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Written Response Rubric Name: ______________________ Date: __________ Score: _______

Mr. Finn

Category 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 Below %

Introduction The introduction is engaging, states the The introduction states the The introduction states the There is no clear Absent, not
main topic and previews the structure of the main topic and previews main topic but does not introduction or main topic evidence
paper. the structure of the paper. adequately preview the and the structure of the
structure of the paper. paper is missing.
Body Each paragraph has thoughtful supporting Each paragraph has Each paragraph lacks Each paragraph fails to Not
detail sentences that develop the main idea. sufficient supporting detail supporting detail sentences. develop the main idea. applicable
sentences that develop the
main idea.
Organization- Writer demonstrates logical and subtle Paragraph development Logical organization, but No evidence of structure Not
Structural/Idea sequencing of ideas through well-developed present but not perfected. organization of ideas not or organization. applicable
paragraphs; transitions are used to enhance fully developed.
Development organization.
Conclusion The conclusion is engaging and restates the The conclusion restates The conclusion does not Incomplete and/or Absent
thesis the thesis. adequately restate the thesis. unfocused.

Mechanics No errors in punctuation, Almost no errors in Many errors in punctuation, Numerous and distracting Not
capitalization and spelling. Punctuation, capitalization capitalization and spelling. errors in punctuation, applicable
and spelling. capitalization and spelling.

Usage No errors sentence structure and word Almost no errors in Many errors in sentence Numerous and distracting Not
usage. sentence structure and structure and word usage. errors in sentence structure applicable
word usage. and word usage.

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