,o!l' ma&e minim!m ann!al in$ome ' Trou-#ed 4conomy: C!t spen'ing O raise' interest ratesP inflation an' re$ession, $alle' CstagflationD an' C5i7onomi$sD: more povert) Law and .rder: Use' government to harass 0la$& Panthers- Cthe pl!m.ersD ,as 5i7on;s team that 'is$re'it opposition, &eep e7e$* "e$!rit) (aniel ?lls.erg gave press the Pentagon Papers #histor) of U" involvement of 2ietnam%* 5i7on ha' pl!m.ers .rea& into ?lle.erg;s ps)$hiatrist;s offi$e for info* to 'is$re'it him T*e Sout*ern Strategy: 5i7on s!pporte' some segregation: Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg oar! o" E!u sai' &i's $o!l' .e .!sse' to 'esegregate

5i7on trie' to reverse it: .o!ght him ,hite so!thern votes T*e 4#ection of 6789: Jeorge +$Jovern #(emo$rati$ an' anti,ar%* 5i7on re-ran, !sing Committee to @eele$t the Presi'ent to get $ontri.!tions C@??P .ro&e into the (emo$rats; offi$e an' apartments, trie' to ,iretap phones, an' got $a!ght* 5i7on still ,on T*e 3atergate :p*ea$a#: #a$hington Po$t reporters reveale' the s$an'al ,ith $l!es from C(eep ThroatD "pe$ial Committee on Presi'ential Campaign A$tivities ma'e: fo!n' o!t a.o!t Cenemies listsD, gov* harassment, $orr!ption After tapes ,ere fo!n' that re$or'e' the oval offi$e, the impea$hment trial .egan ' President isgraced: 2P $harge' ,ith ta7 the) s!.poenae' 5i7on for the tapes* A$$!se' 5i7on of o.str!$tion of A!sti$e, a.!se of po,er, $ontempt of Comgress Enstea' of $onvi$tion, 5i7on resigne' in A!g!st 1974 Jeral' /or' too& over as 1st presi'ent ,ho ,asn;t ele$te' as 2P or presi'ent

Chapter M:: Conservative @es!rgen$e, ?$onomi$ 3oes, /oreign Challenges H74-89

Persona# Pursuits and i$ersions: G!ppies #)o!ng ! professionals% ,ere all a.o!t fitness1$ons!merism: la.ele' the C+e JenerationD for selfishness %aw$, Rocky, Star #ar$, 'is$o, (isne) 3orl', "!per 0o,l, $a.le T2, p!n& ro$& #"?I PE"TFB">% "t!ff li&e "pringsteen;s C(ar&ness at the ?'ge of To,nD, movies &a$hville an' Chinatown sho,e' pro.lems1$orr!ption 0*anging ,ender Ro#es and Se+ua# 1e*a$ior: +ore ,omen ,or&e', still less ,ages an' gen'er-segregate' o$$!pations li&e n!rsing an' tea$hing: Cglass $eilingD /reer se7, smaller .irthrate, ol'er marriage ages* o,ever, AE(" s$are' man) of !nprote$te' se7 T*e Persistence of Socia# 'cti$ism: ?nvironmentalism in$rease' after Three +ile Eslan' plant ha' a melt'o,n- Jreenpea$e fo!n'e' in 1971 5*F*3* ,ante' .etter ,or& $on'itions1pa)- eK!al rights amen'ment ,as AB+F"T passe'- .an se7!al 'is$rimination Ja)1Bes.ian a$tivism gre,: Ba,ma&ers li&e ?laine 5o.le an' arve) +il& $ame o!t of the $loset ,rass;Roots 0onser$atism: 3illiam /* 0!$&le) fo!n'e' Go!ng Ameri$ans for /ree'om in the 6:;s- Ph)llis "$hlafl) a'vo$ate' $onservatism1Jol',ater @onal' @eagan ele$te' gov* of Cali, starte' Proposition 1M, ,hi$h ,o!l' $!t propert) ta7es /!n'ing for a.ortions thro!gh +e'i$ai' ,as $!t, ?K!al @ights amen'ment faile'- ga) rights s!ffere' #+il& ,as &ille'>% 4$ange#ica# Protestants "o-i#ize: ?vangeli$al Protestants ,ere $onservative, emphasi6e' moralit), $onversions* +etho'ists1Congregationalists lost mem.ers /al,all;s +oral +aAorit) ,as a religio!s $onservative gro!p- ?ngle v* 2itale .anne' pra)er in p!.li$ s$hools ' 0*anging 4conomy: Enflation, oil em.argos, 'o!.le' pri$es, 'ein'!striali6ation #h!rting in'!str)%, less farms1more farm pro'!$tion Emports e7$ee'e' e7ports for the first time #tra'e 'efi$it% in 1971- !nionism ,ea&ene' as in'!strial Ao.s ,ere lost T*e Two 3or#ds of 1#ack 'merica: Altho!gh more .la$&s .e$ame mi''le $lass, 11M still live' in inner-$it) sl!ms, ,here 'r!gs1violen$e ,ere gro,ing pro.lems

Comprehensive (r!g A.!se A$t maintains se$!rit) of strong 'r!gs, sets $ategories for ea$h t)pe ,ith p!nishments Affirmative a$tion programs gave $ontra$ts for previo!sl) 'is$riminate' minorities- 0a&&e v* U" overthre, some programs 1rig*tening Prospects for Nati$e 'mericans: En'ian "elf-(etermination A$t- get $ontrol of fe' ai' programs on their reservations an' s$hools New Patterns of &mmigration: +ore immigrants $ame from Central Ameri$a an' Asia- Emmigration @eform an' Control A$t o!tla,e' hiring illegal immigrants, gave legal stat!s to aliens living in Ameri$a for five )ears Asians from "o!th 8orea, 2ietnam, Philippines $ame for e$onomi$ an' politi$al reasons T*e 0aretaker Presidency of ,era#d Ford< 678=;88: Par'one' 5i7on, vetoe' a ton of 'omesti$ programs #environment, ,elfare, et$%, Ameri$a 'epen'e' on foreign oil, an' FP?C raise' the pri$e, $a!sing inflation /or';s 3E5 #,hip inflation no,% program en$o!rage' vol!ntar) pri$e restraint* @eserve raise' rates, $reating a re$ession T*e .utsider as &nsider; President Jimmy 0arter< 6788;>6: Carter, (emo$rat pean!t farmer ,on, s!pporte' .) .la$&s, the poor- ,al& '!ring ina!g!ration 'a), /(@-li&e firesi'e $hats Alas&a Ban's A$t gave 1:: mil* a$res for par&s- relo$ate' an' $leane' !p Bove Canal, 5G after $hem* $ontamination 3ante' national health ins!ran$e, reform of in$ome ta7es, prote$tion of h!man rights* 0!t he A!st 'i'n;t 'o m!$h Jave $anal lan' .a$& to Panama- f!ll 'iploma$) ,ith China;s ne, lea'er, (eng Iioping- "ABT 2 limit n!$lear ,eapons T*e "idd#e 4ast; Peace 'ccords and Hostages: Camp (avi' A$$or's- el-"a'at #?g)pt% an' 0egin #Esrael% met to give a!tonom) to Palestinians, $reate pea$e Eranian Crisis- U" s!pporte' "hah Pahlavi, .!t the people hate' him* A)atollah 8homeini ret!rne' #anti-Ameri$a% "hah move' to Ameri$a, so 8homeini s!pporters too& over U" em.ass) for 444 'a)s* ?n' the 'a) Carter left offi$e Trou-#es and Frustrations as 0arter2s Term 4nds: En$rease' em.argo, raise' rates: 0!siness stagnation O pri$e inflationP stagflation "ho,e' nee' for less oil 'epen'en$) Carter ma'e (ept* of ?nerg) that $o!l' reg!late oil1gas ta7es, $onservation, an' alternative f!el Roots of t*e Reagan Re$o#ution: @eagan ,on easil), @ep!.li$ans got a "enatorial maAorit) for the first time sin$e 19NN* "tronghol's in so!th an' ,est People li&e' his ta7 $!ts, self-help, 'ismissal of ,elfare programs, 'isli&e of li.eral $a!ses #a.ortions, g!n $ontrol, se7% Reaganomics: Tho!ght $!tting ta7es an' pa)ing for the losses ,ith $!ts in s$hool l!n$hes, st!'ent loans, an' ! transit ,o!l' .e $ool (ereg!late' .!sinesses in$l* .roa'$asting, .an&ing, transport, environmental preservation* @eagan ,as anti-Union Use Taft- artle) la, against Air Traffi$ Controllers stri&e to for$e them to ,or&* 0anne' those ,ho ,o!l'n;t from fe'* Ao.s En$rease' rates, povert) #an' of $o!rse, no more ,elfare%, more tra'e 'efi$it an' fe'eral 'efi$it #militar)% T*e ?4$i# 4mpire@ and 0rises in t*e "idd#e 4ast: En ?l "alva'or, Ameri$a helpe' oppression of ins!rgen$) ai'e' .) Castro- En 5i$arag!a, Ameri$a ,ent against "an'inistas 3hen Ameri$ans fo!n' o!t, the) ,ere ma'* alte' ai' to Contras in 5i$arag!a, .!t .a$&e' tr!$e .et,een "a'inistas1$ontras Enva'e' Jrena'a after a pro-Castro gov* ,as starte'- help Eran1"a''am !ssein as he inva'e' Eran After a faile' pea$e treat) ,ith Palestine, Esrael inva'e' Be.anon an' Ameri$a still stoo' .) Esrael

"i#itary 1ui#dup and 'ntinuc#ear Protest: En$rease' militar) as not to appear ,ea&- "trategi$ (efense Enitiative- anti-missile s)stem !sing highte$hL$alle' "tar 3ars Reagan Ree#ected: e helpe' e$onom), ha' patriotism, pi$&e' "an'ra (a) F;Connor as 1st ,oman A!sti$e (ems nominate' Afri$an-Ameri$an 9esse 9a$&son, ,ho so!ght s!pport from Crain.o, $oalitionD of .la$&s, ispani$s, et$* Clinton1Jore ma'e (emo$rati$ Bea'ership Co!n$il to ma&e (emo$rats more mo'erate an' $entrist, not C.ig gov*D Supreme 0ourt 'ppointments< 1udget eficits< t*e &ran;0ontra Scanda#: Jave a 5i7on appointee, 3illiam @ehnK!ist, title of $hief A!sti$e an' gave !se' Antonin "$alia to repla$e him #$onservative% Eran-$ontra s$an'alLU" gave missiles to Eran, o!r allege' enem)* @eagan a'mitte', en$o!raging mo'erates an' en'ing hostage $risis* Profits from arms sale ,ere given to 5i$arag!an $ontras Reagan2s "ission to "oscow: Jor.a$hev loosene' $omm!nist $ontrol of U""@- Enterme'iate-range 5!$lear /or$es Treat) eliminate' 2N:: missiles "ignale' en'ing of the Col' 3arLCtear 'o,n this ,all>D spee$h in 9!ne 1987, ,all remove' in 1989 T*e "idd#e 4ast; Tensions and Terrorism: En$reasing Esraeli-Palestinian $onfli$t in Ja6a13est 0an& #religion, e7isten$e of 9e,ish state, 9iha'hol) ,ar% res!lte' in: o +!ni$h Fl)mpi$s o 2ienna1@ome airport .om.ings o iAa$&ing of $r!ise ship 'chille (auro o of 0erlin 'is$o $l!. o in Pan Am flight 1:M 'ssessing t*e Reagan (ears: Emprove' e$onom), .!t fe'eral 'efi$it in$rease'- so$ial1environmental1e$onomi$ iss!es ,ere ignore' Criti$i6e' affirmative a$tion an' ,elfare- ?n' of $ol' ,ar .!t .eginning of Esrael-Palestine $onfli$ts

Chapter M1: 0e)on' the Col' 3ar, 1988-2:::

T*e 4#ection of 67>>: 0!sh vs* 9esse 9a$&son* 0!sh ,on easil): stresse' lo, ta7es, lo, inflation, .etter foreign relations T*e 0o#d 3ar 4nds: ?vents that .ro!ght the ,ar to an en':
o o o o o Jerman) re!nite' U""@;s rep!.li$s #?stonia, Batvia, Bith!ania% an' others move' to,ar's a!tonom) @e'!$ing ,eapons, n!$lear arsenals, an' troops Politi$al an' e$onomi$ $risis $a!se' an in$rease in 3estern-st)le mar&et e$onomies Jor.a$hev repla$e' ,ith 0oris Geltsin

Contra ,ar in 5i$arag!a ,as over- Enva'e' Panama to $apt!re lea'er +an!el 5oriega, ,ho let 'r!gs pass freel) to the 5orth ?$onomi$ san$tions against aparthei'-torn "* Afri$a- remove' after aparthei' ,as over 4 5elson +an'ela ,as release' After Chinese troops violentl) en'e' a protest in Tiananmen "K!are, 0!sh ref!se' to $an$el tra'ing or 'iploma$) ,ith P@C T*e Persian ,u#f 3ar< 6776: EraK # !ssein% inva'e' 8!,ait for the oil* Ameri$a sent troops an' impose' e$onomi$ san$tions to for$e EraK to ,ith'ra, 3e .om.e' 0agh'a'1important .!il'ings, so EraK !se' "oviet-ma'e missiles $alle' "$!'s against Esrael an' "a!'i Ara.ia

Troops !n'er "$h,ar6&opf &ille' tho!san's of EraKis, ,hile s!ffering ver) fe, $as!alties* 0!sh or'ere' a $easefire "ho,e' that Ameri$a ,o!l' !se militar) to prote$t national interests- ho,ever ,o!l' not overthro, "a''am !ssein Home;Front Pro-#ems and omestic Po#icies: "avings an' loan in'!str) $ollapse'- high rates an' 'ereg!lation- gov* repai' 'epositors an' sol' fore$lose' .!il'ings @e$ession $a!se' sales to 'e$rease, h!rt the $ar in'!str), in$rease' !nemplo)ment, $a!se' inner-$it) riots Ameri$ans ,1 (isa.ilities A$t .an 'is$rimination against the 'isa.le'- Ao.s, e'!$ation, 'isa.le' a$$ess to p!.li$ .!il'ings E))on *al!e+ spille' oil, an' poll!te' a lot* Tightene' Clean Air A$t, 'ispose' of ra'ioa$tive ,asteho,ever, allo,e' ,arming an' oil e7ploration in Alas&a to $ontin!e 5ominate' Claren$e Thomas #Conservative Afri$an Ameri$an% to repla$e Th!rgoo' +arshall in the "!preme Co!rt Fne of Thomas; former assio$iates, Anita ill, a$$!se' him of se7!al harassment* e ,as a$K!itte' an' Aoine' the $o!rt 6779; 0#inton $sA 1us*< and a T*ird;Party 0*a##enge: Clinton1Jore vs* 0!sh an' * @oss Perot, an En'epen'ent ,ho 'ismisse' part) politi$s* Clinton ,on> 0oo )ah* S*aping a omestic 'genda: Clinton ,as in 5e, (emo$rati$ Coalition #more mo'erate (emo$rats%, .elieve' in mi''le $lass iss!es li&e Ao.s1health$are Appointe' man) ,omen to high offi$es, in$l!'ing +a'eleine Al.right as the 1st female se$retar) of state Clinton !se' C'on;t as&, 'on;t tellD for homose7!alit) in the militar)* Ta7 in$reases an' militar) 'e$reases helpe' 'e.t a lot 5orth Ameri$an /ree Tra'e Agreement #5A/TA%- let +e7i$o into free-tra'e 6one ,ith U" an' Cana'a 3ante' !niversal health$are, health $ooperatives, $aps on premi!ms an' +e'i$a'e1$are, .!t faile' '!e to !npop!larit) +a'e those re$eiving ,elfare #Ai' to /amilies ,ith (epen'ent Chil'ren #A/(C%% go to ,or& after 2 )ears Pat @o.ertson;s Christian Coalition s!pporte' the @ep!.li$an Part) ' S*arp Rig*t Turn< 677=;677B: 5e,t Jingri$h, a @ep!., mo.ili6e' Ameri$ans; 'is$ontent .) proposing ta7 $!ts, $rime la,s, an' a .alan$e' .!'get amen'ment ,ith his CContra$t ,ith Ameri$aD JFP ,on $ontrol of Congress: .alan$e' .!'get amen'ment ,as almost passe', me'ia ,as $on'one' as li.erall) .iase' or offensive #Comm!ni$ations (e$en$) A$t strengthene' $ensorship po,ers, .!t ,as 'e$lare' 3elfare li&e A/(C ,as e7pensive an' in$reasing, an' tho!ght it .e$ame a Clifelong entitlementD that en$o!rage' la6iness 3elfare @eform A$t #96% en'e' A/(C- states ,o!l' get grants for their o,n programs ,ith f!n'ing limits1g!i'elines 'n :ne$en Prosperity: ?$onomi$ .oom: lo, rates, lo, inflation, $omp!ters #ET1Enfo te$h* sto$&s% @i$h got ri$her, poor got poorer 'merica and t*e ,#o-a# 4conomy: 3ante' to &eep China tra'e #Q4 tra'e partner%- Jlo.ali6ation of e$onom) ma'e Amer* s!pport others ,ith ailing e$onomies T*e 1a#kans< Russia< and 4astern 4urope in t*e Post;So$iet 4ra: "er.ia starte' geno$i'e on neigh.oring 0osnia* (a)ton A$$or's ma'e $easefire1plans for governing* Use' troops to enfor$e

"er.ia atta$&e' +!slims in 8osovo, "er.ia* 5ATF troops o$$!pie' 8osovo so the ref!gees $o!l' $ome .a$& En 199M, the ,orl' $hange' forever, .e$a!se +oll) "ime!r ,as .orn "trategi$ Arms @e'!$tion Treat) #"TA@T EE% $!t n!$lear arsenals .) R* En ;99, 2la'imir P!tin .e$ame lea'er T*e "idd#e 4ast; Seeking an 4#usi$e Peace< 0om-ating a 3i#y Foe: Palestinian #Arafat% Enti'a'a against Esrael 4 Flso A$$or's- Palestinian state, ret!rn of Ja6a to Palestine, 9er!salem ,as &ille', repla$e' ,ith 5etan)ah!* e ,ith're, some Esraeli for$es, .!t halte' it after $ontin!ing atta$&s U5 p!t san$tions on EraKi oil, .!t "a''am .anne' U5 inspe$tors, so Ameri$a sent troops to the Persian J!lf again Nuc#ear Pro#iferation< Terrorism< and Peacekeeping 0*a##enges: Co!ntries li&e En'ia, Pa&istan, an' 5orth 8orea $ontin!e' to test an' 'evelop n!$lear .om.s, ,hi$h ,orrie' Ameri$a "omalia, U" troops ,ent on a h!manitarian mission: some ,ere m!r'ere' in +oga'ish!, an' Fsama .in Ba'en ,as .lame' 0in Ba'en also .om.e' militar) areas in "a!'i Ara.ia, 8en)a, Tan6ania, an' Afghanistan, an' ,as in'i$te' .) U" aiti;s gov ,as overthro,n, the U5 starte' militar) a$tion against the A!nta* Et s!$$ee'e'LPres* Aristi'e in po,er again ' New 3or#d .rder Painfu##y 4merges: Tren's in the post-Col' 3ar era in$l!'e'L

1) 2) 3) 4)

Enternational affairs ,ere affe$te' more .) the e$onom)Lglo.ali6ation, m!ltinational tra'e1finan$e net,or&s 0igger 'ivi'e .et,een prospero!s, in'!strio!s ,orl' from povert)-stri$&en, 'isease1illitera$) fille' so$ieties +ore ethni$1religio!s 'ivisions # !t! vs* T!tsi in @,an'a, +!slim f!n'amentalism vs* 3estern li.eralism, Esraeli 9e,s an' Palestinian lan's, in'! militants vs* +!slims% En$reasing role of U5Lsome ,ante' it to .e eliminate', some ,ante' to retain it as a val!a.le pea$e&eeper

0ampaign 677B and 'fter; 1att#ing 1ig To-accoC 1a#ancing t*e 1udget: Clinton .eat o!t 0o. (ole, ,ho ran a la$&l!ster $ampaign- "ome of Clinton;s $ampaign mone) $ame from Asian investors 3ante' to give penalties, ta7es, an' 'e$rease' a'vertising to to.a$$o $ompanies- "o!th .a$&e' to.a$$o, so the .ill faile' is state of the !nion $alle' for ,elfare, $ollege ta7 $re'its, e7ten'ing +e'i$are* "ome $alle' it CProgressivism BiteD Scanda# ,rips t*e 3*ite House: After Pa!la 9ones $harge' Clinton ,ith se7!al harassment, he gave a monetar) settlement* (!ring the trial, he ,as K!estione' a.o!t an affair ,ith +oni$a Be,ins&), ,hi$h .oth totall) 'enie' Phone tapes ,ere fo!n' that prove' the affair, an' some ,ishe' to impea$h him on gro!n's of perA!r)* +ost oppose' this "enate reAe$te' impea$hment* !rt .oth Clinton, an' @ep!.s, ,ho p!she' so har' for impea$hment #5?3T JE5J@EC >% 4#ection 9DDD; 1us* /ersus ,ore: Jore so!n'e' ,a) smarter, ,ante' to $ontin!e prosperit)* 0!sh ha' no national1foreign poli$) e7perien$e, sai' Cho,') )a;llD an' lost the pop!lar vote .) over N::::: Corr!pt ele$tions in /lori'a;s ma'e it 'epen' on ele$toral votes* Calle' for re$o!nts, .!t 0!sh;s la,)ers 'i'n;t ,ant one Bol is that .iase' at all= E thin& 2ol'emort ha' something to 'o ,ith Jeorge 3* 3o!l' $o!nt all s!spe$t .allots, .!t the ele$tion ,as given to 0!sh* illar) Clinton ,o!l' ,in as a senator for 5e, Gor&

'ff#uence and a Searc* for Heroes: Prosperit) ma'e a C,inner ta&e allD mentalit)* @o.ert P!tnam sai' people 'i'n;t $are a.o!t p!.li$ iss!es an) more Titanic, raveheart, #ho #ant$ to be a Millionare, the m!r'er of 9on0enSt @amse) an' F9 "impson .ut-ursts of /io#ence Stir 0oncern: Col!m.ine igh "$hool shooting &ille' 1M- m!r'ers of a.ortion 'o$tors- F&lahoma Cit) &ille' 168 at +!rrah /e'* 0!il'ing* Timoth) +$2eigh ,as in an antigovernment militia gro!p an' ,as $harge' an' e7e$!te' for it 0u#ture 3ars; ' 1roader /iew: En$l!'e' Christian Coalition1@ep!.s vs* moral an' famil) 'e$a)- Protestants vs* Catholi$s, omose7!al vs* heterose7!als /ighting ,as not !s!all) violent, .!t !se' protests, sho,s, tal& sho,s, an' .o)$otts to arg!e vie,s

Chapter M2: (angers, Challenges, 2::1 to the Present

T*e 1us* 'dministration 1egins: (i$& Chene) as 2P, Colin Po,ell as "e$1"tate, Con'olee66a @i$e as se$!rit) a'visor, (onal' @!msfel' as "e$1(efense ay of Horror; Septem-er 66< 9DD6: M airplanes ,ere hiAa$&e', $rashe' into 3orl' Tra'e Center, Pentagon, an' a Penns)lvania fiel' #hea'e' to,ar's 3hite o!se% Eslami$ terrorists targete' s)m.ols of U" po,er* En$rease' patriotism, $a!se' sto$&s to 'rop #to!rism, airlines, travel% 0onfronting t*e 4nemy in 'fg*anistan: Bet 0!sh 'o an)thing to retaliate1prevent terrorism .lame' on al Tae'a #Cthe .aseD% hea'e' .) .in Ba'enprote$te' .) Enva'e' Afghanistan, $a!se' s!rren'er of 8a.!l* Al Tae'as ,ere sent to J!antanamo 0a), ne, gov* ,ith 8ar6ai as lea'er Tig*tening Home;Front Security: +a'e T"A, tightene' overseas travel- U"A-Partiot A$t let government monitor phones1e-mail to 'is$over terrorists +a'e (ept* of omelan' "e$!rit) that a.sor.e' Coast J!ar', C!stoms, emergen$) a,areness, immigration1nationali6ation T*e 0ampaign in &raE< 9DDF;9DD=: Eran, EraK, 5orth 8orea $alle' Ca7is of evilD* 5eo$onservatives #ne, $onservatives% ,ante' to shift fo$!s to EraK, 'emo$ra$) Congress 2::2 let 0!sh 'o an)thing to 'efen' national se$!rit) against EraK U5 inspe$te' EraK ,eapons, .!t sill) Colin Po,ell tho!ght there ,ere ,eapons of mass 'estr!$tion* 3ar .egan M11912::M 4conomic Re$erses and 0orporate Scanda#s: @e$ession starte' in 2::1 in "ili$on 2alle) an' 3all "treet* 3hat ,as on$e a .!'get s!rpl!s !n'er Clinton .e$ame a 'efi$it ?nron .an&r!pte', tele$omm!ni$ations s!ffere'- "ar.anes-F7le) A$t ma'e stri$t a$$o!nting1finan$e reg!lations 4 penalties T*e Repu-#ican omestic 'genda: ?nerg) 0ill ma'e more n!$lear plants, less environmental reg!lations, ta7 .rea&s to po,er $ompanies* Trie' #A5( /AEB?(% to allo, 'rilling on Alas&a;s Ar$ti$ 5ational 3il'life @ef!ge

5o Chil' Beft 0ehin'- stan'ar'i6e' tests1lo, s$ore penalties, vo!$hers so &i's $o!l' move to private s$hools on ta7 mone) 0ampaign Finance Reform and t*e 4#ection of 9DD=: 0ill .anne' soft-mone) $ontri.!tions from 5@A, lo..)ists, anti-a.ortion peeps to tr) to re'!$e po,er of mone) in politi$s 9ohn 8err)1?',ar's vs* Jeorge 0!sh1Chene)* 0!sh ,on N1148, most pivotal stateP F > EF> #"pelle' C0ara$&
F.amaD ,rong on pg* 986>%

T*e 0ontinuing Strugg#e in &raE; Sagging Home;Front Support: 8ept tr)ing to re.!il' EraK arm) an' re$onstr!$t the area, .!t it faile' prett) m!$h* (i'n;t ,ant 'emo$rati$ ele$tions 2oting ,as interr!pte' .) man) s!i$i'e .om.ers, &illing $ivilians an' toppling mosK!es an' government .!il'ings 9a$& +!rtha !rge' imme'iate ,ith'ra,lLno 3+(;s, no 9-11 $onne$tion, prisoner a.!se at A.! Jhrai. 9ohn Goo;s tort!re memo a.o!t J!antanamo sho,e' that ,e tort!re' prisoners '!ring interrogation #,ater .oar'ing% 0!sh let 5ational "e$!rit) Agen$) rea' an) overseas $alls1emails ,itho!t a ,arrantLhe sai' it ,as ne$essar) @oa' +ap to Pea$e- Palestine en' violen$e, Esrael ,ith'ra,s* Arafat 'ie', Esrael too& 9e,ish settlements from Ja6a Nuc#ear Pro#iferation T*reats: "tar 3ars ,as revive' to prote$t from missiles- Tal&e' ,ith 5* 8orea an' Eran a.o!t their ,eapons 0oth teste' ne, ,eapons, ,ith'ra, from antimissile treat)- Entl* Atomi$ ?nerg) Agen$) reporte' Eran for violating inspe$tions ' 3idening Trade ,ap and 0*ina2s ,rowing Power: After China ,as a'mitte' to the 3orl' Tra'e Frgani6ation, its e7ports .oome'* 0!sh starte' tariffs on Chinese steel ?ven tho!gh the) ,ere too $heap to thrive on $ompetition, Chinese imports s!pporte' stores in Ameri$a #3al-+art>% 4n$ironmenta# Pro-#ems 1ecome a ,#o-a# 0oncern: (ispose of n!$lear materials in east ?!rope an' at home: 'ispose' at G!$$a +t- C/C;s an' poll!tion an' ,arming> 0!sh 'i' nothing for the environment* 3o!l'n;t $ontrol f!el effi$ien$)* @ef!se' 8)oto A$$or's, ,hi$h set stri$t CF2 limits 'n &ncreasing#y i$erse Peop#e: People move' so!th1,est, less ,ere living in tra'itional families* igh me'ian age1life e7pe$tan$)* +ore 'iversit)> 3oo> :pward "o-i#ity and Socia# Pro-#ems in a "u#tiet*nic Society: 0la$&s ma'e less mone), ,ere h!rt .) inner $it) $on'itions #$rime, 'r!gs, "T(;s, pregnan$ies% 5ative Ameri$ans too& a'vantage of ol' treaties, too& .a$& lan' an' .!ilt $asinos C3hite flightD $ontin!e', ,hile some i'iots trie' to ma&e ?nglish the offi$ial lang!age of Ameri$a T*e ?New 4conomy@ and t*e .#d 4conomy: /arming to in'!str) to professional, servi$e-.ase' e$onom)* Jlo.ali6ation an' $heap imports 'e$rease' man!fa$t!ring A!toma&ers in Ameri$a #Chr)sler, J+, /or'% ,ere getting &ille'L$!t lots of Ao.s an' fo!ght $ompetition from foreign $o*;s Funding Socia# Security and Hea#t* 0are as t*e Federa# eficit Soars: 3ante' to privati6e so$ial se$!rit) to private investments* 3h) ,o!l' )o! let that 'epen' on the mar&et=> Cra6)))* +a'e +e'i$are $over pres$riptions* +e'i$ai'1$are $osts ,ere in$reasing, a''e' to o!r 'e.t #alrea') .a' .e$a!se of ,ar% 0!sh still $!t ta7es, an' Congress &ept p!tting ear-mar&s into spen'ing .ills to help their pet proAe$ts Hurricane Katrina Tests t*e 1us* 'dministration:

"tr!$& in 812::N: $r!she' shipping, farming, e'!$ational fa$ilities* F!r response to this s!$&e'> Poli$e offi$ers 'isappeare' /?+A offi$ials sa, the lev) .rea&, tol' +i$hael 0ro,n, ,ho tol' the 3hite o!se* The) totall) ignore' it for a fe, 'a)s 4+tending Repu-#ican &nf#uence; From t*e Supreme 0ourt to K Street: /ille' "!preme Co!rt ,ith 9ohn @o.erts, 9r* as $hief A!sti$e, "am!el Alito, 9r* as another A!'ge Bo..)ing .e$ame pop!lar !n'er Tom (eBa): Congressman from Te7as starte' C8 "treet proAe$tD to get lo..)ists to hire @ep!.li$ans, to get $ampaign mone) from those ,anting politi$al infl!en$e 9a$& A.ramoff, a lo..)ist tie' to (eBa), too& mone) from $ompanies ,ho ,ante' politi$al p!ll an' la!n'ere' it thro!gh fa&e organi6ations* This ,as then !se' for or 'onations e-ating &mmigration: "tarte' going against illegal immigrants from Batin Ameri$a- propose' Cg!est ,or&erD program so immigrants $o!l' get temporar) ,or& visas that reK!ire' them to event!all) ret!rn to their home $o!ntr) "ensen.renner;s immigration .ill ma'e illegal aliens $riminals an' reK!ire' 'eportation, ma'e U"1+e7i$an .or'er ,all T*e 4#ection of 9DDB: (ems ,on more Congressional seatsLsho,e' 'is$ontent over EraK 3ar #(onal' @!msfel' resigne'%, over 'efi$its an' s$an'als 5e, $ongressmen in$l!'e' arr) @ei', 5an$) Pelosi>

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