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<p class="head">What you do to me feels like I'm floating on air;</p>
<p>I love <b>Mae</b> so much. This song is called <b>"Suspension"</b>. Their lyr
ics are so chills. Listening to them calms me down entirely. They're one of thos
e bands that you can sing along to.
<p class="head">When you whisper you want this, your eyes tell the same;</p>
<b>TITLE</b> title
<br><b>FEATURING</b> characters
<br><b>CHAPTERS</b> ? out of ??
<br><b>STATUS</b> Haitus/completed/active/cancelled
<br><b>TITLE CREDIT</b> whoever created the title
<p><b>TITLE</b> title
<br><b>FEATURING</b> characters
<br><b>CHAPTERS</b> ? out of ??
<br><b>STATUS</b> Haitus/completed/active/cancelled
<br><b>TITLE CREDIT</b> whoever created the title
<p class="head">It's enough for me to get excited, enough for me to feel;</p>
This is where you stick whatever you want. Photos, more text, quiz results, etc.
<br>Make sure your content does not exceed <b>394PX</b> in width.
<div id="scroll3" style="position:absolute; top:255; left:494; width:206; height
:; overflow:auto;background-color:clear;">
<p class="head">I can barely breathe;</p>
<b>NAME</b> name
<br><b>AGE</b> age
<br><b>SEX</b> sex
<br><b>BIRTHDAY</b> birthday
<br><b>LIKES</b> likes
<br><b>DISLIKES</b> bislikes
<br><b>SONG</b> favourite song ATM
<br><b>BAND</b> favourite band ATM
<br>Photo, if you want one, must me 205PX wide or less.
<p class="head">We are gaining speed;</p>
<center><table width="100"><tr><td width="50">
<a href="Friend's URL">NAME</a>
<br><a href="Friend's URL">NAME</a>
<br><a href="Friend's URL">NAME</a>
<br><a href="Friend's URL">NAME</a>
<br><a href="Friend's URL">NAME</a>
</td><td width="50">
<br><a href="WEBSITE URL">WEBSITE</a>
<br><a href="WEBSITE URL">WEBSITE</a>
<p class="head">Say what you mean;</p>
CBOX must be 295PX wide or less.
<p class="head">If you want me here;</p>
<a href="" target="_blank">Leena@MELLIFLUOUS
</a>; Free designs. <br><b>Do not steal.</b>

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