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Act III Study Guide


As you read Macbeth, answer the following questions. Your answers do not need to be
novels or even complete sentences, but they do need to be specific.

Scene i

1. What is Macbeth insinuating about Malcolm and Donalbain in lines 33-36? What is the meaning
of parricide?

2. Why do you think Macbeth wants everyone to be alone till suppertime?

3. How does Macbeth view Banquo in his soliloquy?

4. Why does Macbeth have this lengthy conversation with the murderers? In other words, what is he
trying to find out about these men?

Scene ii

5. Explain what Lady Macbeth means in her two rhyming couplets.

6. Another bird! Explain the significance of the imagery in lines 45-49.

7. What do you think are Macbeth’s reasons for not telling Lacy Macbeth about his plans to murder

Scene iii

8. What is the significance of the light? Why are Banquo and Fleance walking in the dark?

Scene iv

9. Define the figurative language found in lines 24-27.

10. How are the men reacting to Macbeth? Who can see Banquo’s ghost?

11. Explain how Lady Macbeth reacts in succession to Macbeth’s delusions.

12. What does Macbeth mean when he says in line 176 “We are yet but young in deed”?

Scene v

13. Who is Hecate? How does she react to the weird sisters’ interactions with Macbeth?

Scene vi

14. Explain at least two examples of the sarcasm in Lennox’s speech towards Macbeth.

15. What do you think is likely to happen next?

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