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Programa Intel Educar

Curso Esencial
My wonderfull world.
Autor de la unidad
Nombre y apellido Vernica Edith Castro
Nombre de la institucin educativa C.E.F.I. GUILLER! EN"#R# G#LI#N$
Ubicacin de la institucin educativa %laya Leona& La Chorrera
!tros datos de la institucin educativa
Descripcin de la unidad
Ttulo de la unidad
The wonderfull World.
Resumen de la unidad
In this unit, students will know the vocabulary related to colors. Also they will identify different colors using pictures,
objects, they describes objects using English language about colors. They practice in oral way through songs,
poems, dialogues and worksheets.
They will observe videos and develops different activities in the classroom.
Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s
Ao y nivel
re school
Tiempo necesario aproimado
! periods" #$% minutes per period&
!undamentos de la unidad
Red, blue, yellow and
Purple, pink, orange,
and Brown
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Black, white
2.- Shapes
- Circle, square,
triangle, rectangle
"#$etivos del aprendi%a$e
Distinguishes dierent colors.
- Creates a collage with dierent colors.
- !dentiies basic shapes, or"s and si#es indoor and outdoor the school.
-$akes co"parisons a"ong ob%ects &or"s, colors and si#e'.
Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad
Pregunta esencial 'ow can we distinguish the objects from the world(
Preguntas de unidad What kind of geometrical shapes do you know?
Preguntas de contenido
What is your favorite color(
)an you mention objects that you have in your classroom with
different shapes and colors(
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Plan de evaluacin
Cronograma de evaluaciones
Antes de empe%ar el
tra#a$o del proyecto
Durante el desarrollo
del proyecto
&na ve% completado el proyecto
*iagnostic evaluation+
o revious knowledge.
o E,ploratory
.ormative evaluation
o Written
o /roup
o 0ong about the topic.
o )ollage.
Resumen de evaluaciones
In the topic about color and shapes students have to deal with the concepts of the shapes and colors. Thy have
to identify at least the primary colors red, yellow and blue. Also they have to recogni1es and names the basics
geometrical shapes such as+ s-uare, triangle, circle, rectangle.
Detalles de la unidad
'a#ilidades previas
0tudents identify primary colors blue, yellow and red .knows the basics geometrical shapes+ circle, triangle,
Class 1+ students listen a song about colors.
0tudents practice the song.
0tudents look at different pictures and identify primary and secondary colors.
0tudents listen and repeat the vocabulary about colors and geometrical shapes
0tudents repeat the vocabulary in group and individually.
Class2+ students observe a video about colors and shapes.
0tudents observe a deep 1oom project about the topic.
0tudents practice the song with the teacher.
0tudents draw and color pictures of geometrical shapes #circle2 triangle, rectangle,& on smart board.
0tudents complete a worksheet about the topic.
Class 3: students participate in a brainstorming about the topic..
0tudents in group of % elaborate a collage.
0tudents participate in a game or dynamic.
0tudents record a song using song smith application.
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Adaptaciones curriculares
Estudiante con
0tudent with special needs will develop activities using gestures, movements.
Also the teacher will provide the student some pictures to get the attention from the
(o )ispano*
0tudent3s mother language is 0panish.
In this case, the students that show a better comprehension of the topic can be a
volunteer to help other students. Also they can develop more advances practices,
and also they can be assigned as an assistance.
+ateriales y recursos necesarios para la unidad
Tecnologa , 'ard-are .e/uipo necesario0
C,mara di-ital
Reproductor de "V"
Cone1in a Internet
"isco l,ser
2istema de proyeccin
C,mara de v3deo
E/uipo de v3deo con4erencia
Tecnologa , .o/t-are .necesario0
5ase de datos67o8a de c,lculo
"ia-ramador de publicaciones
%ro-rama de correo electrnico
Enciclopedia en C"9R!
Editor de im,-enes
5uscador :eb
"esarrollo de p,-inas ;eb
%rocesador de te1to
+ateriales impresos
Worksheets, copies, notebooks.
Recursos de Internet
"tros Recursos
Los pro-ramas de Intel> Educacin son 4inanciados por la Fundacin Intel y la Corporacin Intel.
"erechos reservados '())*& Corporacin Intel. +odos los derechos reservados. Intel& el lo-o de Intel& la iniciativa de Intel Educacin y el
%ro-rama Intel Educar son marcas re-istradas de Intel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los Estados Unidos y otros pa3ses. ?!tros nombres
y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.
' ())* Corporacin Intel. +odos los derechos reservados. %,-ina 4 de 5
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Several of the graphic
or pict!re reflecte"
e#ceptio$al "egree of
the t!"e$t creativit%.
O$e or t&o graphic or
pict!re reflect t!"e$t'
The t!"e$t "i" $ot
(a)e or c!to(i*e a$%
pict!re or graphic.
All pict!re or graphic
have appropriate i*e-
hape a$" color.
So(e of the pict!re
"o$'t have appropriate
i*e- hape a$" color.
The pict!re are
i$appropriate i$ i*e-
hape a$" color.
It i clear the t!"e$t
&or)e" ver% &ell.
The t!"e$t co!l" p!t i$
(ore effort.
The t!"e$t p!t i$ $o
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