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Investigation 5 Systems of Equations 801 __ / __ / __ 802 __ / __ / __

Problem 5.5 Systems of Equations Stations ( 1 day)

Focus Question: What strategies can we use to solve a system of linear equations?

Desired Results
Established Goal(s):
8.EE.7. Solve linear equations in one variable.
8.EE.7a. Give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions.
Show which of these possibilities is the case by successively transforming the given equation into simpler forms, until an
equivalent equation of the form x = a, a = a, or a = b results (where a and b are different numbers).
8.EE.7b. Solve linear equations with rational number coefficients, including equations whose solutions require expanding
expressions using the distributive property and collecting like terms.
8.EE.8. Analyze and solve pairs of simultaneous linear equations.
8.EE.8a. Understand that solutions to a system of two linear equations in two variables correspond to points of intersection
of their graphs, because points of intersection satisfy both equations simultaneously.
8.EE.8b. Solve systems of two linear equations in two variables algebraically, and estimate solutions by graphing the
equations. Solve simple cases by inspection.
8.EE.8c. Solve real-world and mathematical problems leading to two linear equations in two variables.

Students will understand that...
Linear equations can be represented in a variety of ways
Linear equations can be solved and a common solution can
be found using a variety of strategies
Certain strategies are more efficient under certain
conditions than others
Essential Question(s):
How are verbal descriptions, equations, tables, and graphs
How can real-world problems be represented graphically,
numerically, and algebraically?

Students will know...
Both standard and slope-intercept forms of linear equations
Several strategies for solving systems of equations
That linear equations can have one, no, or infinite solutions

Students will be able to
solve systems of equations using substitution
solve systems of equations using elimination
solve systems of equations with graphs
solve systems of equations with tables
convert equations between standard and slope-intercept
write equations from verbal descriptions

System of equations, simultaneous equations, slope, y-intercept,
slope intercept form, standard form, elimination, substitution,
common solution, linear equation

Stations 1 3, Exit Slip, Homework, Keys for facilitators

Evidence of Learning
Assessment Task(s):
Student self-assessment
Stations Work
MP3 Argument Writing
Other _____________________
Other Evidence:
Teacher observation

Learning Plan
On Board: [ 5 min]
1. Explain warm up
2. Circulate and stamp homework
1. Complete warm up

Launch: [ 5 min]
1. Explain stations work
1. Students move to assigned stations

Explore: [ 40 min]
Supervise stations and check progress:
1. Graphing
A. Identify common solution given graph
B. Graph equations (both Ax + By = C and y=mx+b) to
find common solution
C. Write equations from verbal descriptions, graph to
find the common solution
D. MP3 based on station C
2. Elimination
A. Equations already set to solve through elimination
(ex. 2x + 8y = 45 and 2x + 7y = 56)
B. Equations requiring multiplication before
elimination (ex. 2x + 8y = 45 and x + 3y = 23)
C. Word problems leading to two equations that can
be solved by elimination (ex. 10 animals, some
pigs, some ducks, 36 legs)
D. MP3 based on station C
3. Substitution
A. Equations in slope intercept form
B. A mix of equations some slope intercept and some
standard form
C. Both standard form
D. MP3 based on station C
4. choice/mixed

Which groups/individuals are getting this?

Which groups/individuals are struggling?

Summarize: [ 10 min + 10min for exit slip]
Determine which students should summarize
Ask clarifying questions
Ask students in the audience questions about the
supervise notetaking
Students 1 and 2 turn forward.

Students present or take notes:

Group: ___ Idea: ____________________

Group: ___ Idea: ____________________

Group: ___ Idea: ____________________

Instructional and Management Strategies:
anchor activities
varied materials
tiered lessons/stations/products
grouping activities
varied homework
MP3 prompts

Opportunities for Student Choice:
tiered products
anchor activities

Follow Up:
Based on todays stations work and exit slip students are grouped/regrouped for future instruction

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