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APUSH Due Dates and Reading Schedule

Students are responsible for reviewing and following the assigned readings and
activities posted. Students will be notified in advance of any revisions. Allow yourself
approximately 3 days per chapter for reading.
Each unit packet includes Cornell notes for each chapter, key terms, primary
source docs and one pagers, as well as the Supreme Court Cases when applicable.
For the Presidents quiz, you will need to know the presidents and VP (five at a
time), their political party, and what Supreme Court cases or special events occurred
under their term.
Date Due
Period 1-1491-1607- Chapters 1-2
August 28- multiple choice test
Contact and Exploration
- DBQ/ Presidents
Period 2-1607-1754-Chapters 3 and 4
September 4- MC Test/DBQ
Settlements Old and New, Colonial
Period 3-1754-1800-Chapters 5, 6, and 7
September 19- MC Test
Revolution, New Birth of FreedomDBQ/ Presidents
Creating a new nation
Extra Credit Movie Review September 29
October 1- MC test/ DBQ
Period 4-1800-1848-Chapters 8 and 9
Fall Break assignment
(1801-1828) A growing Democracy
October 23- MC test/ DBQ
Period 4- 1800-1848-Chapters 10 and 11(1828-1853) The Age of Jackson and
Manifest Destiny
Period 5- 1844-1877 -Chapters 12 and 13
October 31- Presidents/ DBQ
Antebellum America, Divided America
Period 5-1844-1877- Chapters 14 and 15
November 14- MC test /DBQ
Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877)
Period 6 1865-1914- Chapters 16 and 17
November 26- MC test/Presidents
(1865-1913) Western Conflict and the
Gilded Age
Period 6-1865-1914 - Chapters 18 and 19
The Industrial explosion and the
Progressive Era
Period 7- 1890- 1945 -chapter 20 World
Scene (1890-1919) WWI

December 10- MC test DBQ

Extra Credit Movie Review-December 16

Period 7- 1890-1945- Chapters 21 and 22

(1919-1941) Roaring 20s and Great

January 30- MC test- DBQ/ Presidents

Presidents Dec. 16
Mid-Term December 18 (Chp.1-19)
Winter break assignment TBA

Period 7- 1890-1945 Chapter 23 (19391945) WWII Living at war

Period 8- 1945-1980 Chapters 24 and 25
(1945-1965) The world the war created,
complacency and change
Period 8-1945-1980- Chapters 26 (19611968) Lives changed
Period 8-1945-1980- Chapters 27 (19681980) Rights, Reaction, and limits
Period 9- 1980-Present Chapters 28, 29 and
30 Reagan Revolution and a New Time

February 9-MC test/DBQ

February 23- MC test - DBQ/ Presidents
March 4 extra credit movie review
March 10- MC test/DBQ
Spring break assignment TBA
March 25- MC test/ presidents quiz
April 6- MC test / Presidents


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