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Journal and paper topic
Journal Rank and Impact Factor (2012)
:Journal Citation Reports (JCR Web)( )
Although much has been written about the effects of quality management (QM)
and enironmental management (!M) systems on "rm performance# little
attention has been paid to the potential in$uence of QM on !M%
&he aim of this study is to e'amine the (oint impact of QM and !M on "rm
performance# and the in$uence of QM on !M% &he population of this study is
formed by )*# +*# and ,*star -panish hotels% We propose a structural model
considering QM and !M as formatie constructs tested using partial least squares
(./-) as the statistical tool%
&he results show that QM and !M affect seeral dimensions of "rm
performance positiely# and also that QM implementation facilitates the
deelopment of s0ills for !M in the hotel industry%
1ur "ndings may help hotel managers to realise that QM and !M in$uence some
performance ariables within their industry and that a real commitment to QM will
promote !M and reduce its costs%
Introduction(background and aim), 5!15, "#
Although much has been written about the effects of quality
management (QM) and enironmental management (!M) systems on
"rm performance# little attention has been paid to the potential in$uence
of QM on !M%
&he aim of this study is to e'amine the (oint impact of QM and !M on
"rm performance# and the in$uence of QM on !M%
$aterials and $et%ods, "!15, 2"#
&he population of this study is formed by "&, '&, and 5&star (panis%
%otels) We propose a structural model considering *$ and +$ as
formatie constructs tested using partial least s,uares (-.() as the
statistical tool%
Results, "0!15, 20#
&he results show that QM and !M affect seeral dimensions of "rm
performance positiely# and also that QM implementation facilitates the
deelopment of s0ills for !M in the hotel industry%
/iscussion, ""!15, 21#
1ur "ndings may help hotel managers to realise (reali4e) that QM and !M
in$uence some performance ariables within their industry and that a real
commitment to QM will promote !M and reduce its costs%
Part-1 Defining research framework
*ualit0 management (*$) and en1ironmental management (+$)
are business practices t%at ma0 a22ect 2irm per2ormance)
-eeral empirical studies show that implementing *$effectiely can
hae a positi1e in2luence on 2irm per2ormance (Adam et al%# 25567
8ayna0# 399)7 -ila# 39967 :aird et al%# 3922)% -imilarly# +$may affect
2irm per2ormance positi1el0 (8ing and /eno'# 39937 Melny0 et al%# 399)7
Montabon et al%# 39967 ;eras*-ai4arbitoria et al%# 3922)# as a result of the
positi1e impact on costs 2or t%e 2irm and increased di22erentiation%
Part-2 Literature review
3ot% management s0stems %a1e common implementation 2actors (e)g)
leaders%ip, people management and stake%older 2ocus) and may positiely
affect a firm<s competitie position% =ue to these parallels# and because
research on *$ is more de1eloped t%an researc% on +$# signi2icant bene2its
can be e'pected from applying what %as been learnt about *$ to
en1ironmental issues (8lassen and Mc/aughlin# 255)7 Cur0oic# 399)7 >eng et
al%# 3996)%
Firms 4it% e5perience o2 *$ practices de1elop a set o2 capabilities t%at ma0
2acilitate t%e implementation o2 +$ practices) &he s0ills required to adopt !M
are complementary to the capabilities required for the adoption of QM and# as
a result# the QM practices facilitate !M practices adoption and proide a means
for organi4ations to reduce their !M adoption costs (=arnall and !dwards#
Consequently# firms can utili4e *$ practices to deelop a system for the
reduction and elimination of all 4aste streams associated with the design,
manu2acture and use o2 products (Cur0oic et al%# 3999)% &herefore# the
adoption of QM practices may enable the deelopment and implementation of
!M practices%
Part-3Research value
&he effects of QM and !M on firm performance hae been analy4ed in
manufacturing and serice industries# alt%oug% to a lesser e5tent in
ser1ice industries suc% as t%e %otel industr0%
@n addition# although t%eoretical studies hae suggested the parallels
between both management systems# and that QM may help to deelop
!M# 2e4 empirical studies hae e'amined the relationship between QM
and !M% &his suggests that more research is needed to 2ill t%ese gaps)
Part-4Research aim and hypothesis
6%e aim o2 t%e present paper is to e5amine t%e impact o2 *$ and +$
on 2irm per2ormance, t%e in2luence o2 *$ on +$, and t%e mediating
role o2 +$in t%e %otel industr0)
*$ and +$ s0stems are releant for hotels due to both systems ma0
help to increase their di22erentiation and their e22icienc0 leels% QM
and !M include practices related to continuous improement that
could reinforce the image and reputation of the hotel firm%
@n addition# these practices will presere the tourist attractions in
better conditions ma0ing their destinations more competiti1e
&hese practices also include the increasing of the firm efficiency
through producti1it0 and learning% &herefore# QM and !M systems
ma0 increase t%e re1enues of the hotels and ma0 reduce t%eir costs%
Part-5Result and discussion
1ur study ma0es seeral contributions to the literature%
Airst# pre1ious studies analy4e the relationships between *$ and
per2ormance or +$ and per2ormance separatel0% 1ur paper analyses the
effect of *$ and +$ on 2irm per2ormance in t%e same stud0)
-econd# our manuscript also presents an empirical anal0sis of the
influence of *$ on +$%
&hird# the paper e'amines t%e mediating e22ect o2 +$ bet4een *$ and
2irm per2ormance) &his effect may clarify the nature of the relationship
between QM and performance# as we hypothesi4es that QM may cause
!M# which in turn increases performance leels%
@n addition# this paper e'amines se1eral measures o2 2irm per2ormance
and includes empirical contributions that are releant to hotel managers%
@n this sense# QM and !M practices %a1e positi1e e22ects on 2inancial
per2ormance# market success# and customer and emplo0ee satis2action%
Part-6Chapter introduction
&he paper proceeds as follows% An initial literature reiew about the
QM*firm performance lin0# the !M*firm performance lin0# the
influence of QM on !M# and the mediating role of !M leads to the
hypotheses% &hen# the paper describes the research methods#
followed by the presentation of empirical results% Ainally# the
discussion and conclusions section indicates implications# limitations
and directions for future research%

&heory and hypotheses
Research methods
=iscussion and conclusions
Theory and
Discussion and
622 2579 1704 1010 958 5915()
Re2erences : 120
Abstract Introduction
6%eor0 and
/iscussion and
6otal Re2erences
sample 15 22 2578 170' 1010 859 5815 120
(el2 20' 908 1'10 7 2 10"0 '7' 90
Abstract Introduction 6%eor0 and
Results /iscussion
6otal Re2erences
sample -elf

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