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My Scary Bus Ride

_________________________________________ ioue the bus alone in Koiea. I moveu to Koiea to

live theie in 2uu6, anu I neeueu to have my pictuie taken foi my Koiean IB. Ny boss
went with me to the photogiaphei in the centei of the city, _________________ she went
home, but I hau to wait 2u minutes foi my pictuies to finish. ________________, I went to
the bus stop so I coulu go home. I got on the bus, anu I uiun't ___________ woiiieu
because I knew that my house was only 1S minutes away. I ioue the bus foi 1S
minutes. anu then Su minutes. 4u minutes. moie than an houi latei I still uiun't
see my stop! I ieacheu the enu of the line anu the bus uiivei tolu me I hau to get off. I
_____________ woiiieu by now because I uiun't know wheie I was anu I coulun't ieau
oi speak the language! I saw a bus stop acioss the stieet. Theie was a man stanuing
theie, anu I askeu him the uiiection to the centei of the city anu he tolu me which
bus to take. ________________ I got home aftei S houis on a bus in Koiea. It was a veiy
memoiable expeiience!

"#$$ #% &'( )$*%+, with the woius in the box.

-&'(. /,(0/$ (12.(,,#3%,4
I iemembei the fiist time I.
I iemembei my fiist.
I felt veiy. because.
In the enu.
.with (my fiienu, sistei, biothei, mothei, fathei.)
Aftei that was veiy finally
feel I'll nevei foiget the fiist time I anu then





7%8 30
&'( $#%(
9*+( * 2#:&/.(
=> (Iuentification)

?.*#%,&3.@ youi "fiist" expeiience. (What was it. Wheie weie you. When uiu it
happen. Bow olu weie you. What happeneu. Was it a goou oi bau expeiience. Etc.)

A.#&( about youi "fiist" expeiience. (Fiist uiaft)

My first

B*%</*<(: 0se the expiessions above anu wiite about youi fiist. Look at the main
expiessions, anu fill in the blank with youi expeiience.

!"#$ &#' ()*+ ,-.,+/,01,2

=C$$ %(D(. 03.<(& &'( 0#.,& &#@( I (past tense veib)
=C$$ %(D(. 03.<(& @6 0#.,& (noun)

= .(@(@)(. &'( 0#.,& &#@( I (past tense veib)
= .(@(@)(. @6 0#.,& (noun)


3)& 4/4 ()* 5,,62

= E*, D(.6 (emotion) )(:*/,(. (ieason)
= 0($& D(.6 (emotion) )(:*/,(. (ieason)


7+4,+ )5 ,8,0$'
F0&(. &'*&.
. *%8 &'(%.

=% &'( (%8. (the final iesult)
"#%*$$6. (the final iesult)


My Scary Bus Ride

I'll nevei foiget the fiist time I ioue the bus alone in Koiea. I moveu to Koiea to live
theie in 2uu6, anu I neeueu to have my pictuie taken foi my Koiean IB. Ny boss
went with me to the photogiaphei in the centei of the city, anu then she went home,
but I hau to wait 2u minutes foi my pictuies to finish. Aftei that, I went to the bus
stop so I coulu go home. I got on the bus, anu I uiun't feel woiiieu because I knew
that my house was only 1S minutes away. I ioue the bus foi 1S minutes. anu then
Su minutes. 4u minutes. moie than an houi latei I still uiun't see my stop! I
ieacheu the enu of the line anu the bus uiivei tolu me I hau to get off. I was veiy
woiiieu by now because I uiun't know wheie I was anu I coulun't ieau oi speak the
language! I saw a bus stop acioss the stieet. Theie was a man stanuing theie, anu I
askeu him the uiiection to the centei of the city anu he tolu me which bus to take.
Finally I got home aftei S houis on a bus in Koiea. It was a veiy memoiable

A.#&( about youi "fiist" expeiience. (Final uiaft)

My first

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