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The Obama adminstration has reportedly made a secret decision not to

send US warplanes to bomb northern Iraq despite a written request

by the Iraqi prime minister to do so. This is to avoid inflicting mass
casualties on the Islamist fighters who have just overrun the area.
The fighters crossed over from Syria less than ten days ago, and in a
stunning desert blit!rieg, captured all the major cities of northern
Iraq e"cept #ir!u! and very easily seied control of the headquarters
of the Iraqi $rmy%s Second &ivision which fell virtually intact plus
the important oil refinery at 'aiji which supplied vital fuel to 'aghdad.
The lightning success scored by the fighters netted them a huge haul
of heavy weaponry, from missiles to US(made )*$* battle tan!s and
truc!s. The Obama adminstration has been informed by US intelligence
that all this heavy weaponry will soon be heading right in the opposite
direction i.e., bac! into Syria. So, it is important not to bomb them.
$ccording to the intelligence, the loss of the heavy weaponry is strictly
a problem for the Iraqi government. $fter all, it is their property. 'oth
the +entagon and the ,I$ are now !eeping their fingers crossed the
purloined weaponry will soon be used on all the right targets -in Syria..
Still, the US does not want to miss any of the the e"citement or action
there / it is thin!ing of sending drones and unmanned copters to Iraq.

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