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Pre-service teachers name: Johanna Bray

Mentor teachers name: Jacqui Cutler

School: Nar Nar Goon Primary School
Year level: Grade 3/4 AusVELS/Australian Curriculum Level: 3 & 4
Date: Monday, 17/3/!14 & "riday, !1
Harmony Day Lesson utlines
Session ne
!ime: !$%m & 3$3%m Values
Australian Curriculum/AusVELS
Stran": Phy#ical, Per#onal and Social 'earnin(
Domain: Ci)ic# and Citi*en#hi%, +nde%endent ,e)elo%ment
Learnin# $ocus: Ci)ic -no.led(e and under#tandin(,
Buildin( Social /elation#hi%#
- At level 4, students demonstrate understanding of the
contribution of people from the many culturally diverse
groups that make up the Australian community.
- At Level 4, students demonstrate respect for others and
exhibit appropriate behaviour for maintaining friendships
with other people. They support each other by sharing ideas
and materials, offering assistance, giving appropriate
feedback and acknowledging individual differences. They
work with others to reduce, avoid and resolve conflict.
- At Level 4, students cooperate with others in teams for
agreed purposes, taking roles and following guidelines
established within the task. They describe and evaluate their
own contribution and the teams progress towards the
achievement of agreed goals.
Aim o% the lesson: 0t the end o1 thi# le##on #tudent# .ill 2e
continuin( their a2ility to de)elo% coo%erati)e .or-in( #-ill#
and team.or-3 4hey .ill under#tand the )alue o1 the golden
rule 5treat other# a# you .ould li-e to 2e treated35 4hey .ill
2ecome a.are o1 56armony ,ay5 and the im%ortance o1
acce%tin( other# and )aluin( each other# di11erence#3
!eachin# &lan:
- !unin# in:
78%lain to #tudent# that they .ill %lay a )er#ion o1 Simon Say# in
.hich only #ome #tudent# .ill re#%ond to each command3
9 4ell #tudent# that they mu#t .atch care1ully a# they %lay the
(ame 2ecau#e at the end, each #tudent mu#t tell one ne. thin(
they learned a2out a cla##mate3
9 'ead a (ame o1 Simon Say#3 Pro)ide #uch direction# a#
: ;7)eryone .ith 2ro.n eye#, #tand u%3;
: ;7)eryone .ho ha# a do(, %ut your ri(ht hand on your head3;
: ;7)eryone .ho#e 1a)ourite #%ort i# 2a#-et2all, #tand on one 1oot3;
: ;7)eryone .ho #%ea-# more than one lan(ua(e, <um% around3;
0t the end o1 the (ame, a#- #tudent# to name one .ay in .hich he
or #he and another #tudent are ali-e3 4he trait they #hare mu#t 2e
#omethin( they didn5t -no. 2e1ore %layin( the (ame3
9 ,i#cu## ho. e)eryone i# di11erent, #ome are ali-e, 2ut each i#
9 Main Activity:
+ntroduce 6armony ,ay & e8%lain ho. thi# re1lect# our
5Golden /ule35 9 Sim%le me##a(e i# !veryone belongs.
- Ask what do students think harmony means"
There are some fascinating stats about Australias diversity that
can be good conversation-starters. Did you know
#Around 4$ per cent of Australians were born overseas or have at
least one parent who was born overseas.
#%eople from over &'' countries make up the Australian
#(ore than )'' languages are spoken in Australian homes.
#Apart from !nglish the most common languages spoken in
Australia are (andarin, *talian, Arabic, +antonese, ,reek,
-ietnamese, .ilipino, /panish 0 1indi.
#(ore than 2' *ndigenous languages are spoken in Australia.
9 78%lain .hole cla## acti)ity 9 em%ha#i#e it require# u# all to
.or- to(ether3
9 Go out#ide on the 2a#-et2all court and (et #tudent# .ith their
2odie# on the (round to create the letter# o1 60/M=N>3 ?Gi)e
children the letter# 2e1ore lea)in( cla##room & -no. ho. many
2odie# it .ill ta-e to ma-e each letter & could use chalk@3
9 78%lain .hy thi# acti)ity i# rele)ant, e)eryone comin( to(ether
a# one .hole community and ho. .e are (oin( to e8%and on it
later in the .ee-3
9 +1 time allo.# mo)e to e8ten#ion acti)ity3
E'tension activity:
9 %ro)ide each #tudent# .ith harmony %a%er chain %eo%le and (et
them to create their o.n ty%e# %eo%le3 7m%ha#i#e the need 1or
e)eryone to 2e di11erent 1rom each other3
la%to%, i%ad#, harmony %a%er chain %eo%le, 2a#-et2all court,
.hite2oard, mar-er#3
Session !)o
!ime: !$%m & 3$3%m ?!1
March@ Values
Australian Curriculum/AusVELS
Stran": Phy#ical, Per#onal and Social 'earnin(
Domain: Ci)ic# and Citi*en#hi%, +nde%endent ,e)elo%ment
Learnin# $ocus: Ci)ic -no.led(e and under#tandin(,
Buildin( Social /elation#hi%#
- At level 4, students demonstrate understanding of the
contribution of people from the many culturally diverse
groups that make up the Australian community.
- At Level 4, students demonstrate respect for others and
exhibit appropriate behaviour for maintaining friendships
with other people. They support each other by sharing ideas
and materials, offering assistance, giving appropriate
feedback and acknowledging individual differences. They
work with others to reduce, avoid and resolve conflict.
- At Level 4, students cooperate with others in teams for
agreed purposes, taking roles and following guidelines
established within the task. They describe and evaluate their
own contribution and the teams progress towards the
achievement of agreed goals.
Aim o% the lesson: Student .ill 2e a2le to reco(ni#e that 0u#tralia
i# home to a )ariety o1 culture# and di11erent ty%e# o1 %eo%le3 4hey
.ill under#tand .hat harmony mean# and the %o#iti)e outcome#
o1 tryin( to acce%t other# di11erence#3 4hey .ill 2e a2le to identi1y
a )ariety o1 .ord# that re1lect and de%ict .hat li)in( in harmony
!eachin# &lan:
- !unin# in:
/e)ie. que#tion$ Ahat i# harmonyB Sho. harmony day )ideo$
9 4al- a2out the )ideo and .hat it could mean to them3
9 Student# to (et dictionarie# and loo- u% the meanin( o1 harmony3
9 Brain#torm a li#t o1 .ord# or %hra#e# a2out harmony3
9 Main Activity: *+, mins-
-+n %air# #tudent# are to de)elo% a )enn9dia(ram# di#%layin( their
di11erence# and #imilaritie#3 +entre discussion around embracing
these differences and the importance of similarities.
9 children are to trace the outline o1 their hand# on a %iece o1
coloured %a%er and cut it out3 78%lain that .e .ill 2e ma-in( a
tree and the#e .ill 2e the lea)e# on the tree3 =n their hand cut9out
they need to .rite one o1 the#e .ord# that .e ha)e 2rain#tormed
and decorate3 ?73(3 re#%ect, .or-in( to(ether@3
NB$ Student# can do more than one and/or trace around their 1eet
a# .ell3
- (esources:
9la%to%#, .hite2oard, %rintout#, coloured %a%er, (rey lead %encil#,
* really felt these two lessons were successful, in that all students were engaged and working co-operatively
together. They were able to express their feelings about belonging and accepting others in the classroom and in
the wider community. +hildren shared their own stories with the class during discussion times and participated
enthusiastically in all activities. They were very excited about our 31armony Tree3 finished product and some
students even personally told me how they felt a sense of belonging and purpose during these sessions4as they
were all working together to achieve the one goal.
* will definitely use this resource again in the future 5 * believe it is crucial for both students and teachers to
reflect on the value of embracing others differences and achieving a sense of belonging.

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