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Education Lesson Plan Format

Teacher Name: Lori Hoertel Content/Topic: Teaching Figurative language using farm animals/stories
Topic, Grade Level: ____________2
hat is the !ig idea for this lesson"
This lesson #ill introduce the farm animals that #ill !e in the !oo$s % #ill read to them& e #ill learn !asic information a!out co#s, pigs, sheep,
goats, and chic$ens&
hat is the purpose of this lesson" This #ill !e a little more specific than the 'ig %dea& ()ample: 'ig %dea of a *L+ is to practice creating a unit
that meets the needs of all learners& The purpose is to get practice !eing a teacher and doing all the little things ,and !ig things- teachers #ill have
to do.
The purpose of this lesson #ill !e to introduce the figurative language/farm unit& /tudents #ill !e a!le to identif0 the different t0pes of animals
and after learning a!out them #ill descri!e the animals on large cutouts& These cutouts #ill !e put on the classroom door and #ill allo# students
to loo$ at them ever0 da0 and retain information a!out all of the animals&
For toda0, #hat are m0 o!1ectives" ,/tate 2 3 one from each level of the *45 3 and in the proper format6 i&e& Students will be able to:- +se
terminolog0 from the *45 chart& ()ample: Students will be able to define the elements of a story.
7& /'8T. List characteristics of animals& 9ecogni:e animals and their common names and plural form of the name& Name the term for the
animals sho#n
2& /'8T. *istinguish the different among the animals and their traits& Compare the similarities !et#een the animals&
;& /'8T. 8ssess ho# the animals are valua!le to societ0, and the role the0 pla0 in farm life&
2& /'8T. Connect information to future lessons a!out animals and figurative language& 8ppl0 concepts to farm stories % #ill read and
ever0da0 life&
<aterials Needed and =reparation 'efore Class:
Cut outs of farm animals ,Co#, =ig, /heep, Goat,
Tape to put animals on door
<ar$ers to #rite on animals
hite !oards
hite !oard mar$ers
9earrange classroom
What do the students already know or need to
know to complete this lesson?
Students need to have little to basic knowledge
about farm animals. hey need to at least be able
to name animals or describe traits of animals
/pecial adaptations for %(= or struggling learners ,/ee list on pro1ect guide-& Feel free to
attach a separate sheet for this if needed&
7& 8**> 9evie# instructions !efore each animal is presented& 8llo# students to get
up after each animal is completed and vie# the animal and ma$e the noise the
animal ma$es and return to their seat& /eat student close to teacher for lesson,
and allo# student/s to !e helpers and hold up animals or do other helpful things
during lesson
2& 8*H*> /eat students more to#ards teacher to minimi:e distraction& 8s$ for
student input on animals, allo# students to !e helpers and stand to#ards teacher
;& /truggling 9eader/ %(= deficienc0> This #ouldn?t !e as much as a pro!lem for
this assignment, !ut an0 #ords that student might not understand that #e
discuss teacher can #rite them on the !oard, sound them out, and e)plain them
2& /truggling <ath> This lesson does not have an0 math components
@& 8utism>8sperger?s> Give clear, concise directions& 5eep to a specific schedule
and give student schedule of lesson& +se visual aids ,cut outs #ill !e visual aids-&
=rovide students #ith some !ac$ground information a!out the animals& 8llo#
students to ans#er via #hite!oard instead of having to spea$&
A& 8utism> allo# student to !e a BhelperC and assist teacher if the0 need to !e !0
themselves& Tr0 to minimi:e distraction and noise during the lesson, $eep things
orderl0& 8llo# student to ans#er via #hite!oard instead of having to spea$
D& 'ehavioral *isorder> situate student closer to teacher during lesson& 8llo#
student to !e a BhelperC to ma$e them feel important and less inclined to act out&
E& heel Chair 'ound> This lesson does not reFuire a lot of moving around, and
the +>shape of the classroom should allo# for eas0 accessi!ilit0& For the part
#here students pretend to !e the farm animal someone can !e a helper and push
student in #heel chair around or the0 can !e seated closer to the teacher so the0
#on?t have to travel as far&
G& Hisuall0 %mpairedI/eat student closer to teacher& Give outline of lesson and
animals on their des$ so the0 can fill them out themselves& <a$e large cut outs
and #rite large to allo# for visi!ilit0&
7J& Hearing %mpaired> /eat student closer to teacher& <a$e sure students ta$e turns
tal$ing and that the classroom is not chaotic& Tal$ in a loud and clear voice
77& 'ehaviorall0 *ifficultIput student close to teacher, and allo# them to !e a
helper& %f the0 are disinterested in lesson allo# them to use a #hite !oard to
72& *epression> these are 0ounger children % #ill !e #or$ing #ith, !ut if an0 second
graders seem depressed, call on them and ma$e them feel special& <a$e sure
the0 understand their comments are valued, allo# them to help #ith lesson in
some #a0&
7;& GiftednessIGive students their o#n copies of the animals and have them #rite
full sentences a!out the animals #hile the0 listen to the lesson& Give them more
comple) !ac$ground information a!out animals and allo# them to create their
o#n animals to put on door&
72& *o#ns> <a$e sure there are clear, concise directions& 8llo# student to !e
helper& 8llo# student to stand if needed& 8llo# student to !e the first in line to
ma$e the animal noises and move around& Give students adeFuate time to
ans#er and use #hite !oard if needed&
7@& /evere /h0nessI8llo# student to use #hite!oard to ans#er Fuestions instead of
tal$ing& =lace student !0 a more tal$ative student to allo# for more
7A& 5inesthetic> Give students their o#n versions of the cutouts and allo# them to
#rite on them as #e do the discussion in class& Give students #hite!oards to
#rite do#n #hat #e are discussing in lesson
7D& 8uditor0> /tudents contri!ute to lesson and ans#er/as$ Fuestions& This is mainl0
an auditor0/visual lesson
7E& Hisual> this is mainl0 a visual/ auditor0 lesson& <a$e sure students can see cut
out #hile information is !eing transmitted and #rite do#n an0 ne# voca!ular0
#ords on the !oard so students can easil0 see them&
List all voca!ular0 terms students could learn from this lesson&
/#ine =or$
Cluc$ =oultr0
Lam! 'eef <utton +dder
Teacher?s or$ 3#hat are 0ou doing /tudents? or$I#hat are the0 doing,
ho# are the0 organi:ed, etc.
Teacher =ro!ing Fuestions during lesson
8N* Formative assessment strategies 3
=ro!ing Fuestions go deeper than 0es/no.the0
as$ h0 or Ho# #ould 0ou.etc&
*iscuss plan for the lesson /tudents #ill !e listening Kust lecture at the moment
___7J min_ %ntroduce first animal, the co# and /tudents #ill !e listening to discussion and % #ill as$ students Fuestions a!out co#&
_7J___ min&
_7J___ min
7J__ min&
7J minutes
7J minutes
discuss its traits, role on a farm, and
#hat a co# produces& % #ill #rite #hat
the0 sa0 on the co# cut out
%ntroduce =igs, traits, role on the farm,
#hat the0 produce& % #ill #rite #hat
the0 sa0 on the pig cut out
%ntroduce /heep traits, role on farm
and #hat the0 produce& % #ill #rite
#hat students sa0 on sheep cut out& e
#ill !riefl0 discuss the plural of sheep
!eing sheep
%ntroduce goats& *iscuss traits, role on
farm, and #hat the0 produce& % #ill
#rite students ans#ers on cut out&
%ntroduce Chic$ens& *iscuss traits, role
on farm, and #hat the0 produce& % #ill
#rite student?s ans#ers on cut out and
ans#er an0 Fuestions the0 have
% #ill hand out #hite !oards and as$
them some final Fuestions a!out the
animals and things #e have discussed
to see ho# much the0 retained
contri!uting to discussion and as$ing an0
Fuestions the0 have
/tudents #ill !e listening to discussion and
contri!uting to discussion and as$ing an0
Fuestions the0 have
/tudents #ill !e listening and contri!uting
to discussion and as$ing Fuestions if the0
have an0&
/tudents #ill !e listening and contri!uting
to discussion and as$ing an0 Fuestions
the0 have
/tudents #ill !e listening and contri!uting
to discussion and as$ing an0 Fuestions
the0 have&
/tudents #ill #rite ans#ers on #hite
!oards and hold them up
hat do co#s produce" ,Cheese, <il$,
Leather, 'eef- hat does a co# eat" T0pes
of co#s ,dair0, !eef- Have 0ou seen co#s
!efore" hat do the0 loo$ li$e" Ho# do
the0 smell" Ho# do the0 feel" hat do
0ou li$e that co#s ma$e"
/tudents #ill ans#er similar Fuestions
as$ed a!out pigs that % as$ed a!out co#s,
students #ill lead discussions a!out pigs
/tudents #ill ans#er similar Fuestions
from co# and #ill lead discussion a!out
/tudents #ill ans#er similar Fuestions
from co# e)ample that #ill !e tailored
to#ards goats& /tudents #ill lead
/tudents #ill !e as$ed similar Fuestions
from the co# !ut the0 #ill !e tailored to
appl0 to chic$ens& /tudents #ill lead
discussion and as$ an0 Fuestions the0 have
/tudents #ill !e as$ed specific Fuestions
a!out the animal and traits that #e have
1ust gone over
___;_ min& % #ill sho# students all of the
completed animals and hang them on
the door
/tudents #ill as$ an0 closing Fuestions and
listen to end directions
/tudents #ill ans#er final Fuestions to tie
up lesson
Ho# #ill % $no# if m0 students achieved m0 learning goals" Ho# #ill % assess participation and their learning" hat #ill % !e assessing ,i&e& #hat
#ill go in the grade !oo$L-"
% #ill assess student?s learning !0 their participation& e #ill use #hite !oards to ans#er final Fuestions a!out the animals and to see ho# much
information the0 have retained& % #ill ma$e note of students #ho seem to not have retained information& /tudents #ill get credit for participation
and pa0ing attention&
8lignment #ith <issouri Grade or Course Level ()pectations ,GL(s/CL(s- 49 Common Core /tate /tandards/<issouri Learning /tandards
,CC///<L/- 3 loo$ on the *(/( #e!site for these: *(/(&mo&gov& 'e sure to address applica!le 9eading, riting, /pea$ing, and Listening
standards& There #ill !e several for ever0 part of an activit0. *on?t 1ust put codes/should !e thread/code/fe# #ords to descri!e ,so 0ou can use
it again laterL-
<issouri Learning /tandards
Comprehension and Colla!oration
CC//&(L8 Lit& /L& 2&7 8 Follo# rules for discussions
CC//&(L8& Literature 2&7 ' 'uild on other?s conversations
CC//&(L8&Literature& /L 2&A =roduce complete sentences #hen applica!le to tas$ and situation in order to provide a detail or clarification
9eflection/Notes: hat other little things #ill 0ou need to do" ould the class need to !e rearranged, etc"
% #ould rearrange the classroom into a large B+C shape #ith me at the front& This #ould allo# for !etter discussion since ever0one can see and
hear each other and also allo#s for ever0one to see the cutouts&

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