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<title>What the World Needs Now</title>
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<div style="position:absolute; top: 65px; left: 95px; border: 0px #000000 solid;
<img src="
<div id="entry" style="background: #32717B; padding: 5px; border: 6px #0B0B3B so
lid; position:absolute; width: 330px; left: 55px; top: 475px">

<center><font color="#9E7BFF" size="4" face="footlight mt light"><span style=;>U
<b>Day Month</b> <a href="http://link to story here">Chapter Title</a>
<b>Day Month</b> <a href="http://link to story here">Chapter Title</a>
<center><font color="#9E7BFF" size="4" face="footlight mt light"><span style=;>M
y Art</span></b></font></center>
<b>Title:</b> <a href="http://link to story here" target="_blank">Title Here.</a
> <BR>
<b>Main Character[s]:</b> ??? <BR>
<b>Chapters:</b> ??? <BR>
<b>Status:</b> Active? Hiatus? Complete? <BR>
<b>Summary:</b> ??? <BR>
<b>Notes:</b> ???
<b>Title:</b> <a href="http://link to story here" target="_blank">Title Here.</a
> <BR>
<b>Main Character[s]:</b> ??? <BR>
<b>Chapters:</b> ??? <BR>
<b>Status:</b> Active? Hiatus? Complete? <BR>
<b>Summary:</b> ??? <BR>
<b>Notes:</b> ???
<center><font color="#9E7BFF" size="4" face="footlight mt light"><span style=;>I
f you Want to Know</span></b></font></center>
<b>Feeling:</b> ???<br>
<b>Eating:</b> ???<br>
<b>Drinking:</b> ???<br>
<b>Watching:</b> ???<br>
<b>Reading:</b> ???<br>
<b>Listening To:</b> ???<br>
<b>Working On:</b> ???<br>
<b>Loving:</b> ???<br>
<b>Despising:</b> ???<br>
<b>Longing For:</b> ???
<center><font color="#9E7BFF" size="4" face="footlight mt light"><span style=;>A
Write your thoughts, plans, etc. here. =)
<div id="navigation" style="background: #32717B; border: 6px #0B0B3B solid; padd
ing: 5px; position:absolute; width: 237px; left: 410px; top: 475px">
<center><font color="#9E7BFF" size="4" face="footlight mt light"><span style=;>F
ind your Way</span></b></font></center>
<a href="">Link</a><br>
<a href="">Link</a><BR>
<a href="">Link</a><BR>
<a href="">Link</a><BR>
<a href="">Link</a><BR>
<a href="">Link</a><BR>
<a href="">Link</a><BR>
<a href="mailto:YourEmailAdressHere">E-Mail</a>
<center><font color="#9E7BFF" size="4" face="footlight mt light"><span style=;>T
he Photographer</span></b></font></center>
<b>Name:</b> ??? <BR>
<b>Nickname[s]:</b> ??? <br>
<b>Sign:</b> ??? <br>
<b>Interests:</b> ???
<center><font color="#9E7BFF" size="4" face="footlight mt light"><span style=;>S
peak To Me</span></b></font></center>
The code for your cbox goes here. Don't have one? Go <a href=>her
e</a> and set its skin to transparent.
<P>If you would like to customize it further, these are some colors that I used:
<center><font color="#9E7BFF" size="4" face="footlight mt light"><span style=;>S
nap a Shot</span></b></font></center>
<a href="">Name</a><br>
<a href="">Name</a><br>
<a href="">Name</a><br>
<a href="">Name</a>
<center><font color="#9E7BFF" size="4" face="footlight mt light"><span style=;>B
ecause of You</span></b></font></center>
Content & Layout & Design <br><br>
<center> <a href="" target="_bla
nk"><img src="
g" border="0"> </a> </center>
<div id="entry" style="background: #32717B; padding: 5px; border: 6px #0B0B3B so
lid; position:absolute; width: 330px; left: 750px; top: 50px">

<center><font color="#9E7BFF" size="4" face="footlight mt light"><span style=;>M
e Being Vain</span></b></font></center>
I'm a fifteen year old girl who goes by the name of Gillian (sounds like
Jillian). I'm an odd girl who loves to write. I find my life quite boring. It
consists of school, track, piano, music, writing, a bit of guitar, dance classe
s, friends, family and other random stuff.
<br><br>I have an odd sense of humor, and it doesn't take much to make me laugh.
I spend a lot of time inside my own head.
I live for summer, but strangely, I like autumn best. I like to think of myself
as a good person, but I'll let you be the judge of that. I ask too many questi
ons, and I have trust issues.
I love writing songs, singing, and I listen to many different kinds of music, th
e majority being alternative bands that not too many people have heard of, but I
also love classical, acoustic, posthardcore, old war songs, and basically any o
ther genre you can think of. I have over 4,000 songs on my [broken] iPod. You
call it obsessive, I call it art.
I could say what I don't like, but I figure spread love, not hate.
Some days I love life, some days I hate it, but I appreciate all of it.
If you want to get to know me, read my journals. Comment on them, and chances a
re I'll love you forever. Use my layouts if you like, and read my creations if
you want to. If there's anything else you want to know, feel free to message me
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