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APSC Exam pattern: Exam patterns of APSC are divided into two stages:

Main Examination
Below Notes are useful in preparation to APPSC
Class Notes: RC Reddy class Notes.
History: areem
Polity: Pra!"a#ar Reddy
Economy: C"iran$eevi
%eograp"y: Ramana Ra$&
'iology: Hari#ris"na
%eneral Science: C" Mo"an
C&rrent Affairs: (o$ana of )ndia * And"ra Prades" and Partityogita +arpan
1. For Group-I mains reference books
,&antitative Aptit&de - R.S.Agarwal .'ot" /er!al and Non0/er!al1
)ndian Economy0 +&tt * s&ndaram
)ndian Polity0 2axmi#ant"
+ata )nterpretation0 &ndam .'SC p&!lications1
History of Modern And"ra0 P Rag"&nad"a Rao
And"r&la C"arit"ra0 '.S.2 Han&mant"a Rao .3M1
2. APPSC Group 2 Books
And"ra Economy 0odali '"avani S"an#ar4
A "istory of so&t" )ndia 0.A Nila#anta Sastry
5riting Social History 0S&mit Sar#ar
Eastern C"al&#ays0+.C %ang&lay
Social Reforms in And"ra 0/. Rama#ris"na
. APPSC Group ! Books wit" writer name
Science * 3ec"nology0Hind& P&!lication
Environmental St&dies0 Mano$ 3iwari

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