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Revista dos Alunos de Graduação da

Área de Estudos Lingüísticos  e Literários em Inglês, DLM - FFLCH – USP

ISSN - 1980-2862
Sumário / Table of Contents

Prefácio / Preface - Elizabeth Harkot-de-La-Taille

Artísticos / Creative Section

1. Rain - Larissa Gonçalves Forster

2. Rats -Renata Matsumoto
3. The Puddle - Larissa Gonçalves Forster
4. Intervention on Sarah Kane’s Crave - Bruna Paola Zerbinatti
5. Vandalism in the Female Toilets of USP - Daniele Crema
Nathalia Horvath
Patricia de Aquino Prudente

Acadêmicos / Academic Section

1. Melhoração e Pejoração em Save the Last Dance: A Inclusão de Sara -Taís de

2. Stereotyping Brazil: An analysis of the Episode Blame it on Lisa of the Cartoon
The Simpsons - Marcus Vinicius Abbehausen
Mariana Casetto V. da Cruz
Patrícia Aparecida Cordeiro
Vivian Pamella Viviani
3. The Ethos of Social Responsibility in a Coca-Cola Advertisement - Giovanna Ike
4. Banning ‘Bad’ Language Use: Building National Identity by Antagonizing with
Otherness - Leda Rodrigues
5. Discourse and Identity: A Linguistic Approach to the Feminine Self - Daniele
6. Shakespeare in the Bush: Diversity or Universality? - Marion Celli
7. Utopia falling into History in Kim Stanley Robinson’s Red Mars - Giovanna Ike

8. Reading in the dark & Disgrace: the Representation of Oppression - Larissa

Gonçalves Forster
9. Revealing ordinary life: An analysis of Chekhov’s short story “An Incident” -
Renata Matsumoto
10. The Question of Narrative in Pride and Prejudice - André Luis Reis Fernandes
11. Language and Culture: an overview - Patrícia Narvaes
12. A Multicultural Purpose for EFL Teaching in Language Schools - Patricia de
Aquino Prudente

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