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EDF 2303- ASS 2 Integrated MEC Unit Plan Johanna Bray: 22600!

Sustainable Wetland Environments

Integrated Unit of Work
Grade 5 - 6 A Focus on: Movement, Environment, Community and Sustainability
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EDF 2303- ASS 2 Integrated MEC Unit Plan Johanna Bray: 22600!
Table of Contents
Introduction, Justification, Curriculum Links 3
Usin t!e MEC Frame"or# $
Fosterin Student Curiosity 5
Unit %vervie" 6
Assessment &lan ' (eac!in and )earnin Strateies *
+nterated )earnin Activities ,
Accommodation -or diverse needs ' resources .5
/e-erences .6
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EDF 2303- ASS 2 Integrated MEC Unit Plan Johanna Bray: 22600!
This MEC unit is specifically aimed at students in Grade's 5 and 6. Within these grade levels students
are aged between ! "#. They may c$mmence this unit with s$me pri$r %n$wledge and familiarity with
wetland envir$nments& after e'periencing their $wn sch$$l wetlands bef$re. This unit w$r%s t$ harness
this pri$r learning and build $n what students already %n$w and engage and supp$rt them in in(uiry
based learning where they can use their $wn interests and abilities t$ disc$ver and w$r% effectively within
the unit.
This integrated unit $f w$r%& ')ustainable *ustralian Wetlands&' is largely centred ar$und learning that is
c$nducted within and in relati$n t$ wetlands envir$nments. The sch$$l wetlands plays as vital bac%"dr$p
f$r in(uiry"based learning t$ ta%e place within this unit& where students e'pl$re& bec$me self"disc$verers
and use this envir$nment t$ engage pers$nally with the t$pic. This sense $f in(uiry that has been
reflected thr$ugh$ut this unit enc$urages students t$ find and use a variety $f s$urces $f inf$rmati$n and
ideas t$ increase their understanding $f any pr$blems $r issues surr$unding wetland envir$nments and it
'esp$uses investigati$n& e'pl$rati$n& research +and, pursuits' -.uhlthau& Mani$tes& Caspari& !//01. 2y
utilising a sch$$l wetlands as an educati$nal site f$r learning& d$$rs can be $pened t$ an $utd$$r
classr$$m $f $pp$rtunity& where an e'tensive array $f integrated learning activities can be devel$ped.
Learning Outcomes and Australian Curriculum Links
The activities within this unit are targeted t$ enc$mpass a wide variety $f learning $utc$mes3 f$cussing
$n an integrati$n $f a variety $f areas $f the *ustralian Curriculum -*C*4*& n.d.1 including5 Maths&
6iteracy& Ge$graphy& 7ist$ry& )cience& The *rts& 8CT& and a variety $f 9hysical& 9ers$nal and )$cial
6earning areas& as well as an inc$rp$rati$n $f the MEC framew$r%. The less$ns have been designed t$
be versatile& enc$urage peer"assisted learning and t$ be adaptable f$r alternative year levels. With a
sch$$l wetlands envir$nment $ffering distinctive envir$nmental aspects& such as5 dams& waterways&
vari$us native plants& wildlife& reptiles and fish& 8ndigen$us hist$ry& there are unlimited $pp$rtunities f$r
student engagement t$ ta%e place and f$r students' learning t$ thrive.
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Using the MEC rame!ork
* br$ad sc$pe $f pedag$gical learning e'periences are enc$mpassed within this unit& where students
have $pp$rtunities t$ delve int$ all aspects $f the MEC framew$r%. )tudents will get t$ e'perience the
wetland environment first"hand& with e'pl$rati$n thr$ugh scavenger hunts& vari$us games and thr$ugh
the eyes $f different p$siti$ns within the community& -e.g. farmer& c$mmunity member& 8ndigen$us
*ustralian1. The inc$rp$rati$n $f sustainable devel$pment and community is largely emphasised
thr$ugh$ut this unit's less$ns and supp$rted by the building $f c$mmunity partnerships and enabling
students t$ ta%e resp$nsibility f$r their acti$ns -2eames et al.& !/!1. This unit largely reflects the
)ustainability element $f the *ustralian Curriculum where students are enc$uraged t$ devel$p their
'appreciati$n $f the need f$r m$re sustainable patterns $f living& and t$ build their capacities f$r thin%ing
and acting that are necessary t$ create a m$re sustainable future' -*C*4* !/!b1.
The less$ns see students inv$lved in researching threatened wetlands and ways in which themselves
and the c$mmunity can ta%e effective acti$n in being resp$nsible stewards $f the land. This is seen
thr$ugh the facilitati$n $f class debates& m$c% envir$nmental letters t$ the c$uncil& multimedia
presentati$ns and advertisement campaigns. This unit is designed t$ supp$rt students' devel$pment $f
an in"depth relati$nship with the wetlands envir$nment3 e(uipping them with the s%ills t$ identify
c$nservati$n pr$blems in their c$mmunities -e.g. water usage& er$si$n& p$lluti$n1. )tudents are
enc$uraged t$ analyse the r$$ts $f these pr$blems and t$ devel$p l$cal& healthy relati$nships with
members in the c$mmunity and sch$$l p$pulati$n in the c$nte't $f their immediate ec$systems
-6$wenstien et al. !//1. This unit pr$vides $pp$rtunities f$r students t$ ma%e decisi$ns and ta%e
directive acti$n as they survey and devel$p strategies t$ pr$m$te wetland sustainability3 supp$rting the
understanding that students can learn m$st effectively by e'periences that cause them t$ 'c$nsider
different c$urses $f acti$n' -2eames et al.& !/!& p. :1.
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ostering Curiosit" In #our Students
9laying $n student;s initial curi$sity and engagement with the envir$nment in this unit all$ws students t$
be resp$nsible f$r determining the 'depth and breadth& +they are willing t$ ta%e t$,...set them $n a <$urney
t$wards ma%ing the un%n$wn %n$wn' -Willis$n = >;4egan& !//0& as cited in 2eames et al.& !/!& p.5!1
9r$m$ti$n $f curi$sity thr$ugh harnessing students; creativity& is enc$uraged in this unit& where students
are inv$lved in movement $pp$rtunities& thr$ugh dance& drama and games& ma%ing digital te'ts and art"
w$r% creati$ns. *ctivities are $pen"ended& as well as ?fle'ible& adaptive and e(uitable; -Callc$tt
!/!1 t$ all$w students t$ e'perience pers$nal relevance t$ the activities and the wetlands3 enc$uraging
them t$ bec$me disc$verers and in(uirers -2eames et al.& !/!1. C$nse(uently& this w$r%s as a vital
facilitat$r f$r the devel$pment $f resp$nsibility& independence and creativity. This unit w$r%s t$ cater 'f$r
the needs $f all learners and their diversity; -Callc$tt !/!1& pr$viding e'tensi$n activities&
$pp$rtunities t$ w$r% in gr$ups and t$ e'perience peer"assisted learning envir$nments. The less$ns
have been purp$seful in their design& $rganised t$ enc$urage students t$ f$rm ?relati$nships; with the
l$cal landscapes ar$und them& beginning in their $wn sch$$l gr$unds3 where they can engage in further
disc$very and s%ill devel$pment -2eames et al.& !/!& p. #/1.
Elean$r 4$$sevelet $nce said that"Every effort must be made in childhood to teach the young to use
their own minds" (Harvey and Goudvis 2007, pg 7! This unit has placed a large emphasis $n wanting
students t$ be in charge $f their $wn learning thr$ugh in(uiry"learning& pr$viding them $pp$rtunities t$
e'pl$re& disc$ver and ma%e decisi$ns by all$wing the st$ry $f the land t$ be br$ught alive by directly
engaging with it -2eames !/!1.

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Unit Overview
)ustainable *ustralian Wetlands
Unit Summary
)tudents will research ab$ut *ustralia;s different types $f wetland envir$nments. They will investigate and research
ab$ut the envir$nmental issues facing these envir$nments& why the issues happen and what can be d$ne t$ %eep
wetlands sustainable f$r the future. )tudents will be inv$lved in a wide range $f learning $utc$mes thr$ugh
research& f$rmulating and ta%ing surveys& c$llecting and displaying data& persuasive writing& e'periencing the arts
thr$ugh ph$t$graphy& dance and drama& whilst interacting and engaging b$th in the classr$$m and within the
$utd$$r wetland envir$nment. )tudents will als$ create multimedia presentati$ns and br$chures and use 'p$int"$f"
view' t$ debate issues affecting wetlands t$day.
Australian Curriculum (AUSVels)Links
Physical, Personal and Social Learning
7ealth and 9hysical Educati$n
8nterpers$nal @evel$pment
9ers$nal 6earning and Civics = CitiAenship
isci!line"#ased Learning
The *rts
The 7umanities5
7ist$ry = Ge$graphy
$nterdisci!linary Learning
8nf$rmati$n and C$mmunicati$ns Techn$l$gy
%ear Level
6evels 5 = 6 -*usBels1
A!!ro&imate 'ime (eeded
6 ' 6/ minutes
Curriculum")raming *uestions
+ssential *uestion 7$w d$ humans impact $n an envir$nmentC
Unit *uestions
Why are wetlands imp$rtant t$ usC
7$w can the wetland envir$nment remain sustainable f$r the futureC
7$w can the wetland envir$nment best be managedC
Content *uestions
What types $f wetlands are there in *ustraliaC
What are its natural attributesC
What native plants and animals live thereC
7$w didDd$ the 8ndigen$us *ustralians use the wetlandsC
What has been the effect $f human activities& *ustralian in particular& $n $n $ur wetlandsC
What can WE d$ as a community t$ %eep $ur wetlands sustainableC
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Assessment Plan
Assessment 'imeline
,e-ore learning activities #egin
.hile students work on learning
A-ter learning activities end
.W6 Charts -*ppendi' !1
Teacher $bservati$n
@iscussi$n feedbac%
Teacher feedbac%
"tudent # $eer assessment
of brochure
99T. 9resentati$n 4ubric
2r$chure 4ubric
.W6 Charts
Evaluati$n $f $verall unit
participati$n and w$r%
assessments c$mbined.
Assessment Summary
)tudents will be assessed thr$ugh $ng$ing $ne"$n"$ne teacher"student feedbac% sessi$ns and thr$ugh teacher
$bservati$n thr$ugh$ut the si' less$ns. )tudents will be assessed $n their presentati$ns& publicati$ns& per the
criteria established in the evaluati$n t$$ls f$r each tas%. )tudents are t$ submit assessment t$$ls& e.g. peer"
assessment f$rm& t$ help scaff$lds students learning $utc$mes.
Unit etails
Prere/uisite Skills
Students Prior
%ord processing s&ills
'nternet research s&ills
(ibrary information search s&ills
'eachers1 Pro-essional
)nowledge of using online resources to aid research
*nderstanding of using an online survey tool
+reating and assisting with the development of multi,modal te-ts Eg powerpoint
presentations, ./ advertisements, creating and recording songs
'eaching and Learning Strategies
2rainst$rming will be used thr$ugh$ut this unit t$ enable the students t$ devel$p their areas $f research.
M$delling will ta%e place thr$ugh$ut this unit via having guest spea%ers& web pages and br$chures.
@ebates will be held $n issues c$ncerning the wetlands envir$nment.
)tudents will w$r% in a mi' $f gr$up and partnerships.
Classr$$m displays" Map $f )ch$$l Wetlands& .W6 charts& available internet sites f$r res$urces.
Class discussi$ns will ta%e place regularly thr$ugh$ut this unit.
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$ntegrated Learning Activities (si& lessons)
Session Activity Learning Outcomes, 2+C 3 Australian
4 $ntroduction to .etlands
(S!ecial 5uest S!eakers)
$ntroductory Activities6
" Give each child a .W6 chart f$r them t$ fill $ut what they already
%n$w ab$ut wetlands and what they w$uld li%e t$ %n$w.
" E'plain t$ the students the imp$rtance $f wetlands and what this
envir$nment means t$ the different pe$ple wh$ use it and have
used it in the past.
Lesson Outline6
Part One6
" 2egin this part $f the less$n in sch$$l wetlands.
" )tudents are t$ bring a n$te padDpen t$ ta%e d$wn any inf$rmati$n
that can be used f$r a persuasive te't piece and $ther later
activities thr$ugh$ut the unit. -This will be c$llated in each students
individual 'wetlands f$lder'1.
$nvite two s!ecial guests to s!eak to the students, including6
A )armer6 invite a l$cal farmer t$ c$me and share with students
ab$ut the imp$rtance $f wetlands t$ s$me$ne in their industry& what
are s$me issues facing wetland envir$nments -e.g. er$si$n1 and
h$w tree"planting helps with er$si$n reducti$n.
" )tudents can wal% ar$und the wetlands and find evidence $f
er$si$n and p$ssible places where trees c$uld be planted.
.etland Care Australia (.CA)6 8nvite a special guest fr$m WC*
t$ c$me and visit the class in the wetlands envir$nment t$ e'plain
ab$ut the imp$rtance $f wetlands t$ $ur wider c$mmunity t$day
and h$w the 8ndigen$us pe$ple $f the past used the land and h$w
we can w$r% t$ %eep wetlands sustainable f$r the future.
" *ll$w students time t$ as% (uesti$ns and find answers.
Part 'wo6
A letter to the council6 )tudents are t$ write a m$c% letter t$ the
c$uncil fr$m the p$siti$n $f a farmer& 8ndigen$us *ustralian $r as a
member fr$m the l$cal c$mmunity. Fr$m this p$siti$n they are t$
clearly e'plain the imp$rtance $f a wetlands envir$nment& what
issues may be affecting them and what the c$uncil needs t$ d$ t$
help %eep them sustainable.
" )tudents can use further research t$ assist them.
-This activity c$uld be d$ne as a class& in pairs $r individually1.
Possi#le -uture activities6 4esearch and discuss the imp$rtance
$f tree planting G invite parents& siblings and pe$ple fr$m the
c$mmunity t$ c$me and tree plant al$ng the ban%s in y$ur sch$$l
Learning Outcome6
)tudents will gain an understanding a
wetlands imp$rtance t$ vari$us gr$ups. 8n
particular farming industries& c$mmunity
gr$ups and t$ past cust$dians $f the land G
being 8ndigen$us *ustralians. They will
understand some $f the issues facing
*ustralian wetlands and build $n their s%ills
in persuasive writing t$ pr$m$te ways t$
help %eep wetlands sustainable.
" 9lan& draft and publish imaginative& inf$rmative
and !ersuasive te&ts, ch$$sing and e'perimenting
with te't structures& language features...
" *nalyse h$w te't structures and language features
w$r% t$gether t$ meet the purp$se $f a te't
" 9articipate in and c$ntribute t$ discussi$ns&
clarifying and interr$gating ideas& devel$ping and
supp$rting arguments& sharing and evaluating
inf$rmati$n& e'periences and $pini$ns -*CE6H0/:1
" The effects that pe$ple;s c$nnecti$ns with& and
pr$'imity t$& places thr$ugh$ut the w$rld have $n
shaping their awareness and $pini$n $f th$se
places -*C7G./I61
" C$llect and rec$rd relevant ge$graphical data and
inf$rmati$n& using ethical pr$t$c$ls& fr$m primary
and sec$ndary s$urces& f$r e'ample& pe$ple& maps&
plans& ph$t$graphs& satellite images& statistical
s$urces and rep$rts -*C7G)/#1
" 4eflect $n their learning t$ pr$p$se individual and
c$llective acti$n in resp$nse t$ a c$ntemp$rary
ge$graphical challenge and describe the e'pected
effects $f their pr$p$sal $n different gr$ups $f
pe$ple -*C7G)/#61
" 8dentify p$ints $f view in the past and present
" )udden ge$l$gical changes $r e'treme weather
c$nditi$ns can affect Earth;s surface -*C))J/:61
")cientific %n$wledge is used t$ inf$rm pers$nal and
c$mmunity decisi$ns -*C)7E!!/1
2+C )ramework
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9 Australian .etland Study
:eca! on !revious session G ch$$se three students t$ stand up
the fr$nt. >ne is a farmer& an$ther a member fr$m the c$mmunity&
and an an$ther an 8ndigen$us *ustralian.
-Jse pr$ps t$ ma%e activity m$re engaging1.
" Each student is t$ ch$$se $ne pers$n up the fr$nt t$ stand ne't t$
and pr$vide $ne piece $f inf$rmati$n ab$ut wetlands in relati$n t$
their p$siti$n t$wards the wetlands.
$ntroductory Activities6
Bisit the sch$$l wetlands G students are t$ find and draw $ne type
$f native plant they see and $ne animal -e.g. bird& fr$g& insect1.
C$me bac% t$ the classr$$m and discuss findings. @$ we thin%
these animals and plants are native t$ this wetland envir$nmentC
7$w d$ we %n$w thisC 8f n$t& are they pests $r weeds that c$uld
threaten the wetland envir$nmentC @iscuss as a class.
Lesson Outline
Ste! One6 )tudents are t$ ch$se $ne type $f wetland -inc. alpine&
arid& c$astal = marine& estuaries and inland riverine wetlands1
within *ustralia t$ research.
Ste! 'wo5 4esearch ab$ut the uni0ue characteristics of that
wetland, e.g. it's native vegetati$n and animals3 ch$$sing $ne
specific animal and $ne d$minant tree species t$ research further
and c$llect ph$t$graphs and interesting facts ab$ut them. )tudents
may e'tend and find $ther l$cati$ns where their ch$sen tree
species and ch$sen animal is f$und.
Ste! 'hree6 With the inf$rmati$n c$llected. )tudents will create a
sh$rt ppt. presentati$n $n the wetland $f their ch$ice3 pr$viding
aerial and landscape ph$t$graphs& images $f native animalsDplants
as well as interesting facts and $ther inf$rmati$n they have f$und
ab$ut their particular type $f wetland.
-This activity can be d$ne in pairs = c$uld be presented t$ the class
at a later date1.
+&tension Activity6 )tudents are t$ find $ut what issues threaten
the wetland envir$nment& e.g. er$si$n& climate change& pests =
Learning Outcome
This activity will intr$duce students t$ the
characteristics and natural attributes $f a
specific type $f wetland envir$nment. They
will gain %n$wledge ab$ut different types $f
wetlands and their l$cati$ns within *ustralia.
They will utilise and c$ntinue t$ refine their
research and 8CT s%ills t$ pr$duce a final
" C$mmunicate ideas& e'planati$ns and pr$cesses
in a variety $f ways& including multi"m$dal te'ts
" 9lan& draft and publish imaginative& inf$rmative
and persuasive te'ts& ch$$sing and e'perimenting
with te't structures& language features& images and
digital res$urces appr$priate t$ purp$se and
audience -*CE6H0#1
" Jse c$mprehensi$n strategies t$ interpret and
analyse inf$rmati$n and ideas& c$mparing c$ntent
fr$m a variety $f te'tual s$urces including media
and digital te'ts -*CE6H0I1
" 9lan& rehearse and deliver presentati$ns& selecting
and se(uencing appr$priate c$ntent and multim$dal
elements f$r defined audiences and purp$ses&
ma%ing appr$priate ch$ices f$r m$dality and
emphasis -*CE6H0/1
" apply 8CT t$$ls and techni(ues t$ represent and
e'pl$re pr$cesses& patterns and cause"and"effect
relati$nships. )tudents use 8CT t$$ls and
techni(ues that supp$rt the $rganisati$n and
analysis $f c$ncepts& issues and ideas and that
all$w relati$nships t$ be identified and inferences
drawn fr$m them.
'he Arts6
" drawing and c$nveying what is $bservable in
the envir$nment.
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2+C )ramework
; A .etland 2a!!ing Adventure
:eca! on !revious session6
Euesti$ning time5 as% students h$w many types $f wetlands there
are& what are the different types called and what distinct
characteristics d$ they h$ldC @iscuss.
$ntroductory Activities6
8n the sch$$l wetlands& using their c$mpasses students are t$ play
'What's that in that directi$n.' This is where the teacher yells $ut a
c$mpass p$int -K$rth"east& )$uth"West1& and students have t$ yell
$ut s$mething they see in that directi$n.
E.g. Gum tree& dam& p$nd. The last pers$n t$ answer $r if a student
m$ves in the wr$ng directi$n& they are $ut. .his activity will
familiarise students with using compasses and understanding
Lesson Outline6
Part One6
@evel$p a scavenger hunt where students use gridded maps and
c$mpasses t$ find certain clues hidden within the wetland space.
E'amples $f clues5
. 2egin facing n$rth at the big gum tree near the dam& m$ve in a
)$uth"Westerly f$r / spaces until y$u find y$ur ne't clue& $nce
here ta%e a ph$t$ $f y$ur gr$up d$ing acting li%e native animals.

!. m$ve in a )$uth"Easterly directi$n f$r # grid spaces when y$u
get t$ y$ur ne't clue& w$r% $ut h$w many litres $f water it ta%es t$
fill the p$nd-i.e. 2uc%et pr$vided1.
I. M$ve in a K$rth"Westerly directi$n f$r I grid spaces& when y$u
get t$ y$ur ne't clue& create a c$llage using materials ar$und y$u
that represents y$ur interpretati$n $f the wetlands envir$nment
y$u're in.
#. M$ve # grid spaces in a K$rth"East directi$n& when y$u get y$ur
ne't clue& identify the perimeter = area $f the animal b$'.
"tudents can use a camera and record observations for specific
tas&s they need to underta&e on the way
Part 'wo6
Lesson Outcome
This less$n aims t$ engage students at an
interactive level& where they are directly
inv$lved in e'pl$ring the wetlands and
e'periencing its surr$undings. )tudents will
devel$p their %n$wledge and understanding
$f using c$mpasses& rec$rding $bservati$ns
and interpreting clues.
" Jse a grid reference system t$ describe l$cati$ns.
@escribe r$utes using landmar%s and directi$nal
language -*CMMGI1
" Ch$$se appr$priate units $f measurement f$r
length& area& v$lume& capacity and mass
" Calculate the perimeter and area $f rectangles
using familiar metric units -*CMMG/:1
" Jse c$mprehensi$n strategies t$ analyse
inf$rmati$n& integrating and lin%ing ideas fr$m a
variety $f print and digital s$urces -*CE6H0/I1
" 4epresent the l$cati$n and features $f places and
different types $f ge$graphical inf$rmati$n by
c$nstructing large"scale and small"scale maps that
c$nf$rm t$ cart$graphic c$nventi$ns including
b$rder& s$urce& scale& legend& title and n$rth p$int&
using spatial techn$l$gies as appr$priate
8ealth 3 P+6
" )tudents effectively use strategic thin%ing and w$r%
with b$th m$re" and less"s%illed peers...
" )tudents learn ab$ut and e'perience a variety $f
$utd$$r adventure activities in natural envir$nments
such as bushwal%ing and basic $rienteering.
$nterdisci!linary Learning6
" W$r%ing in different teams& students are pr$vided
with $pp$rtunities t$ c$mplete tas%s $f varying
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)tudents are t$ l$cate their sch$$l wetlands and 'visit' it $n G$$gle
Earth. )tudents are t$ ta%e a screenshot and print it $ff. Then
devel$p their $wn %ey& which will map $ut symb$ls that identify
different vegetati$n& water areas $n the map& hilly terrain& as well as
empl$ying c$mpass p$ints and a legend.
length and c$mple'ity. 8n d$ing s$& they learn t$
identify the characteristics $f members in effective
teams and t$ devel$p descripti$ns f$r particular
r$les such as leader& rec$rder and participant.
2+C )ramework
< A closer look at a threatened wetlands and what can we do to
kee! them sustaina#le (advertising cam!aign)6
:eca! on !revious session7$ntroductory activity6
2egin with sh$wing $n the 8nteractive Whiteb$ard an image $f a
wetland map $n G$$gle Earth. Get students t$ p$int $ut different
attributes and characteristics $f the wetlands envir$nment $n this
map. *s% students h$w they thin% this image c$uld have changed
$ver time& e.g. vegetati$n& water capacity& animal e'tincti$n etc.
Lesson Outline6
Part One6
(O!ening activities are o!tional)
'hreatened or not=6 >bserve the number $f plants andD$r animals
students can see in the space $f 5 minutes. Then discuss why
there may have been m$re $f $ne %ind $f animal at the given time.
*re these animals threatened $r seas$nalC
O#servation S!ace6 ta%e a h$$p and place it $ver an area $f
grass within the wetlands at the beginning $f the less$n. >bserve
and rec$rd what is seen in that area $ver a peri$d $f time -e.g.
c$me bac% at end $f less$n1 and get students t$ share their
$bservati$ns and n$tes.
*fter these activities discuss as a class what type $f things fr$m
what they already %n$w c$uld ma%e these native animals $r plants
threatened -discuss the w$rd 'endangered'1.
Part 'wo6
Pollution !osters7'V advertisement6 4esearch what the c$uncil
is d$ing in regards t$ rubbish and water p$lluti$n within c$mmunity
wetlands. 7$w w$uld this help pr$tect b$th the animals and plants
within the wetlandsC 7ave a class discuss $n h$w students might
replicate this in their $wn sch$$lC
)tudents can create a televisi$n advertisement& digital presentati$n
$r p$ster t$ pr$m$te the imp$rtance $f %eeping $ur wetlands and
Learning Outcome6
)tudents will engage directly with the
wetlands envir$nment t$ learn ab$ut
threatened species. They will c$ntinue t$
devel$p their research s%ills and w$r% $n
persuasive techni(ues enc$urage the
c$mmunity t$ ta%e part in %eeping the
envir$nment sustainable f$r the future. They
will als$ devel$p their digital and
c$mmunicati$n s%ills& as well as their artistic
and acting s%ills thr$ugh the devel$pment $f
a TB advertisement& p$ster $r $ther f$rm $f
digital c$mmunicati$n.
" 9lan& draft and publish imaginative& inf$rmative
and !ersuasive te&ts, ch$$sing and e'perimenting
with te't structures& language features...
" 9lan& rehearse and deliver presentati$ns& selecting
and se(uencing appr$priate c$ntent and multim$dal
elements f$r defined audiences and purp$ses&
ma%ing appr$priate ch$ices f$r m$dality and
emphasis -*CE6H0/1
" C$mmunicate ideas& e'planati$ns and pr$cesses
in a variety $f ways& including multi"m$dal te'ts
")cientific %n$wledge is used t$ inf$rm pers$nal and
c$mmunity decisi$ns -*C)7E!!/1
Civics 3 Citi>enshi!6
" )tudents understand the ways in which *ustralian
citiAens are influenced by and can influence l$cal&
state& nati$nal& regi$nal and gl$bal decisi$ns and
m$vements& including issues $f sustainability.
"They c$nsider actual and p$ssible acti$ns by
citiAens and nati$ns in resp$nse t$ the issueDs.
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waterways clean.
-This activity pr$vides $pti$ns f$r vari$us types $f learners1.
This can be presented t$ the class at a later date.
K25 Ma%e sure y$u g$ bac% t$ the '$bservati$n space.' 6$$% inside
the h$$p and see if anything has changed. 8f s$ discuss this with
the class.
+&tension Activity6
)tudents c$uld g$ h$me and survey family members ab$ut what
they %n$w ab$ut wetland sustainability and if they are inv$lved in
any waste"management. @isplay $n a bar chart.
'he Arts6
" They learn ab$ut ways t$ design& impr$vise&
represent& interpret& ma%e and present arts w$r%s
that c$mmunicate feelings and their interests and
understanding $f themselves& their relati$nships and
$ther pe$ple.
2+C )ramework
? Art and the .etlands
:eca! on !revious session6
@iscuss with the class what they can remember ab$ut last sessi$n.
What is the c$uncil d$ing ab$ut p$lluti$nC *nd what can we be
" Watch an e'ample $f students' TB advertisement $r a p$ster.
Lesson Outline6
This less$n's main f$cus is $n artistic e'pressi$n and inspirati$n
f$und in the wetlands. This will help pr$vide intrinsic m$tivati$n f$r
students and pr$vide g$$d discussi$n f$r ne't less$ns debate...
These activities are r$tati$nal G students m$ve ar$und in gr$ups...
>r $ne activity f$r the wh$le sessi$n.
-*dult"helpers will be re(uired f$r this activity = teacher can ch$$se
h$w many the w$uld li%e t$ include in their sessi$n15
4@ .etlands Connection6 )tudents are t$ cl$se their eyes
immerse themselves in the s$unds and smells $f the envir$nment.
>pen their eyes and get students t$ rec$rd d$wn the different
s$unds they hear& the smells& h$w they feel in this envir$nment.
>n *I p$ster paper G devel$p a mind map using pictures and
w$rds t$ e'press h$w they feel in this envir$nment.
9@ Art +lements o- (ature6 @iscuss the art elements -te'ture& t$ne&
shape& c$l$ur& line1 and get students t$ e'perience thr$ugh their
senses the different elements the $bserve within the wetlands.
Write d$wn using descriptive language the elements they see and
the $b<ects. E.g. fluffy& r$ugh& blue& s$ft& hard.
Get students t$ write a p$em that reflects the artistic elements and
v$cabulary the have been using t$ describe the attributes $f the
;@ .etland ance6 4ec$rd s$unds $f different wildlife in the
Learning Outcome
)tudents will further cement their
understanding $f ways t$ be sustainable.
They will discuss ways in which they have
learned t$ reduce p$lluti$n and waste in
their $wn lives and as a c$mmunity. They
will devel$p a sense $f pers$nal c$nnecti$n
t$ the wetlands by e'periencing it pers$nally
and intenti$nally creating p$etry and artw$r%
that reflects their e'perience in the
envir$nment. E.g. reflecting $n h$w they
feel& thin% and behave in the wetlands.
" Jnderstand h$w n$un gr$upsDphrases and
ad<ective gr$upsDphrases can be e'panded in a
variety $f ways t$ pr$vide a fuller descripti$n $f the
pers$n& place& thing $r idea -*CE6*5/L1
'he Arts6
" in @rama& students r$le"play situati$ns and events&
sustaining r$leDcharacter thr$ugh$ut their gr$up $r
s$l$ perf$rmance
" They independently and c$llab$ratively e'pl$re
and e'periment with different ways $f presenting
arts w$r%s
" )tudents research& impr$vise& practise and
rehearse s%ills& techni(ues and pr$cesses& using a
range $f media& materials& e(uipment and
Personal Learning6
" 8n selected reflective activities& students e'pl$re
the impact $f vari$us em$ti$ns $n their learning and
they learn t$ maintain a p$sitive attitude.
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wetlands $r d$wnl$ad fr$m the internet. -E.g. reptiles& birds&
mammals& insects1 that live in the wetlands G ma%e these s$unds
int$ a s$ng using 8CT and ch$re$graph a dance that represents the
animal s$unds and their m$vements.
<@ $nterview with (ature6 using the wetland space rec$rd vide$
f$$tage $f students interviewing different animalsDplants in the
wetland envir$nment. )tudents will need t$ dress up as a particular
animal $r plant and pr$vide inf$rmati$n ab$ut what they can be
used f$r& h$w they are needed and why they are f$und in the
wetland envir$nment.
K25 These feelings and e'pressi$ns in relati$n t$ the wetlands will
assist students in their ne't less$n.
2+C )ramework
A :eca! on last session6
)tudents are t$ share with the class what art creati$ns they made
fr$m last sessi$n. They are t$ describe h$w they felt when they sat
(uietly in the wetlands. )tudents can discuss s$me $f the
describing w$rds they used f$r the different attributes $f the
wetlands and share their p$ems $r s$ngs they made.
Lesson Outline6
Part One6
>pen up a class"debate. Ch$$se tw$ different sides.
. * building devel$per wh$ wants t$ get rid $f y$ur sch$$l
wetlands f$r a new sh$pping centre.
!. H$u G as students and c$mmunity members.
*s% students t$ draw up a table and pr$vide at least I reas$ns why
this building devel$pment is beneficially and at least I reas$ns why
it w$uld be detrimental.
-This can be d$ne in table gr$ups& pairs $r individually1.
)hare ideas as a class G represent answers $n the whiteb$ard f$r
students t$ use as a res$urce.
Part 'wo6
)plit class int$ tw$ different gr$ups& being5
. )h$pping Centre building gr$up.
!. C$mmunity"based gr$up -Wetland Care *ustralia -WC*1.
Within these gr$ups& students G individually are t$ devel$p a
br$chure t$ pr$m$te what their certain side is see%ing t$ achieve.
E.g. Gr$up $ne w$uld devel$p a br$chure t$ e'press all
the p$sitive and beneficial reas$ns f$r having a new
sh$pping centre in the c$mmunity& i.e. m$re <$bs& m$re
res$urces& m$re variety3
whereas Gr$up ! will pr$m$te the imp$rtance $f wetlands&
their uni(ue characteristics and what a special place they
are t$ visit.
)tudents can use available internetDlibrary res$urces t$
devel$p the c$ntent f$r their br$chure.
Lesson Outcome
)tudents will further devel$p their s%ills in
public spea%ing& debating and persuasive
techni(ues. They will gather inf$rmati$n
thr$ugh researching and peer"gr$up
discussi$n t$ create an inf$rmative and
persuasive te't.
" 8dentify and e'plain h$w analytical images li%e
figures& tables& diagrams& maps and graphs
c$ntribute t$ $ur understanding $f verbal inf$rmati$n
in factual and persuasive te'ts -*CE6*5!# 1
" 9lan& rehearse and deliver presentati$ns& selecting
and se(uencing appr$priate c$ntent and multim$dal
elements f$r defined audiences and purp$ses&
ma%ing appr$priate ch$ices f$r m$dality and
emphasis -*CE6H0/1
" Jse interacti$n s%ills& varying c$nventi$ns $f
sp$%en interacti$ns such as v$ice v$lume& t$ne&
pitch and pace& acc$rding t$ gr$up siAe& f$rmality $f
interacti$n and needs and e'pertise $f the
" 9articipate in and c$ntribute t$ discussi$ns&
clarifying and interr$gating ideas& devel$ping and
supp$rting arguments& sharing and evaluating
inf$rmati$n& e'periences and $pini$ns
'he Arts6
" They learn ab$ut ways t$ design& impr$vise&
represent& interpret& ma%e and present arts w$r%s
that c$mmunicate feelings and their interests and
understanding $f themselves& their relati$nships and
$ther pe$ple.
Civics 3 Citi>enshi!6
" )tudents research an issue& $r issues using a
range $f res$urces including electr$nic media.
Personal Learning6
" students devel$p and implement plans t$ c$mplete
sh$rt"term and l$ng"term tas%s within timeframes set
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EDF 2303- ASS 2 Integrated MEC Unit Plan Johanna Bray: 22600!
Jse *ustralia's *maAing Wetlands br$chure as an e'ample $f
pr$m$ting wetland envir$nments.
)tudents are t$ f$ll$w an assessment rubric t$ accurately attend t$
activity re(uirements and use peer"assessment t$ guide their
(,6 >n neg$tiati$n with the teacher students will have a time"
frame in which they need t$ c$mplete their final presentati$n $f
their br$chure.
At the end o- lesson student are to revisit their 0.L chart and
write down what they have learned since the start o- the unit@
iscuss this with the class@
+&tension activity6
This activity c$uld lead int$ a m$re f$rmal& $rganised and
structured debate. That c$uld be planned and played $ut during a
lunch time debating sessi$n.
by the teacher& utilising appr$priate res$urces.
" Thr$ugh participati$n in a variety $f gr$up and
wh$le"class activities& students begin t$ articulate
the advantages $f learning effectively with& and
fr$m& their peers.
$nter!ersonal Learning6
" W$r%ing in different teams& students are pr$vided
with $pp$rtunities t$ c$mplete tas%s $f varying
length and c$mple'ity.
" They accept and display empathy f$r the p$ints $f
view and feelings $f their peers and $thers.
2+C )ramework
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EDF 2303- ASS 2 Integrated MEC Unit Plan Johanna Bray: 22600!
Accommodations -or iverse (eeds
Students with S!ecial
Mi'ed ability partnershipsDgr$ups. Tips f$r using Micr$s$ft 9$wer9$intM & peer ment$ring&
neg$tiated timelines& neg$tiated m$dificati$ns $f tas%s.
+nglish as a Second
Language (+SL)
E)6 teacher inv$lved within the class G pr$viding e'tra assistance f$r these students
5i-ted Students
)tudents are inv$lved in $pen"ended activities& debating& devel$ping c$llective understandings&
$ndigenous 5rou!s
Tas%s can be neg$tiated acc$rding t$ individual needs.
2aterials and :esources :e/uired -or Unit
Printed Materials
E-ample brochures1 eg *ustralia's *maAing Wetlands br$chure. 7and $ut sheets fr$m
Wetland Care *ustralia&
Guest spea&ers from %etland +are 2ustralia (%+2! and a local farmer, art supplies1 paints,
mar&ers, paint,brushes, glue, paper
"tudent resources1 notepad, pens, individual wetlands folder, Humanities wor&boo&
+lothing1 gumboots, rain 3ac&et, sun hat, sunscreen (dependant on weather conditions!
$arent or adult,helpers
2ctivity "upplies1 4ress ups # props, students can ma&e and5or teacher can bring, clues for
scavenger hunt, gridded wetlands map and compasses 26 paper, hoola hoops 7rochure
template for draft
Eucalyptus trees for tree,planting (if needed!
Hardware/ICT +omputers, 'pads, cameras, internet access, 'nteractive %hiteboard, $rinter
Internet Resources
'nternet "ites1
http155wwwwetlandcarecomau5inde-php5info,and ,lin&s5education,resources5
2014 Jo Bray EDF 2303 ASS 2 Page 15 of 16
EDF 2303- ASS 2 Integrated MEC Unit Plan Johanna Bray: 22600!
*C*4* *ustralian Curriculum& *ssessment and 4ep$rting *uth$rity. -n.d1. The *ustralian curriculum.
4etrieved fr$m
2eames& ).& 7iggins& 9.& = Kic$l& 4. -!/!1. 6earning >utside the Classr$$m. .heory and Guidelines for
$ractice Kew H$r%5 Tayl$r = Francis
Callc$tt& @.& Miller& N.& = Wils$n"Gahan& ). -!/!1. Health and physical education -st ed.1. Cambridge5
Cambridge Jniversity 9ress.
7arvey& ).& = G$udvis& *. -!//01. "trategies that wor& -st ed.1. 9$rtland& Me.5 )tenh$use 9ublishers.
.uhlthau& C.& Caspari& *.& = Mani$tes& 6. -!//01. Guided in0uiry -st ed.1. Westp$rt& C$nn.5 6ibraries
6$wenstein& E.& MartusewicA& 4.& = B$el%er& 6. -!//1. @evel$ping Teachers' Capacity f$r Ec$Nustice
Educati$n and C$mmunity"2ased 6earning. .eacher Education <uarterly& ::"L.
9ayne& 9.& 2ennett& 4.& 2r$wn& T.& 2ur%e& G.& Cutter"Mac%enAie& *.& >'C$nn$r& N.&... )h$$ter& W. -!//L1.
.he social ecology of movement, environment and community (;E+! **4E C$nference
?Changing Climates5 Educati$n f$r )ustainable Futures&' M$nash Jniversity5 2risbane.
2014 Jo Bray EDF 2303 ASS 2 Page 16 of 16

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