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MS Project tools for implementation plan construction
Use the MS Project template + your PI plan on !cel"
!cel PI # h$%h le&el act$&$t$es" MS Project should allo' you to %o more $nto
deta$ls and (eep$n% the o&erall &$e'"
Use the )Sho'* +utton to %et the correct le&el o, deta$l $n the &$e'. -ou can
manually adapt the &$e' +y e!pand$n% or h$d$n% deta$ls cl$c( on the +./#
When in the plan, to find the selected task on the diagram, click on the hand!"
S$nce th$s $s a tool used $n many countr$es 'e ,$rst set $t up n n%l$sh +ut translat$ons o,
tas(s $n the template are a&a$la+le and can +e used. 0o ha&e the plan $n local lan%ua%e #
Use )Sho' 1ll Su+tas(s* to d$splay all l$nes"
2oo( ,or your lan%ua%e column" $, not already d$splay$n%" r$%ht cl$c( on the
headers l$ne" select $nsert column" loo( ,or )0as( name 3ran4a$s* or )0as( name
56 Pa%e 7 72.77.2070
Select the 'hole local lan%ua%e column +y cl$c($n% on the header" copy"
8o to the or$%$nal 0as( name column 9the one '$th the +./:" select the 'hole
column" and paste. 1ll the coumn should +e con&erted to your local lan%ua%e.
I, you '$sh to con&ert $t +ac( to n%l$sh" just do the same +y copy$n% and past$n% the
0as( name n%l$sh column to the or$%$nal 0as( name column.
A&AP$ $'E S$R#($#RE $% )%#R PLAN$
$ake out the unnecessar* parts"
E+,# 5o recru$tment o, ;ottle +lo'$n% e!pert +ecause already $n place
Select the l$ne o, +atch o, tas(s correspond$n% to the role" do not e!pand $t" press
delete. 90o select the l$ne cl$c( on the l$ne num+er on the le,t column:#
E+-# 5o e!ternal recru$tment ,or a role +ut $nternal recru$tment" ta(e out only a ,e'
Select the l$nes o, tas(s you 'ant to ta(e out" press
56 Pa%e 2 72.77.2070
Add roles "
!# Many <perators product$on#
Select the +atch o, tas(s correspond$n% to the role" do not e!pand $t" copy and
paste. 0he e!act structure o, the +atch should +e no' d$splay$n% t'$ce. 1dapt the
names o, roles#
0h$s created +atch should ha&e the same l$n(s than the one $t 'as cop$ed ,rom e!cept
the ,$rst l$n( so you may chec( th$s r$%ht a,ter past$n% to ma(e sure $t $s not ,or%otten
+ecause $t $s $mpact$n% the schedule#
.nsert a task"
=l$c( on the +utton )Insert tas(*#
56 Pa%e 3 72.77.2070
and ,$ll the tas( name. 2$n(s m$%ht automat$cally +e set so ma(e sure $t $s correspond$n%
to your needs. Set a real$st$c durat$on to the tas(.
-ou may '$sh to adapt the l$n(s 96ependanc$es: +et'een the tas(s.
6ependanc$es are l$n(s +et'een the tas(s allo'$n% to set that )01S> 2* starts only once
)01S> 7* $s ,$n$shed ,or e!ample#
Use the dependency column to $nput the tas( num+er o, the predecessor.
;ut can +e custom$?ed more $nto deta$ls.
E+# @acancy post$n% and preselect$on start#
Ae can set up that )Preselect$on* starts 3 days a,ter )@acancy post$n%* tas( starts#
SP2I006 S=B5 0< 6ISP21- 601I2S
In order to use correct shortcuts" you can use a tool d$splay$n% $n the MS Project '$ndo'
+ut +elo' your plan#
8o on the r$%ht +ottom s$de o, the screen" select the small hor$?ontal +ar 'h$ch $s
d$splay$n% under the )scroll do'n* arro'#
56 Pa%e 4 72.77.2070
6ra% C drop $t up #
It '$ll d$splay a '$ndo' deta$l$n% $n,ormat$on on the currently selected tas(#
B$%ht cl$c( on th$s ?one to choose 'h$ch $n,ormat$on you 'ant to d$splay a+out
the tas( 9 Predecessors C Successors may +e the most $nterest$n%:#
-ouDll then +e a+le to choose the type o, l$n(s +et'een 2 tas(s +y ed$t$n% $t $n th$s
+o! #
56 Pa%e 5 72.77.2070
In the template durat$ons ha&e +een set to ,$t the major$ty than(s to ,eed+ac(s ,rom
plants. Some adjustments may +e done to ,$t s$te spec$,$c s$tuat$ons.
Aarn$n% #
1l'ays chan%e the durat$on $n the 6urat$on column" do not use the date columns
to chan%e durat$ons as th$s $s paraly?$n% plann$n% dates"
6urat$ons are set $n 'or($n% days and donDt $nclude 'ee( ends. 97'ee(E5days:.
-ou '$ll Fu$c(ly see that play$n% '$th the tas(s durat$ons.l$n(sG somet$mes leads you to
%et &ery eas$ly o&er deadl$nes '$thout not$c$n%. -ou can set a deadl$ne $n MS Project ,or
an e!$st$n% tas( or set an $ndependent deadl$ne to mon$tor your plann$n% and ma(e sure
that 'h$le plann$n% and l$n($n% your tas(s you are not already late.
Insert the 6eadl$ne column 9same 'ay $nsert$n% the tas( name $n other lan%ua%e
$s descr$+ed:
In the deadl$ne column select the deadl$ne date ,or (ey tas(s" a %reen arro' '$ll
d$splay the deadl$ne on the d$a%ram#
6eadl$ne '$ll %$&e h$%hl$%ht 'hen not respected +y the $n$t$al plann$n%#
56 Pa%e H 72.77.2070
Spec$,$c m$lestone tas( can +e also set ,or the status o, someth$n% 9represented
%raph$cally +y a d$amond: #
=reate a tas( and set $ts durat$on at 0 day. Select a deadl$ne.
E+# 2a+ techn$c$an $nte%rated $n Upstream#
1ny tas( '$th no durat$on 9correspond$n% to a status: '$ll +e cons$dered as a m$lestone.
-ou can also set manually a tas( 9'$th durat$on: as a m$lestone#
6ou+le cl$c( on the tas(" %o to ad&anced and t$c( the )Set as a m$lestone* +o!.
0he use o, the sett$n% o, m$lestones $s that you can then d$splay only these m$lestones and
ha&e an o&er&$e' o, the project status '$th these (ey m$lestones.
1ccord$n% to th$s" sett$n% h$%h le&el tas(s 9ha&$n% su+tas(s under them: allo's you to see
the I o, complet$on o, the tas( and $s more $nterest$n% then sett$n% a s$mple tas( '$th no
S$AR$ &A$E
6eadl$nes and m$lestones can +e &ery use,ul 'hen you ha&e to plan the start o, a +atch o,
! # I 'ant all the prod man upstream $nstalled +e,ore J
o, Sept 2077" +ut I th$n( I can
start the select$on only $n Kune.
ELI %o the l$ne correspond$n% to select$on" select J
o, Kune $n Start date column. It $s
as($n% me 'hat I 'ant to do so I select# (eep the dependanc$es and set the start date also.
56 Pa%e 7 72.77.2070
A$th a deadl$ne pre&$ously set" another '$ndo' $s open$n% to alert that there $s %o$n% to
+e a con,l$ct" $n ,act $t $s the deadl$ne 'h$ch $s not %o$n% to +e respected.
6o$n% the same '$th no deadl$ne set '$ll not %$&e any 'arn$n%.
Bemar(# Paralyse only the necessary dates# start o, a cha$n" or 'hen you 'ant to lea&e a
%ap +et'een 2 tas(sG +ut pre,er the l$n(s 'hen poss$+le. 1 paralysed date does not mean
$t $s %o$n% to 'arn you $, the tas( $s late. -ou can see a date has +een paralysed '$th the
calendar d$splay$n% on the status column#
0o ta(e out a paralysed set date# cl$c( on the paralysed date and press delete.
-ou '$ll $dent$,y resources ,or the tas(s # they '$ll d$splay $n the resource column. -ou
can add them +y select$n% '$th the cell menu '$th$n the already e!$st$n% resources or set
them '$th the spec$al resource tool #
1llo's you to select more than 7 resource +ut +e care,ul as durat$on may +e chan%es #
d$&$ded automat$cally +y the num+er o, person per,orm$n% the tas(.
56 Pa%e 8 72.77.2070
Unless you use the resource tool and select all the resources '$th the =trl (ey +e,ore
&al$dat$n% #
S%R$.NG $%%LS
-ou can use 2 sort$n% tools #
Sort$n% '$th columns 9you can create your o'n cr$ter$a $n your custom$?ed
0o allo' the sort$n% +y columns" cl$c( on the 3$lter sym+ol #
56 Pa%e J 72.77.2070
Sort$n% '$th the sort$n% menu# d$splay only m$lestones" d$splay only tas(s
happen$n% at certa$n dates" only tas(s ,or a spec$,$c resourceG 0o use th$s tool use
the menu near the ,$lter sym+ol #
=om+$n$n% +oth ,$lter types $s poss$+le.
-ou can e!pand or close the act$&$t$es to ha&e d$,,erent le&els o, deta$l"
M$%her le&el tas(s '$ll %$&e you the o&erall t$me and I o, complet$on 9+ased on t$me:G
-ou can choose to d$splay some columns that may result more use,ul ,or your ,ollo' up.
-ou can custom$?e columns #
! set a m$lestone column#
Insert a )0e!t* column"
B$%ht cl$c( on the column header"
=l$c( )=ustom$?e*"
=l$c( on )Bename*"
Input the t$tle you 'ant and &al$date.
3or e!ample # you can create a Monthly =hec( column 'ere you 'r$te )nd Kanuary* ,or
a tas( that has to end up ,or the nd Kanuary m$lestone. 0h$s '$ll allo' you to select all
tas(s that need to +e ,$n$shed ,or end Kanuary and ha&e a &$e' on them. 96eadl$nes also
can +e used +ut are l$(ely to +e more prec$se:
2%LL%W #P
Ahen the plann$n% $s ,$n$shed 9and ,$!ed: you can sa&e the +asel$ne#
8o to 0ools"
3ollo' up"
Sa&e the +asel$ne
Select the ent$re project"
=l$c( <>.
56 Pa%e 70 72.77.2070
In order to ha&e an adapted &$e' ,or ,ollo' up" you can then use the ,ollo' up 8antt or
adapt your o'n &$e'.
B$%ht cl$c( on the r$%ht s$de o, the screen"
Select the &$e' you 'ant.
In ,ollo' up 8antt you ha&e a l$ne d$splay$n% the current date and you can set the ,ollo'
up cur&e#
B$%ht cl$c( on the d$a%ram"
Select 3ollo' up cur&es"
Select al'ays d$splay the current ,ollo' up cur&e #
56 Pa%e 77 72.77.2070
=l$c( <>.
I, th$s cur&e $s &ert$cal # all $s on t$me.
1 use,ul column ,or ,ollo' up $s the Status indicator # d$splay$n% $nd$cators ,or on t$me.
delayed. ,$n$shed tas(s.
-ou can also d$splay the cr$t$cal path # tas(s $n red # $, late then delay$n% the project or not
respect$n% the deadl$nes.
56 Pa%e 72 72.77.2070

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