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Harris, Jasmine

CHDV 210
PLO #2
Professional Portfolio Artifact(s) Reflections
Cover Sheet
PLO 2: Design, implement, and evaluate environments and activities that support positive
developmental play and learning outcomes for all young children
List of Artifacts to be addressed in this reflection:
Activity Planning Form
Curriculum hematic !nit
Designs for Living and Learning"
I. Explanation: What specific knowledge, skills, and belief systems do I have that demonstrate
my competence for this PL!
#y beliefs $for the activity planning form created in C%D& '()" and understanding
determines that children need strategic designed activities to support their all their
domains of development* !sing an activity planning form, allo+s me to list the goals ,
am aiming for, +ays of scaffolding the children during the activity, and +ays , can
reflect bac- on that activity +ith the children* hese forms create a clear picture of +hat
the learning outcomes are for each activity planned*
he curriculum hematic !nit created in C%D& '() demonstrates my understanding and
-no+ledge to create a curriculum +ith creative ideals and activities for children, based on
a certain theme* #y s-ills sho+ ho+ , could plan developmentally appropriate activities,
and change the environment by adding creative, realistic, and sensory items both indoor
Harris, Jasmine
CHDV 210
PLO #2
and outside of the classroom* , chose my theme .Dinosaurs/ based off the children0s
interests, +hich demonstrates my beliefs that learning should be child1directed*
he 2C234 demonstrated my beliefs and understandings by my ability to accurately rate
a preschool classroom based on the regulations giving from the 2C234 boo-5 along +ith,
the child0s needs, safety, and the ability for the classroom to provide high 6uality care* ,
sho+ -no+ledge that the child0s environment must be safe, developmentally appropriate,
interacting, and diverse by rating it accordingly*
, also belief that if the environment does not meet the needs of the children, it can affect
the child0s learning and development and the center1based program could lose their
licenses to teach*
II. "rowth: #ow do these artifacts demonstrate my growth in knowledge and skill!
he activity planning form created in C%D& 2') demonstrates my gro+th in -no+ledge
and s-ill by being able to plan and create the activities and apply them to the classroom* ,
+as able to change the activity to meet the needs, bring out creativity, and interests of the
children* , have learned that things don7t go as planned +hen dealing +ith children5
therefore, , am very submissive +hen children s+itch the agenda* %o+ever, , learned that
things can be ad8ustable5 +hich allo+s me to achieve and accomplish my learning
he thematic unit demonstrates my ability to apply an entire theme +ithin the classroom*
, added items that allo+ed children to use their senses in every area of the classroom,
including outside* , also planned senses related activities to support all areas of the
Harris, Jasmine
CHDV 210
PLO #2
children0s development* ,n my C%D& '(), , +as able to gain -no+ledge of +hat a
thematic unit +as5 +hich ease my ability to put it into action in C%D& 2')*
Another +ay , sho+ed gro+th +as by having items donated +ith ine9pensive items such
as, plants, shovels, ra-es for outdoor play, pasta noodles for art, and borro+ed materials
from other peers to create a dinosaur atmosphere*
he designs for living flyer sho+s my gro+th, -no+ledge, and s-ills by being able to
include different items in the classroom to enhance the environment* , strongly believe by
changing the classroom enhances a child7s curiosity to be more +illing, eager and
an9ious to learn more about the theme* , also made the classroom comfortable enough to
have a home felt environment for the children*
, have included a fe+ pictures to demonstrate my s-ills and ability to change a classroom*
, made sure to have items children could e9plore on their o+n such as outdoor
e6uipment, different si:es of dinosaur feet, paint +ith sponges, boo-s, and etc*
III. $pplication: #ow am I going to b%ild on the knowledge and skills that are demonstrated
&In other words, what are yo%r next steps!' and how will the knowledge, skills, or belief
systems be integrated into my f%t%re teaching practice.
, +ill increase my -no+ledge and s-ills by continuing to practice and display ability to
play, create and design*
For good practice , +ill volunteer and;or substitute +ithin different early head start;
preschool classroom and observe to learn different techni6ues and ideas*
Harris, Jasmine
CHDV 210
PLO #2
#y ne9t step in building -no+ledge and s-ill is to create a noteboo- for +hat , observed,
ho+ , +ill use it and +hen*

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