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AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-49.

Proactive Safety Issue Date: Marc !" #0!0
A$$ro%ed by: AES E&S Mana'(n' D(rector Effect(%e Date Marc !" #0!0
1.0 Purpose
T(s safety standard (s establ(sed to set m(n(mum e)$ectat(ons for $roact(%e safety measures at eac AES
*us(ness to be (m$lemented by +ay of te(r Safety Mana'ement System ,SMS- to str(%e for a Safety Inc(dent
free +or.$lace and a +orld class safety culture. T(s standard au'ments te e)(st(n' SMS Standard ,AES-
STD-/.0- by sett(n' m(n(mum floor le%el e)$ectat(ons for $roact(%e safety $ract(ces (n te follo+(n' areas: ,!-
0(s(tor or(entat(ons1 ,#- select safety (nformat(on to be commun(cated to and understood by AES 2eo$le and
3ontractors1 ,4- reduc(n' te number of unsafe cond(t(ons and unsafe acts by $erform(n' 5ual(ty Safety 6al.s
and correct(n' 6or.$lace &a7ards1 ,4- establ(s(n' bot 3ard(nal Safety 8ules and a 9ero Tolerance $ro'ram1
and ,:- conduct(n' montly safety meet(n's conta(n(n' a com$any-+(de common safety to$(c. Eac AES
*us(ness (s e)$ected to de%elo$ and (m$lement s(te s$ec(f(c $rocedures to com$ly +(t t(s safety standard.
AES *us(nesses are encoura'ed to establ(s $roact(%e safety measures tat are more str(n'ent tan te ones
(dent(f(ed (n t(s standard.
2.0 Scope
T(s safety standard a$$l(es to all AES *us(nesses o%er +(c AES as o%erall mana'ement control"
re'ardless of +at $ercenta'e of e5u(ty control AES as (n tat bus(ness;s(te. All $rocedural elements of te
standard are (n effect as of te (ssue date < e)ce$t(ons to te effect(%e date of te standard are tat AES
*us(nesses a%e s() ,/- monts after t(s standard=s (ssue date to ,!- create a +r(tten 2roact(%e Safety
Mana'ement 2ro'ram" and ,#- to fully de%elo$ 3ard(nal Safety 8ules. 3onformance by te AES *us(ness to
te e)$ectat(ons of t(s safety standard +(ll be %er(f(ed dur(n' eac AES (nte'rated E&S aud(t s(nce te aud(t
$rotocol assoc(ated +(t t(s 2roact(%e Safety Standard (s mandatory dur(n' all suc aud(ts.
3.0 Definitions
AES Business >$erat(onal ,e.'." $o+er 'enerat(on fac(l(t(es" T?D bus(nesses- locat(ons and construct(on
s(tes ,(nclud(n' ma@or E23 $ro@ects-. It (ncludes AES adm(n(strat(%e locat(ons tat a%e o$t(onally dec(ded to
de%elo$ and (m$lement a SMS.
AES Person An em$loyee of AES or one of (ts subs(d(ary com$an(es.
Contractor A $erson or com$any contract(n' +(t AES to su$$ly $roducts or ser%(ces.
Cardinal Safety Rules 6(le all a$$l(cable safety rules must be follo+ed at an AES *us(ness" tere are .ey
s$ec(f(c safety rules tat" (f %(olated" re$resent %ery s('n(f(cant r(s.s of occu$at(onal (n@ury or (llness to AES
2eo$le" 3ontractors" and;or members of te $ubl(c at tat bus(ness. Eac AES *us(ness (s e)$ected to
formulate s$ec(f(c 3ard(nal Safety 8ules for te(r locat(ons. 0(olat(ons of 3ard(nal Safety 8ules re$resent a
ser(ous breec of safety culture and tere must be a 9ero Tolerance 2ol(cy a'a(nst te(r %(olat(on.

i!" Ris# A cond(t(on or $ract(ce tat may cause $ermanent (nca$ac(ty" loss of l(fe" cons(derable losses of
e5u($ment and;or mater(als or (nterru$t(on of te bus(ness $rocess.
$o% Ris# A cond(t(on or $ract(ce tat may cause m(nor" non (nca$ac(tat(n' (n@ur(es or m(nor dama'es to te
&ediu' Ris# A cond(t(on or $ract(ce tat may cause a ser(ous (n@ury or (llness" caus(n' a tem$orary
(nca$ac(ty or destruct(%e dama'e" tou' not e)tens(%e to te $ro$erty.
2roact(%e Safety 2a'e !
AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-49.0
Proactive Safety Issue Date: Marc !" #0!0
A$$ro%ed by: AES E&S Mana'(n' D(rector Effect(%e Date Marc !" #0!0
(ear &iss < An un(ntended" un$lanned and une)$ected e%ent tat could a%e but d(d not result (n $ersonal
(n@ury or en%(ronmental arm. &uman error (s commonly an (n(t(at(n' e%ent o+e%er a faulty $rocess or system
can also be a dr(%er. A Near M(ss (s an o$$ortun(ty to ra(se a+areness and (m$ro%e en%(ronmental" ealt" and
safety $ract(ces.
&inor (ear &iss < A Near M(ss +(c $osed a Ao+ 8(s. < an AES *us(ness as te o$t(on to re$ort tese
ty$es of Near M(sses as a montly number under te AES>nl(ne Montly Informat(on area.
(ear &iss )ncident < A Near M(ss +(c $osed a &(' 8(s. or a Med(um 8(s. < suc Near M(sses are
e)$ected to be re$orted (n te AES>nl(ne System under te Inc(dents module.
Safety Alert * Safety Bulletin < A document (ssued by te AES E&S Team (n Arl(n'ton tat $ro%(des te
descr($t(on" causes" correct(%e act(ons" and .ey learn(n's from an actual safety Inc(dent. Safety Alerts usually
deal +(t ser(ous Safety Inc(dents tat occurred at an AES *us(ness" and Safety *ullet(ns usually deal +(t
non-AES ser(ous safety (nc(dents or oter tecn(cal safety (ssues.
Safety )ncident < An e%ent at an AES *us(ness tat resulted (n occu$at(onal (n@ury or (llness ,(nclud(n'
fatal(t(es" ATIs" recordables" and f(rst a(d cases-" a $ubl(c fatal(ty" or a Near M(ss Inc(dent. 8efer to te AES
Inc(dent Mana'ement standard ,AES-STD-!#.0- for add(t(onal deta(ls.
Safety )nspection Te $rocess of obser%(n' areas of a bus(ness or locat(on +(t te e)$ress $ur$ose of
(dent(fy(n'" document(n'" and arran'(n' for te correct(on of unsafe cond(t(ons. Tey do not (nclude e5u($ment
(ns$ect(ons +ose $r(mary $ur$ose (s oter tan occu$at(onal safety ,e.'." f(re e)t(n'u(ser (ns$ect(ons" bo(ler
Safety (onconfor'ance Any de%(at(on from +or. standards" $ract(ces" $rocedures" re'ulat(ons" or safety
mana'ement system re5u(rements tat may lead to (n@ury" (llness or $ro$erty dama'e" or dama'e to te +or.
$lace en%(ronment.
Safety +rian!le ,Pyra'id- A 'ra$(c de$(ct(on of te rat(o bet+een occu$at(onal (n@ury ty$es" occu$at(onal
(llness ty$es" safety-related e%ents ,Near M(sses" $ro$erty dama'e acc(dents-" unsafe +or. cond(t(ons" and
unsafe +or. bea%(ors des('ned to $red(ct te occurrence of safety-related e%ents or +or.$lace (ssues.
Safety .al# Te $rocess of systemat(cally obser%(n' +or.(n' cond(t(ons and act(%(t(es and (nteract(n' +(t
+or.ers to (dent(fy and el(m(nate unsafe cond(t(ons and unsafe bea%(ors. Safety 6al.s are d(st(n'u(sed from
Safety Ins$ect(ons by te re5u(rement tat te $erson $erform(n' a Safety 6al. +(ll (nteract +(t $eo$le
before" dur(n' and after obser%(n' tem for te e)$ress (ntent(on of $ro%(d(n' feedbac. aff(rm(n' 'ood safe
+or. $ract(ces and bea%(ors and correct(n' tose $ract(ces and bea%(ors tat are not acce$table.
/isitor Any $erson (nclud(n' AES e)ecut(%es %(s(t(n' an AES *us(ness locat(on +o (s not $ermanently
ass('ned to +or. at tat locat(on < (t does not (nclude 3ontractors or %(s(tors +o +(ll be only enter(n' non-
o$erat(onal areas of te AES *us(ness ,e.'." adm(n(strat(%e off(ces-.
.or# Activity 01servation A $lanned act(%(ty +ere te obser%er (dent(f(es bot unsafe cond(t(ons and
unsafe bea%(ors seen +(le obser%(n' a s$ec(f(c +or. act(%(ty or +or.$lace locat(on. Te act(%(ty usually
(n%ol%es follo+ u$ (nteract(on +(t te +or.ers to d(scuss obser%ed cond(t(ons and bea%(ors. Tey are al+ays
caracter(7ed by follo+ u$ act(on to correct any unsafe cond(t(ons or unsafe bea%(ors tat +ere (dent(f(ed.
6or. Act(%(ty >bser%at(ons often (n%ol%e $eers obser%(n' fello+ $eers.
.or#place a2ard < An unsafe bea%(or or unsafe cond(t(on +(c $resents a lo+ r(s." and;or a cond(t(on or
$ract(ce tat could cause only m(nor" non (nca$ac(tat(n' (n@ur(es or m(nor dama'es to $ro$erty.
2roact(%e Safety 2a'e #
AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-49.0
Proactive Safety Issue Date: Marc !" #0!0
A$$ro%ed by: AES E&S Mana'(n' D(rector Effect(%e Date Marc !" #0!0
3ero +olerance Policy Means establ(sment of an AES *us(ness safety culture tat does not acce$t any
%(olat(on of 3ard(nal Safety 8ules at te AES *us(ness.
4.0 5uidin! Principles and Cardinal Rules
!. E%ery 0(s(tor to an AES *us(ness (s e)$ected to rece(%e a safety or(entat(on commensurate +(t te
le%el of r(s. and ty$es of a7ards l(.ely to be encountered by te 0(s(tor dur(n' te t(me tey s$end on
#. Eac AES Safety Alert ; Safety *ullet(n (s e)$ected to be re%(e+ed and understood subse5uent to (ts
f(rst (ssue by all current AES 2eo$le and 3ontractors at an AES *us(ness +o are e)$osed to s(m(lar
occu$at(onal ealt and safety r(s.s co%ered by te Safety Alert ; Safety *ullet(n < documentat(on of te
Safety Alert ; Safety *ullet(n re%(e+s by $ersonnel (s e)$ected. Eac AES *us(ness (s encoura'ed to
set u$ a $ro'ram to assure ne+ AES 2eo$le and 3ontractors are (nformed of $ast (ssued Safety
Alerts ; Safety *ullet(ns.
4. Eac AES *us(ness (s e)$ected to a%e a $ro'ram (n $lace to set 'oals" $erform and conduct Safety
6al.s. Sett(n' of 'oals for and $erform(n' 6or. Act(%(ty >bser%at(ons and Safety Ins$ect(ons (s
4. Eac AES *us(ness (s e)$ected to a%e a 6or.$lace &a7ard ; Safety Nonconformance re$ort(n' and
mana'ement $ro'ram des('ned to (dent(fy" assess and correct Safety Inc(dents and 6or.$lace
:. Eac AES *us(ness (s e)$ected to establ(s a 9ero Tolerance 2ol(cy to commun(cate" mon(tor
conformance" and enforce AES *us(ness-s$ec(f(c 3ard(nal Safety 8ules +(c" +en follo+ed" +(ll
$romote a Safety Inc(dent free +or.$lace and a +orld class safety culture.
/. At a m(n(mum" eac AES *us(ness must conduct a $lanned montly safety meet(n' +(t !00B
attendee $art(c($at(on and conta(n(n' a com$any-+(de common safety to$(c to commun(cate t(mely
(ssues to AES 2eo$le at te bus(ness. AES *us(nesses are encoura'ed to con%ey montly safety
meet(n' (nformat(on as a$$ro$r(ate for te(r bus(ness.
6.0 Re7uire'ents
Eac AES *us(ness (s e)$ected to de%elo$ and (m$lement a 2roact(%e Safety Mana'ement 2ro'ram tat" at a
m(n(mum" conta(ns te follo+(n' elements:
6.1 .ritten Pro!ra' Ele'ents
:.!.! Te +r(tten $ro'ram must be le'(ble" readable" and access(ble by all bus(ness $ersonnel.
:.!.# Te +r(tten $ro'ram must (dent(fy te $os(t(on of te $ersons at te o$erat(on +o (s ult(mately
res$ons(ble for te (m$lementat(on and ma(ntenance of te o$erat(on=s 2roact(%e Safety
Mana'ement 2ro'ram.
2roact(%e Safety 2a'e 4
AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-49.0
Proactive Safety Issue Date: Marc !" #0!0
A$$ro%ed by: AES E&S Mana'(n' D(rector Effect(%e Date Marc !" #0!0
6.2 Procedural Ele'ents
+"e follo%in! procedural ele'ents 'ust 1e included in t"e Proactive Safety &ana!e'ent Pro!ra'
at eac" AES Business.
:.#.! .or# Site Safety for /isitors Pro!ra': E%ery AES *us(ness (s e)$ected to de%elo$ a $rocess
for ensur(n' tat 0(s(tors are $rotected from +or. s(te a7ards. Eac 0(s(tor (s to be (nstructed
on te s$ec(f(c a7ards assoc(ated +(t te +or. s(te and te $recaut(ons necessary to m(t('ate
te r(s. $osed by tese a7ards. Add(t(onally" s(te-s$ec(f(c rules re'ard(n' te re5u(red conduct
by 0(s(tors +(le on-s(te sould be commun(cated.
Te 6or. S(te Safety for 0(s(tors 2ro'ram (s e)$ected to (nclude a safety or(entat(on for e%ery
0(s(tor (nclud(n' AES e)ecut(%es $r(or to te(r entry (n o$erat(onal areas of te bus(ness. Te s(te
or(entat(on (s e)$ected to be commensurate +(t te r(s.s a 0(s(tor may be e)$osed to and
sould cons(der te follo+(n' to$(cs:
S$ec(f(c 2ersonal 2rotect(%e E5u($ment ,22E- re5u(rements
>ccu$at(onal safety and ealt a7ards $resent at te bus(ness and
a%o(dance;m(t('at(on measures
Emer'ency $rocedures ,e.'. muster $o(nts and emer'ency contacts-
S(te s$ec(f(c traff(c rules
8estr(cted areas;act(%(t(es ,e.'. (' %olta'e e5u($ment" cem(cal;$ys(cal a7ard
areas" secure;sens(t(%e areas" etc.-
Dru'" alcool and f(rearms $ol(cy
Escort re5u(rements
:.#.# Safety Alerts and Safety Bulletins < Eac AES *us(ness (s e)$ected to de%elo$ $rocedures to
$resent (nformat(on conta(ned (n e%ery AES Safety Alert and AES Safety *ullet(n to AES 2eo$le
and 3ontractors +o are $otent(ally sub@ect to te r(s.s descr(bed (n te Safety Alert or Safety
*ullet(n. Te Safety Alert and Safety *ullet(n $rocedures are e)$ected to (nclude at a m(n(mum
te follo+(n' elements:
A. After tey are f(rst (ssued by AES" a mecan(sm to sare te (nformat(on +(t e%ery
current AES 2erson and 3ontractor at te o$erat(on +o may be e)$osed to r(s.s or
$erform s(m(lar +or. as descr(bed (n te Safety Alert or Safety *ullet(n.
*. A metod to document tat e%ery $erson re%(e+ed te (nformat(on (n
te Safety Alert or Safety *ullet(n.
AES *us(nesses are also encoura'ed to set u$ a $ro'ram to ensure ne+ AES 2eo$le and
3ontractors are (nformed of $ast (ssued Safety Alerts ; Safety *ullet(ns.

:.#.4 Safety .al#s
Eac AES *us(ness e)$ected to de%elo$ and (m$lement a $ro'ram of fre5uent
Safety 6al.s and descr(be te metodolo'y to document and resol%e (ssues d(sco%ered dur(n'
Safety 6al.s. Te $ro'ram (s e)$ected to be des('ned to (dent(fy and correct unsafe bea%(ors
and unsafe cond(t(ons. Also te $erformance of 6or. Act(%(ty >bser%at(ons and Safety
Ins$ect(ons (s encoura'ed as a$$ro$r(ate for te nature of te AES *us(ness. Te Safety 6al.
$ro'ram (s e)$ected to (nclude or reference" at a m(n(mum" te follo+(n' elements:
A. A l(st of eac $os(t(on at te AES *us(ness res$ons(ble for conduct(n' Safety 6al.s and
te m(n(mum fre5uency eac $os(t(on (s re5u(red to conduct te Safety 6al.s.
6or. Act(%(ty >bser%at(ons and Safety Ins$ect(ons must not be counted to+ard an AES *us(ness= 'oals for $erform(n' Safety 6al.s.
Altou' $erform(n' 6or. Act(%(ty >bser%at(ons and Safety Ins$ect(ons (s encoura'ed" tey are no s$ec(f(c re5u(rements for tem (n
t(s Standard oter tan re$ort(n' te(r montly totals (nto AES>nl(ne.
2roact(%e Safety 2a'e 4
AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-49.0
Proactive Safety Issue Date: Marc !" #0!0
A$$ro%ed by: AES E&S Mana'(n' D(rector Effect(%e Date Marc !" #0!0
*. A descr($t(on of o+ te Safety 6al.s +(ll be $erformed and documented.
3. A system to trac. all nonconformances d(sco%ered dur(n' Safety 6al.s" and o+ and
+en tey +ere corrected.
D. Stated 'oals" by mont and $os(t(on" for te number of Safety 6al.s tat +(ll be
E. A tra(n(n' $ro'ram" for all $eo$le (n%ol%ed (n te $ro'ram" to ensure tat Safety 6al.s
are bot cons(stent and of (' 5ual(ty.
C. A documentat(on and record retent(on $ol(cy for Safety 6al.s.
G. Safety 6al." 6or. Act(%(ty >bser%at(on" and Safety Ins$ect(on metr(cs must be re$orted
(nto te AES>nl(ne SMS module as se$arate numbers.
:.#.4 Reportin! .or#place a2ards * Safety (onconfor'ances < As a$$ro$r(ate for te bus(ness"
eac AES *us(ness (s e)$ected to a%e an (nternal $rocess for re$ort(n' and correct(n'
6or.$lace &a7ards ; Safety Nonconformances (nclud(n' Safety Inc(dents. Eac *us(ness (s
e)$ected to de%elo$ and (m$lement $rocedures to (dent(fy" (n%est('ate and correct 6or.$lace
&a7ards ; Nonconformances. Tese $rocedures +(ll au'ment te Safety 6al. $rocedures. Te
6or.$lace &a7ard ; Safety Nonconformance $rocess must (nclude te follo+(n' elements:
A. A mecan(sm for AES 2eo$le and 3ontractors to re$ort 6or.$lace &a7ards ; Safety
*. A system to trac. and ensure t(mely (n%est('at(on and m(t('at(on of 6or.$lace &a7ards ;
Safety Nonconformances. In accordance +(t te Safety 2yram(d" te el(m(nat(on of
less ser(ous 6or.$lace &a7ards +(ll reduce te number of more ser(ous Safety
3. M(nor Near M(ss and 6or.$lace &a7ard numbers can be o$t(onally re$orted montly
(nto te AES>nl(ne System. Te AES *us(ness sould .ee$ documentat(on su$$ort(n'
te M(nor Near M(ss and 6or.$lace &a7ard numbers re$orted eac mont.
D. A tra(n(n' $ro'ram (s e)$ected to be (n $lace des('ned to fac(l(tate te (dent(f(cat(on"
documentat(on" (n%est('at(on and resolut(on of Safety Inc(dents" 6or.$lace &a7ards" and
oter Safety Nonconformances.
:.#.: 3ero +olerance Policy < Eac AES *us(ness (s e)$ected to de%elo$ and commun(cate to AES
2eo$le and 3ontractors bus(ness-s$ec(f(c 3ard(nal Safety 8ules based on te (nerent r(s.s of
te(r o$erat(ons. A mecan(sm for mon(tor(n' com$l(ance +(t te 3ard(nal Safety 8ules and an
enforcement ; sanct(on mecan(sm tat (s a$$ro$r(ate for te bus(ness and com$l(ant +(t local
la+s and re'ulat(ons ,e.'. local labor la+s" collect(%e bar'a(n(n' a'reements- (s e)$ected to be
(n $lace. Te 9ero Tolerance $ol(cy (s e)$ected to (nclude or reference" at a m(n(mum" te
follo+(n' elements:
A. A l(st of 3ard(nal Safety 8ules.
*. A mecan(sm to commun(cate te 3ard(nal Safety 8ules.
3. A metodolo'y to $er(od(cally re%(e+ and u$date te 3ard(nal Safety 8ules.
D. 2rocedures to mon(tor com$l(ance +(t te 3ard(nal Safety 8ules.
E. A $ro'ram to enforce te 3ard(nal Safety 8ules and a$$ly sanct(ons +en te rules are
C. A $ol(cy em$o+er(n' +or.ers to sto$ +or. (f unsafe cond(t(ons or bea%(ors are
2roact(%e Safety 2a'e :
AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-49.0
Proactive Safety Issue Date: Marc !" #0!0
A$$ro%ed by: AES E&S Mana'(n' D(rector Effect(%e Date Marc !" #0!0
:.#./. &ont"ly Safety &eetin!s < At a m(n(mum" eac AES *us(ness must conduct a montly
safety meet(n' to commun(cate safety related (nformat(on to all AES 2eo$le +or.(n' at tat
locat(on. Te safety meet(n's +(ll meet te follo+(n' cr(ter(a:
A. &a%e a mecan(sm (n $lace to document and reta(n te a'endas and te attendance
*. !00B $art(c($at(on for AES 2eo$le (s re5u(red. Anyone not able to attend te meet(n' at
te re'ularly sceduled t(me (s re5u(red to ma.e-u$ te meet(n' %(a %(deo or
oter su(table mecan(sm.
3. Eac montly safety meet(n' +(ll (nclude a com$any-+(de common safety to$(c and
$resentat(on mater(als $ro%(ded by te AES E&S team (n Arl(n'ton.
D. AES *us(nesses are encoura'ed to con%ey montly safety meet(n' (nformat(on to
3ontractors as a$$ro$r(ate.
2roact(%e Safety 2a'e /

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