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Organization of Muscle Fiber

Smallest unit is endomysium

Several bundles become fascicle
o Connected be CT perimysium
Functions of muscle
o Movement
o Posture
o Generates heat

I vs H vs M bands
I Z an Asshole

Myosin in thin and thick filament
o 2 heads and a tail
o F actin strands twirled on each other
o Trpopomyosin holds them together
Actin, tropomyosin and troponin

sarcolema - invaginations toward center of the muscle
space inside the tubule - T tubule - transverse -
junction of the A and I band
Pouches on each side of the cytoplasmic reticulum
terminal cisterns
o Junction of A and I band
o One cistern, t tubule, sarcolemma
T system
T tubule goes to deep part of muscle
EM of triad
o Glycoprotein complex
o Provides strength by providing scaffolding
for fibrils
o Clinical manif: muscle weakness
o X-linked
o Destruction of muscles
o Dystrophinopathy
o Beckers???

Dystophin-glycoprotein complex
Protein that anchors triad to basal lamina
Provides stiffness to muscles

Motor unit
Motor neuron and all muscles it innervates
Low innervation vs High innervation
High innervation faster movements
Low innervation slow, sustained movements

Depends on function of muscle

Neuromuscular junction
Bet nerve and muscle
Prejunction nerve; postjunction muscle
Saltatory conduction
o Impulse starts at axon hillock
o Along nodes of Ranvier
Also called endplate
Vesicles pinch off from ER
SNAP25 snare proteins where botulitin toxin acts

Proteins identified for endocytosis

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