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Enzo: Bello, Bow aie you.
}oel: I'm fine, thank you. Anu you.

!..+ 6."&%&'71 !..+ *8$#"&..&71 !..+ #9#&%&'7

!"##$ &'()* %(&:$ a gieeting. We say (##$ &'()* befoie we go to sleep.

;<*$:( 4-1 ;<*$:( '.%&' .&51 /.2:( %$ '.%&'5

Biian: Bey Chiistina. What's up.
Chiistina: What's up.

Susan: Bow's it going, Sanuia.
Sanuia: It's going well.
Not well. Bow about you.

/.2 <*9# 3.4 =##&51 ;<*$:( &#251 /.2:( 0%8#51 /.2:( #9#"3$<%&'5

Robeit: Bi, Aiuan. Long time- no see.
Aiuan: Yes, it has. Bow have you been.
Robeit: uieat! I just got a new job.
Pietty well.
Not so goou. I've been sick anu I neeu to go to the uoctoi.
What's new with you.
Aiuan: Not much. I'm still woiking in my same job.

+',- *# .--* /#0.- >&03 useu the 8%"($ $%6# you meet someone if you have nevei met

If you have met befoie, use:

+',- *# 1-- /#0.- If it's not the fiist time you'ie meeting this peison.

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