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Cell To Scale

You will be drawing a cell to scale that represents a cell that is 30 microns
across. You will need to develop an appropriate scale that allows you use
most of your posterboard. Make sure to include this scale on the poster
board. You each will be assigned to draw a diferent cell found throughout the
human body. Not all cells contain every organelle below as they are
specialized to do specic functions !"#ample$ %ed blood cells have no
nucleus& 'or each organelle you will need to draw ( lines that e#tend from
each organelle !one for the name and one for the function&.
Possible Organelles
Cell Membrane !.0) microns thick&
composed of proteins and phospholipids

Nucleus !)0 microns across&
contains the genetic material of the cell that gives the instructions for
building proteins
Nuclear Envelope !.0) microns thick&
double membrane containing pores !.0* micron openings&
Nucleolus !+ microns across& Chromatin
appears as dark spot in the nucleus tangles of long strands
of ,N-
clear .uid that is slightly thinner than toothpaste
lies outside the nucleus
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum !.) microns&
makes lipids and breaks down carbohydrates
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum !.0* microns thick&
folded network of membranes that makes compartments in the cell
studded with ribosomes
Golgi Apparatus !( microns&
stacked/ .attened membrane sacs

Ribosomes !.* microns&
small particles of %N- throughout the cytoplasm
Vacuoles !vary in size/ but generally large&
.uid sac surrounded by a membrane
Lysosome !) micron&
.uid sac surrounded by a membrane that contains digestive enzymes
Mitochondria !) micron&
breaks down food to produce energy for the cell !cellular respiration&
contains an inner membrane called the cristae
Centrioles !.( microns&
found only in animal cells
resemble two small trash cans at right angles to each other
brous network throughout the cytoplasm
Microtubules Microlaments
thin/ hollow cylinders made of protein thin/ solid protein
short/ numerous hairlike pro0ections from the plasma membrane
longer pro0ections that move in a whiplike motion
cells tend to only have one or two .agella
-dipose cell
2keletal Muscle 3ell
4iver cell
2mall intestine cells
2perm cell
5uman egg cell
6ancreatic cell
3artilage !connective tissue& cells
2kin cell
"ye 3one 3ell
"ye %od 3ell
Mammary 3ell !Myoepithelial 7 Milk production&

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