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Test Topics: Chapters 1-5

You should be able to define and explain the significance of the following topics:
Societal development: North America vs Central and South America
Roles of women
Technological developments
Columbus arrival in America
hen did the Spanish control colonies in the Americas!
"ow did the# go about sub$ugating indigenous peoples!
%ercantilism: what is it! hat are its goals! h# didnt it wor& so well in the American
'nglish Reformation( "enr# the )***( %artin +uther- how are the# connected!
hat is the Puritan connection!
Roano&e: here! hat! ho! Significance!
,amestown: who founded it! ho went! h# is the colon# significant! "ow did it
*ndentured servitude( how did it wor&! +ong-term impact
-acons rebellion
%ar#land: 'conomic./political s#stem( who immigrated there! Purpose of its
Pl#mouth Colon#: who( wh# when! hat are the goals of the Puritans( who are the#!
ho are the Separatists( what are their goals!
%assachusetts -a# Colon#: who( wh# ( economic base!
Ann "utchinson( Roger illiams( Rhode *sland
0ing Phillips ar
Restoration Colonies
1ua&ers( who( where( wh#! hat was unusual about them!
2eorgia: Purpose( economic base( who went there!
3ifferences in demographics between the south and New 'ngland: 2ender brea&down(
famil# structures( life e4pectanc#
Slaver#( triangular trade( middle passage
3ifferences in economic development of the South( %iddle Colonies and New 'ngland
Plantations( self-contained
5orms of slave resistance
Colonial cities
3ecline of religious piet# in New 'ngland and the response
2reat Awa&ening
Anglo-American relations( 6789s and how it changed after 67:;( wh#!
Ro#al colonies( their governance and corruption
2renville and his policies( laws passed in the colonies: Sugar Act( Stamp Act( Currenc#
Act( Townshend 3uties( Tea Act( Coercive Acts
-oston %assacre
5orms of colonial resistance to -ritish laws
-oston Tea Part#
Revolution begins( where were the first shots fired!
3eclaration of *ndependence
Center of American authorit# during the war
"ow did America finance the war!
<Common Sense= what was it( what was its impact!
American advantages over the -rits during the war
"istorical disagreement of her motivations in going to war
ars effect on American women( econom#
illiam Pitt and his tactics in administering the war
New State governments( role/ powers
New National government( role( powers or lac& thereof( purpose of its design
Sha#s rebellion

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