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Day 1 September 17

, 2014 4
Grade Core Reading 10:00am-11:00am
Time Procedure Activities
10 min Introduce Titanic pictures
and new vocabulary words.
Read vocabulary story pg.
Present strategy focus and
our target learning goal (I
say, class says).
Rate new word knowledge 0-3 (dont know it at all,
heard it before, heard it and think it has to do
with, know the definition).
Teacher read aloud. Cloze read to maintain
attention. Discuss using context clues when we
dont know a word, model and then have them
think-ink-pair & share for voyage. Share context
clues for other vocabulary words as we read.
I say We will monitor our reading for
understanding. Students repeat back. I say We
can clarify our reading by reading ahead or
rereading something in the story. Students repeat
40 min Read Finding the Titanic in
group and pairs. Follow
comprehension map
sequence for reading.
Students read chapt. 1 & 2 together in pairs and fill
in a comprehension map as they go along. There are
stopping points for questioning and fill-ins that
require them to either clarify through a question or
monitor their reading by going back to re-read and
then answer something in their own words.
Check for comprehension through questioning. pg.
Read chapters 3 & 4 whole group using popcorn
reading or choral reading.
Target checkpoint. Questions pg. 91.
Reread to find the steps Ruth took to end up in
lifeboat #11.
Read chapters 5 & 6 on their own and finish
comprehension map.
10 min Exit task Sticky note exit strategy: What did you learn? What do
you still want to know?
Multiple Intelligences: Interpersonal, Logical
Learning Style: Visual

Day 2 September 18
, 2014 4
Grade Core Reading 10:00am-11:00am
Time Procedure Activities
5 min KWL Chart Fill in K and W of KWL chart to review
Present centers groups and directions. Students
will rotate to each station.
50 min Student centers rotation 1. Story audio center. Listen to the story read to you
while you follow along. Answer comprehension
questions on page 93 when you finish the story.
2. Vocabulary sheet fill-in. Students will draw a key
vocabulary word from the story and complete their
fill-in. Time left over than can play Rock and
Roll vocabulary dice game.
3. Reading story individually and completing the
graphic organizer story map (may not finish, but
will be given time later).
5 min Exit task Grab Bag: At the conclusion of a lesson, student takes
an object from a bag. The student must explain or
illustrate how the object is related to what they have
learned from Finding the Titanic.
Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, Interpersonal,
Learning Style : Auditory-Self-expressive

Day 3 September 19
, 2014 4
Grade Core Reading 10:00am-11:00am
Time Procedure Activities
15 min Review:
Spatial understanding of
What can you remember about the ship before it
hit the iceberg? Discussion
Complete Titanic length activity outside to see the
length of the ship and also discuss with visuals and
prompt cards the size of the smokestacks and
elaborate inside of the ship.
Multiple Intelligences: Bodily, Logical/Mathematical,
Learning Style : Kinesthetic-Mastery style
10 min Vocabulary task Complete vocabulary web activity to describe the
Titanic disaster. Then change three words using
the thesaurus to words that are more interesting or
30 min Performance Task Describe performance task they will be completing
and introduce the prompt and writing checklist.
Present article for source one and model how to
read for evidence that supports a prompt or
question they are writing for.
Whole class reads first paragraph. Model first
piece of evidence and highlight. Have students
think-ink-pair-share and then have a few share
whole class.
Allow students to complete next two sections on
their own. Monitor and have some share findings.
Finish reading the two page article. Have students
pair-share with a different partner to ensure they
found a decent amount of evidence.
5 min Exit task Sticky note exit strategy: What piece of evidence do
you think is the most important?
Multiple Intelligences: Interpersonal, Logical
Learning Style: Visual-Understanding Style

Day 4 September 22
, 2014 4
Grade Core Reading 10:00am-11:00am
Time Procedure Activities
5 min Review Share 3 or 4 of their sticky note thoughts with the
whole class and discuss.
15 min Video clip
Note Taking
Watch Parts of a Boat, pause to model not
taking practices.
Watch both Titanic video clips and stop between
to discuss important findings. Pair-share what they
have written in their notebooks as evidence.
5 min Modeling Look at writing prompt and ensure there are no
questions. Model an introduction sentence and
what descriptive vocabulary looks like.
25 min Writing Student will use their graphic organizer, notes and
highlighted article to write in response to the
Can use dictionary or thesaurus for this prompt.
10 min Reading Silent novel reading time individually pages 22-
43. Work on comprehension questions if time

Day 5 September 23
, 2014 4
Grade Core Reading 10:00am-11:00am
Time Procedure Activities
2 min Review Answer any questions about performance task up
until this point. Remind students What does
evidence look like?
40 min Writing Students continue writing in response to their
Teacher will pull students for mini conferences
about writing.
If finished before others students can read their
novel pages 22-43 and answer comprehension
questions or read leveled readers if they have
completed novel study work already.
15 min Comprehension Novel whole group discussion and review of
comprehension questions in packet.
3 min Exit Task Start to fill in the L from KWL chart.

Day 6 September 23
, 2014 4
Grade Core Reading 10:00am-11:00am
Time Procedure Activities
2 min Review Finish L from KWL chart
30 min Writing Students take edited work and publish their
performance task. Can choose between several
paper and ways to publish their final work.
Personal folder work if they finish before others.
15 min Vocabulary Outside on the grass for On the move vocabulary
activity. Students have a Titanic vocabulary word
on their headband that they cannot see. Must move
about and ask fellow students only one question
from their questionnaire to try and figure out their
word. ex. What part of speech am I?
Multiple Intelligences: Bodily, Linguistic, Naturalistic
Learning Style : Kinesthetic and Auditory-Self-
15 min Reading Novel pages 44-57 with comprehension questions.

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