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A selfie with Mr.

Manny Scott, one of the original freedom

writers at the Eagle Talk Show!
Eagle Talk Show introduced two amazing public educators that have impacted

lives. Manny Scott, an individual that has inspired and transformed lives. He has
been a speaker of the original Freedom Writer whose story is told in part in the
2007 hit movie Freedom Writers. Roberto Rivera is a pre-doctoral graduate student
in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is working at
CASEL and is studying Social Emotional Learning intersection with culturally
relevant pedagogy and youth voice.
We had the honor to meet and take a selfie with Mr. Scott. We are grateful for this

experience and send a huge thank you to The Eagle Talk Show! For more
information and/or to view episodes of the show, go to
El Show del guila presento dos educadores pblicos sorprendentes que han impactado
vidas. Manny Scott un individuo que ha inspirado y transforman vidas. Ha sido un
altavoz del escritor original libertad que su historia es contada en parte en la exitosa
pelcula libertad escritores del 2007. Roberto Rivera es un estudiante graduado
predoctoral en Colegio de Educacin de la Universidad de Illinois en Chicago. Se est
trabajando en CASEL y est estudiando interseccin Social aprendizaje emocional con
pedagoga culturalmente relevante y la voz de la juventud.
Hemos tenido el honor de conocer y tomar un selfie con el Sr. Scott. Estamos
agradecidos por esta experiencia y enviar un enorme agradecimiento al Show del

guila! Para obtener ms informacin o para ver episodios del show entre la pgina de

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