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Shaloma McDonald BDQ 9/14/14

Through the 1
to 7
centuries the comments of Tacticus 1
century Roman Historian,
Synesiuc early 4
century Roman patriot, Ammianus Marcellus Roman historian of the late 4
barbarian knig from his mother, helps to explain how those thoughts influenced barbarian menace
and civilization.
According to Tacitus a 1
century Roman historian, the Germanic tribes were highly skilled
warriors with high standards. Tacitus praised them because of the commitment the warriors showed to
the chief. He portrayed them in such a way that one could say they were the civilized ones. The Romans,
says Salvien 5
century French monk, showed many injustices and cruelty. From this its apparent that
Rome is not what it has painted its self to be. the castaway Roman poor, the grieving widows, the
orphans underfoot, even many of the well-born and educated Romans took refuge among their
enemies Salvien commented. The civilized Romans were weak and had foreigners fighting in battle
for them. Synesius, early 4
century Roman patriot tried to encourage his fellow Romans by writing.
We must awaken again the ancient Roman spirit, fight our own battles, and carry nothing in common
with the barbarians. He then goes on to say that they must not let the barbarians which once served as
and house servants in Roman homes must not let a chance to rule Rome as they plan.

Document #1:
Document #1 was used because it showed how the Germanic tribes were skilled as well as the
importance of chief to warrior relationship. It also showed how warriors and chief were to be treated.
Document #3:
Document #3 was used because it shows how the Romans perceive the barbarians and how the empire
is slipping from Roman control.
Document #4:
Document #4 shows how even though they are barbarians and savage like they are still skilled fighters. It
also shows how barbarian lifestyle differs from the Romans in that they are nomadic.
Document #6:
Document #6 tells of an unbiased outside view of how the Romans were actually living. It tells how the
Romans were the actual barbarians and of their cruelty and poverty. The author of the document also
mentions how Roman citizenship was once something to be proud of and how it turned into something
nobody wanted.

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