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Directions: Use this outline to complete the debate brief for your team.
Resolved, That Religion is to blame for the Palestinian and Israeli conflict
A. It related to history not religion conflict.
B. We have to know the historical background for knowing the conflict between two
countries conflict.
uring the world war! the "ngland #romised when Israel #rovide the war #ayment they will
give the Israel$s own territory. %owever Arabs &which is Palestinian' already lived in there!
so conflict was occurred. There is the nominal #oint of the reason which is regaining their
ancestor territory. This means their original reason for taking war is not directly related to
the religion.
A. This is a little known as#ect of the (iddle "ast conflict. We must not forget that
we are in a semi)arid area character. Water scarcity is a wides#read #roblem! but is
e*acerbated by the #olitical dimension which is the same. Borders divide most watersheds!
so that the works in this field takes affect neighboring country. If this alone is already
com#licated #olitical situation in the area is not e*actly hel# to reach agreements between
A. There has never been a country called Palestine.
This was a nickname for the %oly +and under the Romans. The #eo#le who today
call themselves Palestinians are Arabs and they referred to themselves as Arabs for
centuries until they were dubbed ,Palestinians- as a #ublicity #loy by the terrorist and
founder of the P+.! /assir Arafat! who himself did not use the title ,Palestinian- until after
the year 0123.
After defeating the .ttomans in World War .ne! the (iddle "ast found itself under
the domain of 4reat Britain. "ven though the (iddle "ast became a #ri5e of the British
"m#ire! "ngland had neither the desire nor ability to run that region of the world forever.
6or this reason! they began working to create a series of new states in which the
Arabs &who had hel#ed them defeat the .ttoman "m#ire' could administer their own
affairs. Although the term ,Arabia- was already a general descri#tion for a large #art of this
area! many of the (iddle "ast countries we know of today did not officially become
inde#endent nations until the British occu#ation and subse7uent withdrawal from this
turbulent region of the world.
While working to create new! multi#le states! 4reat Britain &with the coo#eration of
the +eague of 8ations! an early #rototy#e of the 9nited 8ations' decided they would also
offer an o##ortunity for :ews all over the world to return to their homeland. This invitation
was called the Balfour eclaration. 8eedless to say! grateful :ews res#onded with terrific
The famous author! (ark Twain wrote as much after his own #ersonal visit. %e was
sur#rised how desolate the %oly +and looked! how little was going on there and how few
#eo#le inhabited the area. All of this changed when the +eague of 8ations invited :ews to
resettle their ancient home.
"verything we would today call Israel! everything we would today call :ordan and
most of what we would today call ,the occu#ied territories.- When the :ews arrived! many
of them #urchased land from Arab lords.
It was after :ewish business created a sur#lus of ;obs that Arabs flooded into the
territory in mass! creating a situation where the Arabs greatly outnumbered the :ews. In
#arado*ical fashion! the British! after inviting the :ews to return! sold over <= #ercent of
Palestine to the Arabs! creating a new country called Trans):ordan.
In time! a terrain that had been little more than a desolate! flee bitten combination of
swam# and desert! swiftly turned green with farmland and trans#lanted trees. The economy
also boomed! transforming this area in such an ama5ing way! that the term metamor#hosis
barely does ;ustice. 8ew ;obs were created! resulting in an influ* of Arabs from other
regions who now saw Palestine as a land of o##ortunity and em#loyment made #ossible by
:ewish farmers and businessmen recently arrived from "uro#e.
<= #ercent of what had been offered to the :ews was sold behind their backs to the
Arabs instead>
8ot only were the Arabs offered a ,se#arate Palestinian state!- long ago! but they
have been living in one since the early #art of the Twentieth ?entury. It$s called :ordan! a
country three times the si5e of what remained for the :ews. The :ews acce#ted this betrayal!
only because they had no choice.
After! all a sliver of the #romise was better than no land at all.
But the Arabs didn$t want the :ews to have even a sliver and fresh controversy
broke out over what to do with the remaining @= #ercent. To a##ease the Arabs! the 9nited
8ations voted to divvy u# the remaining @= #ercent between the :ews and the Arabs. The
:ews acce#ted this #artition. The Arabs did not.
After the #artition vote from the 9nited 8ations! Israel declared its Inde#endence on
(ay 03! 013A. .ne day later! five Arab armies invaded Israel from "gy#t! Tran :ordan!
Byria! +ebanon! and Ira7. Im#ortant 8ote: This war had nothing to do with allowing a two
state solution. Indeed! the Arabs waged war because they were re;ecting a two state
solution. Their stated goal was the com#lete e*termination of Israel>
In 013A! when Israel beat the odds and defeated five invading nations! the #roblem
of refugees came u#. We always hear about the Arab refugees from Israel. But they were
not the only refugees. %undreds of thousands of :ews were kicked out of Arab lands too.
All of the :ewish refugees were welcomed into Israel where as Arabs who wanted to
resettle in Arab countries were &for the most #art' denied admission. :ordan was an
e*ce#tion but even in :ordan most of the refugees were confined to cam#s.
They lived in that condition all the way u# to 012<! when Israel anne*ed :ordan$s
West Bank.
Prior to 012< there was no significant ongoing discussion amongst the countries of
the world regarding :ordan$s treatment of the ,#oor Palestinians.-
Israel$s deal &brokered by the 9.B' always goes like this. ,/ou give the Palestinians
back some land and here is what they will do: They$ll #romise to sto# killing you.- That$s
the deal.
Then! shortly after the deal! the #romise is broken and missiles are fired into Israel
from 4a5a &where the Palestinians were finally offered their own autonomous rule' or a
suicide bomber kills women and children on a bus. 8othing Israel does! no gesture! no
concession! no discussion! will make a hill of beans of difference.
They can sign a #eace treaty.
They can ;um# on board for a two state solution.
It doesn$t matter. %e5bolah wants Israel dead. Al)Caeda wants Israel dead. %amas
wants Israel dead. (uslim Brotherhood wants Israel dead. But it isn$t limited to the terrorist

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