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Honors World History and Literature 9

Grading Student Work

The Honors World History and Literature 9 course has been developed to provide
students with challenges to their thinking that extend beyond the Social Studies and ELA
standards The interconnections across the two disciplines engage students in learning
how the two disciplines !ay o""er di""erent perspectives on the body o" knowledge
contained in each #ourse goals and the course syllabus de"ine the content$ context$ and
skills o" the course and provide teachers with clear expectations "or the selection o"
the!es and %uestions "or study
&n the Honors course students are engaged !ore in studying the broader concepts related
to both o" the disciplines than in ac%uiring speciali'ed knowledge uni%ue to each o" the!
Although the standards "or each discipline are critical co!ponents o" the course as
building blocks$ the interconnected work across the disciplines should receive the !ost
attention in class activities Students should engage in i!proving critical reading$
thinking$ speaking$ writing$ and research as they exa!ine history and literature "ro!
di""erent perspectives Thus$ in grading students "or their per"or!ance in the Honors
class$ teachers should give signi"icant consideration to their growth in connecting the
Guidelines "or grading students in Honors World History and Literature 9 have been
established and serve as the starting point "or dialogue a!ong students and teachers and
"or the articulation o" grades to parents(guardians and the school co!!unity End)o")
year tasks have been developed as vehicles "or the students* expressions o" their
cu!ulative learning These assess!ents are designed to carry signi"icant weight in the
grading process
Teachers should "a!iliari'e the!selves with the guidelines "or grading the honors course
and the chart de"ining the co!ponents and weights "or the %uarterly and "inal grades &n
addition$ teachers should encourage students to engage in sel")assess!ent$ peer reviews$
and re"lections on teacher "eedback as !echanis!s "or personal growth
Honors World History and Literature 9
Guidelines "or Grading
+ The Honors World History and Literature 9 is one course There"ore$ "or each !arking
period$ students receive one grade reported two ti!es to acco!!odate the transcript listings
o" World History and English Literature
, Assess!ent strategies and report card grades are deter!ined by classroo! teachers -World
History and Literature. working collaboratively
/ Assess!ents represent learning at the end o" units or periods o" ti!e a"ter students have had a
chance to practice and take risks with learning and strategies
0 Students know which assess!ents count in deter!ining their report card grade
1 Assess!ents cover three areas2 World History standards$ ELA standards$ and the co!bined
course ob3ectives related to the interdisciplinary connections in history and literature
articulated through discussions$ writings$ and per"or!ances
4 A variety o" !ethods are used to "airly assess student achieve!ent in working towards the
standards and the course ob3ectives
5 Assess!ents are scored as appropriate to the re%uire!ents o" the activity(task(per"or!ance
Student sel")assess!ent and teacher "eedback on per"or!ance are i!portant co!ponents
6 Grades are based on student achieve!ent o" learning goals Such goals are articulated in
World History$ ELA$ and interdisciplinary connections
9 The student7s !ore recent$ !ost consistent level o" per"or!ance in !eeting(exceeding
standards guides the teachers7 3udg!ent in deter!ining a student*s grade Su!!ative
per"or!ances count heavily
+8 Su!!ary in"or!ation on student achieve!ent$ including sa!ples o" student work are
available as evidence o" achieve!ent
Adapted "ro!2 9*#onnor$ :en -,88,. How to Grade "or Learning Glenview$ &L2 ;earson
Grading Honors World History and Literature 9
Component/Weight Description Examples
History Standards
;er"or!ance related to World
History standards and extended
World History learning expectations
beyond standards
The World History teacher has 8 requirements
(projects, quizzes, classroom activities)) for the first
quarter and evaluates each of them to derive a
quarterly summary grade/eight for World History!
English Standards
;er"or!ance related to ELA
standards and extended
ELA(Literature learning expectations
beyond standards
The "nglish teacher has required students to
complete #$ specific assignments and has assessed
students on "%& standards ith ' quizzes and a riting
portfolio! The teacher completes a summary
grade/eight for "%& standards!
&nterconnections within
History or English #lass
-=ointly developed.
;er"or!ance related to 3oint
activities and(or 3ointly de"ined
learning expectations
The to teachers have agreed to share
responsi(ility for four activities related to the course
o(jectives, interconnecting their disciplines! The
student products are assessed and graded according to
jointly agreed upon criteria!
To of the activities are )ocratic )eminars on topics
related to the themes! *ne seminar occurs in each of
the classrooms at some time during the quarter!
The other to activities are papers hich focus on
an essential question, requiring students to incorporate
ideas from history and from literature! Teachers jointly
grade the papers, each identifying +ey points related to
their respective disciplines and the joint course
=oint Assess!ent o"
>uarterly(?inal ;ro3ect
;er"or!ance related to the !a3or
course pro3ect

Teachers use the criteria esta(lished for the
performance tas+ to evaluate and grade students each
@eport #ard Grade
->uarter or ?inal.
Student*s %uarterly and "inal grades
are derived "ro! the weights
indicated "or each co!ponent o" the
course The sa!e grade is recorded
"or World History and "or ELA

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