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TL 330 Equity Audit Name:

Section: Date:
Race/Ethnicity (%) WA State Distict Schoo! Teache Admin
Am "n / A!as#an
%&' 0&' 0&0 0&(% 0&)'
Asian (&% )&* )&* +&30 %&))
,aci-ic "s!ande &) 0&+ )&* 0&%* 0&+3
.!ac# /&* +&/ +&0 %&+0 3&/+
1is2anic +0&/ %0&0 )&( 3&3( 3&0+
White *)&% (%&% (0&' 00&/( 0*&('
T3o o 4oe Races '&3 '&+ (&/ 3&3( 3&()
5ee o Reduced
Lunch %
/'&% +)&/ 30&'
S2ecia! Education % %3&0 %%&0 %'&'
.i!in6ua! % )&0 /&( '&)
4i6ant % %&( 0&0 0&0
5oste 7ae % 0&+ 0&/ 0&/
4a!e % *%&' *+&* /)&' +0&'3 *%&'3
5ema!e% /0&/ /(&* *0&/ (%&3( /0&3(
Tota! Eno!!ment %80/(83)0 +8*/) /0%
Equity Audit 9uestions
1. What does the data tell you when comparing ethnicity % of the district and/or building in relation to the state?
The district I was in (Pullman has a much higher white percentage than the state a!erage. The "ispanic population for the
district is half of what the state percentage is. Though the #sian population is a little bit higher than the state$s. The free and
reduced lunch for the school and district is about 1%% lower than the state a!erage.
&. What does the data tell you when comparing the demographics of the teacher to the demographic ma'eup of the students?
TL 330 Equity Audit Name:
Section: Date:
(. The teacher population and administration is predominantly white. There are e!en smaller percentages for these categories
compared to the state and district population. This means that ma)ority of students will typically ha!e a white teacher* not
always but a lot of the time.
+. ,e!iew the #de-uate .early Progress (#.P /ata. What does the data tell you about how well the !arious groups of students
are doing in reading and math (number of yes* number of no* % of yes/total?
They are not passing but are on their way and ha!e impro!ed.
0umber of yes1 2
.es total1 %(.3%
0umber of no1 4
%. What other demographics/data do you thin' would be useful to 'now of your students? #ny other comments (limitations
present in the categories presented abo!e? #nything in particular 5stand6out7 for you when re!iewing this data?
8ore data that I thin' would be useful would be to 'now about their personal life because their personal life affects e!erything.
4. What are one or two items that really caught your eye?
I thought it was interesting that the administration stats were more di!erse than the teacher percentages. I also noticed that the
white percentage in Pullman was a lot higher than the state a!erage.
2. What -uestions do you ha!e about this data?
I wonder if my school was more di!erse would I ha!e to change my teaching style?
3. "ow may this data impact your classroom$s teaching and learning?
This data can help gi!e a better understanding on a class and gi!e teachers a better understanding of where your class is
coming from and a small amount about who they are.
9. :i!en what you ha!e already learned about ;ulturally ,esponsi!e Teaching* how might this data be useful in your classroom
community? It can allow you to 'now what 'ind of students you ha!e and implement culturally di!erse lessons.
1<. =ased on -uestions (a and (b on the accompanying assignment sheet* after locating the school$s neighboring tribal neighbor(s
and finding the contact information for them from the >ince Time Immemorial website* share who your nearest school$s Tribal
0eighbors are1 >po'ane Tribe
TL 330 Equity Audit Name:
Section: Date:

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