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Simple present (afirmativo):

I you we- they + verbo

He She It + (verbo + s)

Verbo termina en s, ss, sh, o, ch, x:

He She It + (verbo + es)

kiss kisses // go goes // brush brushes

Verbo termina en Y precedida de consonante:

He She It + (verbo Y + ies)

fry fries // study studies // fly flies

1. Escribe los verbos con s o es segn corresponda

a. (think) she ____________

d. (finish) Marta ____________

b. (read) he ____________

e. (eat) Juan ____________

c. (fly) it ____________

f. (dance) Carlos ____________

2. Completa las oraciones con uno de los verbos de la lista. Sigue el ejemplo:
a. Mara

speaks__ four languages.

b. McDonalds ussually __________ at 21:00 in the evening.

c. Marcos is a student. He __________ at the university.
d. Cellphones are expensive. They __________ a lot of money
e. Water __________ at 100 degrees Celsius.
f. Pedro __________ his hands every time.
g. Food is expensive. It __________ a lot of money.
h. In Chile banks usually __________ at 9:00 in the morning.

Nicole is a teacher. She __________ Spanish to young people.


My job is interesting. I __________ a lot of people.

k. I __________ every day my own food.

Simple present (negativo):

I you we- they + dont (do not) + verbo

He She It + doesnt (does not)+ verbo

3. Escribe la oracin en negativo tal como en el ejemplo:

a. I play the piano very well.
I dont play the piano very well
b. Jane plays the piano very well.

Jane _______________________________________

c. They know my phone number.


d. Marcos works very hard.


e. Matilda takes a shower every day.


f. You eat the same thing every day.


g. Juan and me study english


h. Nicole runs every weekend


4. Escribe informacin sobre ti mismo. Ocupa I never, o I often, o I dont very often.
a. (watch TV)

I never watch TV_____________________________

b. (go to the movies)



(ride a horse)


d. (eat in restaurants)


e. (travel by bus)


5. Escribe el verbo que est entre parntesis segn las reglas del presente simple, ya sea en positivo o

Margaret speaks four languages - English, French, German and Spanish, (speak)

g. I dont like my job. Its very boring. (like)

h. Where's Luis? Im sorry. I _______________ (know)

Carlos is a very quiet person. He _______________ very much (talk)


Jim_______________ a lot of coke. Its his favorite drink. (drink)

k. That's a very beautiful movie. I _______________ it very much (like)


Marcela is a vegetarian. She _______________ meat. (eat)

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