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Introduction to Geographic Information Systems with QGIS

by Julius M. Bagate
This three day introduction to GIS course is designed to give a fast and basic introduction to
Geographic Information Systems. Designed for the ! "ollege of #rchitecture $aculty and research
staff% this training consists of lightning tal&s to delve on theory and on tons of hands'on laboratory
e(ercises to develop students s&ill in using a GIS soft)are. *uantum GIS +*GIS, )ill be used for this
training. #t the end of this training% the student is e(pected to be able to use *GIS )ith ease and create
data% visuali-e spatial information and apply GIS for analysis.
Schedule. July /0 and /1% #ug. 1% 2'3 !M
4enue. ! "ollege of #rchitecture% Diliman% *ue-on "ity
Day ! "asics# Introduction to Quantum GIS
The first day is designed to give the student a good and concise introduction to GIS. The morning
session is designed for lectures and the !M session hands on e(ercise.
Morning Session
5./0 6 2.00 7egistration
2.00 6 2./0 Introduction of !articipants and Training 8(pectations
2./0 6 10.00 $ecture . Introduction to GIS +Definition% "omponents of a GIS% #pplications,
10.00 6 10.13 Morning Brea&
10.13 6 11.00 $ecture %! Spatial Data Models and GIS 9or&flo)s
11.00 6 1:.00 $ecture &. Introduction to *uantum GIS
Demo . *uantum GIS
1:.00 6 1.00 ;unch Brea&
#fternoon Session
1.00 6 :.00 $a' E(ercise . *GIS ser Interface Basics
:.00 6 /.00 $a' E(ercise %: "reating your BaseMap +7egistration and Georeferencing of a
Scanned Map,
/.00 6 /.13 #fternoon Brea&
/.13 6 3.00 $a' E(ercise &.
)!"reating 4ector Data +Digiti-ing !oints% ;ines and !olygon $eatures on the Map,
and adding<8diting #ttributes.
"! "reating !oint Data from Te(t $iles
C! Digiti-ing $eatures from Satellite Imagery
Day %! *ector GIS
The second day focuses on #ttribute data% 4ector GIS datasets and related analysis tools.
Morning Session
2.00 6 =.00 $ecture +! GIS #nalysis
=.00 6 10.00 $a' E(ercise ,. 9or&ing )ith #ttribute Data
10.00 6 10.13 Morning Brea&
10.00 6 11.00 $a' E(ercise -. "reating >eatmaps and Interpolating !oints
11.00 6 1:.00 $a' E(ercise .. Geoprocessing Tools
1:.00 6 1.00 ;unch Brea&
#fternoon Session
1.00 6 /.00 $a' E(ercise /. Site Selection 1. "hoosing the Best Site using a "riteria
/.00 6 /.13 #fternoon Brea&
/.13 6 3.00 $a' E(ercise 0. Site Selection :. "hoosing the Best Site using a "riteria
Day &! Raster GIS 12or3ing with 4errain Data5
Morning Session
2.00 6 =.00 $ecture ,! 7aster Data !rocessing and Terrain #nalysis )ith GIS
=.00 6 10.00 $a' E(ercise 6. 9or&ing )ith 7aster Data +;oading% "lipping and 8(tracting
"ontours% 7aster to 4ector "onversion,
10.00 6 10.13 Morning Brea&
10.00 6 11.00 $a' E(ercise . 7aster Data #nalysis +7aster "alculator%
11.00 6 1:.00 $a' E(ercise %. Terrain Modeling +>illshade% Slope% #spect,
1:.00 6 1.00 ;unch Brea&
#fternoon Session
1.00 6 /.00 $a' E(ercise &. Site Selection /. "hoosing the Best Site using a "riteria +includes
/.00 6 /.13 #fternoon Brea&
/.13 6 3.00 $a' E(ercise +. "reating #nalysis Map ;ayouts
3.00 6 3./0 Training 9rap'p and $eedbac&

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