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HDFS 321 Lesson Planning Form


Student Name:_____Rosemary Curtis_______________


Head Teacher:____Ms. Colon________________________ Lab Day/Time___M__:______PM_____________

Scheduled Implementation Date/Time:__2/25/13____________________Teachers Initials:______________
Area of Room and Time of Day for Implementation:__Art Table, Free Choice________________________
Title or Brief Description of Activity: ______Printing______________________________________________
Write an observation (of child or classroom) which supports the need for your lesson (i.e., how does
this activity reflect the interests and developmental skill of the children in your classroom).
I have seen children manipulating large objects and putting them together to create art. Also they have
explored texture through shaving cream. They have done activities involving holding materials such as
pencils, markers, and paint brushes. By doing this activity children will be able to practice their fine motor
skills as well as explore printing as a form of art.

Activity goal (from the 321 book)

Use a variety of materials, tools, techniques, and processes in the arts.
My objective is for the children to develop (is a detailed, measurable version of activity goal above)
Children will develop techniques for creating art (aesthetics) by using 3 items to create print artwork.

NAEYC Standard(s) addressed: From Angel in Course Resources

2.J.01 - Children are provided varied opportunities to gain an appreciation of
a. art,
2.J.04 - Children are provided varied opportunities to learn new concepts and vocabulary related to
a. art,
2.J.05 - Children are provided varied opportunities to develop and widen their repertoire of skills that
support artistic expression (e.g., cutting, gluing, and caring for tools).
Content (factual information and vocabulary you are teaching):
Children will learn that printing is one artistic technique (aesthetics) by verbally identifying their artwork

as a print or stamp art.

Children will learn about shapes by verbally identifying 3 shapes created by their prints.

Printing: art thats created by taking an object, dipping it in paint, and then lightly pressing it onto a piece
of paper or canvas.
Circle: a shape that is completely round (no corners), all of the spots on the line are the same distance from
the middle.
Oval: a shape that is also completely round but its sides are squished towards each other so that the spots
on the line are different distances from the middle.
Triangle: a shape with three sides and three corners
Rectangle: a shape with four sides and four corners that are perpendicular (one side hits the other side
directly, not at an angle)
Square: a rectangle where all four sides are the same size
Procedures: Step-by-step so someone else
could implement your activity (For groups,
include transition activities, attention getters,

Materials and description of set-up details:

(-If necessary, remind children to wear a


-Bowls/trays for paint

-Offer the child a piece of paper

-Explain activity to children, tell them that they
are going to be making art by using a technique
called printing
-Help them identify the materials provided for
-Have the children predict what shape they think
the items will make
-Ask them about the shapes that they made and
to describe their art work, help them to identify
the names of some shapes
-Ask the children to describe their printing, try
to get them to refer to their work as art, a print,
or stamp art
(-If necessary, remind children to hang their art

-Art table with 4-6 chairs

-Different colored paints

-Trays for materials

-Miscellaneous items for printing (i.e. sponges, brushes,
cotton balls)

to dry)
Transition: As children are getting ready to leave
the art table, ask them what they plan to do next.
Teaching Strategies: (List 4 and describe how you use them) p. 49 DAC book
Modeling and Demonstrating: If the child has never used the printing technique before I will model who
to do it for them by taking one of the items, dipping it into paint, and then lightly pressing it onto my own
paper and then lifting it up to see what shape was made.
Effective Praise: As children are printing provide them with effective praise such as You used the same
item to make three different shapes! You worked really hard to finish your print. You used 4 different
items to make your print!
Do-It Signals: Can be used to give instructions on how to make a print, Pick an object and then pick it up.
Dip it in the paint. Press it on your paper. Now lift the object up. Can also be used to help the children
discuss their printed artwork, Tell me about that shape.
Challenges: Can be used to help children continue their artwork: Show me how many ways you can use
that object to make a print.
I need to adapt this activity by (be sure to include strategies for increasing the challenge AND
strategies for increasing the support):

Extensions (for children with higher skills): For children with higher skills I will include smaller objects
to use, or provide more variety of objects to choose from. After they have finished their print, I will ask the
children to recall which items made which shapes on their artwork. Also, I can ask them to compare this
technique with other techniques that they have used in the past to create art.
Simplifications (for children with lower skills): For children with lower skills I will provide fewer items
for them to choose from and also provide larger ones that are easier for them to handle and maneuver. They
also may need fewer colors of paint to choose from. These children may also need more support in
identifying the shapes created by their printing.

Potential problems that may arise during this activity, and how I will prevent or solve them:
The children may have difficulty keeping the paint on their paper and drip paint on the table. To prevent
this I will either cover the table in paper or provide trays/placemats for the children to put their paper on.
The children might use too much pressure to create this print. To solve this I will talk with them about how
the pressure can change the shape that the object creates and if needed place my hand over theirs to help
them find the right pressure.
How does this activity fit into an anti-bias curriculum:
This activity fits into an anti-bias curriculum because:

-The activity is available to all children who are interested

-The activity provides options for children of all ability levels and varying levels of support will be
provided to children who need it
-Children will have the option to try all of the materials provided
Describe assessment/evaluation method:
**Include a copy of the evaluation method form. If anecdotal records or observation narrative are
used write one as a hypothetical example.
I will make sure that all the children have their name on the back of their work which will allow me to see
who participated and which materials they used.
As the activity is occurring, I will record who verbally identifies their artwork as printing. (i.e. I made a
print with a sponge. And include who said it)
As the activity is occurring, I will record who verbally identifies different shapes created by their printing,
(i.e. This one made a circle! and include who said it)
I will record which objects children appeared to struggle with to use more than others (i.e. Children took
longer to pick up and use the comb than the sponge)
Write a brief paragraph telling parents why you provided children with this activity. This should
include a statement about what skills the child can develop during this activity.
It is important for children of all ages to experience aesthetics in their classroom. Today, the children are
exploring printmaking. I chose a variety of materials that will allow children to successfully explore this
technique. The items are of different sizes, shapes, and materials to allow children with varying fine motor
skills to participate in the activity and to experience a developmental challenge. Because this activity is
also open ended the children will be able to explore their own preferences in creating art. During this
activity children will also be able to learn about the different shapes and practice using social skills when
sharing the different materials.

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