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Chloe Zerweck
Rebecca Agosta
UWRT 1102-002
3 November 2014
Annotated Bibliography
Source 1:
If there was no high salary associated with professional sports would we even have
things like the NBA & NFL?
Boudway, Ira. "The NFL's Secret Finances: A $10 Billion Mystery." Bloomberg Business
Week. Bloomberg, 04 Sept. 2014. Web. 29 Oct. 2014.
Boudway focuses on the increasing revenue for the NFL in multiple aspects.
The commissioners personal revenue is increasing as well as shareholders
and teams revenue individually. This shows the stagerring numbers that the
NFL brings in and generates in the multiple aspects.

This article will be helpful in my research because it put just how much
money is generated in these professional sports into perspective and helps to
provide a number to have in mind when discussing professional sports.
Boudway is credible because it is from a praised and trusted website.
Does seeing how much money this sport alone is bringing in change peoples
thoughts on the positivity on the NFL? Or is it just someone prospering and nobody

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should take that away from them?

Source 2:
Inquiry Question: How does the media affect the blue-collar jobs that are
frowned upon but are just as important?
Eshelman, Kristie. "The Diversity of Work in the Market Economy." Values Capitalism.
N.p., Jan. 2014. Web. 26 Oct. 2014.
In todays society, some work has become more valued than others. Those jobs
that are considered more prestigious are considered intellectual and creative while
other jobs are thought of as undistinguished and repetitive. This division in jobs is
also connected to divisions of wealth, social status, education, and racial biases in
favor of the more prestigious class. Eshelman tries to point out that each job is as
important as the next because we all need each other. Eshelman also says that
each of us have an opportunity to balance what we love most with our talents and
choose the most practical career path accordingly to try to further our personal
lives and the lives of others.
Markets allow us to leverage our differences by exchanging goods and services
that we can easily produce for products that are more difficult for us to produce.
Adam Smith called this concept the division of labor. Market trade not only
helps us become more efficientit celebrates our individuality by allowing us to
serve each other through our unique gifts and talents. Many people share the
opinion that blue-collar labor is important but still nothing is changed and it has a

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name in society that is accepted. People have begun saying embrace your lower
class position in society because it was technically your choice and we need you.
Tokumitsu divides work into two categories: unpractical but loveable and
practical but unlovable. Likewise, she divides workers into two categories: elites
who can afford the impractical and the rest of the workforce who must settle with
drudgery in order to pay the bills. Blue-collar is associated with less wealth,
lower social status and education, and falls into todays racial biases. People have
recognized the difference in the work and have begun to accept it.

This will help me show the common perspective on blue-collar jobs and that is
related to how the media portrays these particular jobs. I will use it to prove the
ideas of most people when discussing blue-collar jobs and discuss why those are
the general ideas. It is a credible piece of research because the author has done
many blogs previously and has been the editor of credible jobs.
Why do we accept that blue-collar is less accepted as a position even though we
know its importance in society?
What is a blue-collar workers opinion on their work and its importance?

Source 3:
How does the media (news and television) affect the jobs people strive for and
Gee, James P. "Identity as an Analytic Lens for Research in Education." American
Educational Research Association, 10 Feb. 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.

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Gee discusses four perspectives to view identity in a more understandable way.
The one relevant to my topic is the I-identities, which are given by authorities
within institutions, and one of those authorities being the media. This identity is
based off of position in society and I believe that media has a big influence on the
position we strive for in society.
I-Identities can be put on a continuum in terms of how actively or passively the
occupant of a position fills or fulfills his or her role or duties.
The process through which this power works is authorization; that is, laws, rules,
traditions, or principles of various sorts allow the authorities to "author" the
position of professor of education and to "author" its occupant in terms of holding
the rights and responsibilities that go with that position. The positions in society
are authorized by the media and the media qualifies a job or dismisses it based
on its opinions. This has caused a division in society and separation but also
empowerment for certain jobs that is not necessary and would not be as prominent
without the medias influence.
I think the jobs people strive for are linked with the theory by Gee of his four
ways to view identity, particularly the institution-identity. People have come to be
defined by their position in society, which is often their job or career (such as a
professor). Not only are they divided by what job they choose, they are further
divided by how they perform once they have that job.

This source puts my ideas into a more structured way of viewing the topic and
provides a basis for the ideal positions in society, all of which is relevant to my

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topic. This is credible because it is an article that my English teacher brought to
my attention in a lecture and was the basis of our class for that day.
How did the media get put in the position to become the decider in what is an
acceptable job and what is not?
What category do those who hold the job of the media fall under in terms of

Source 4:
How does the media (news and television) affect the jobs people strive for and
Perry, Keith. "One in Five Children Just Want to Be Rich When They Grow up." The
Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 05 Aug. 2014. Web. 28 Oct. 2014.
This article focuses on a survey done in the United Kingdom where they asked
children (up to age 10) what they want to be when they grow up and the most
popular answer was to be rich. There is no path to get there and they have no
plan, they just know what they see and all they ever see are rich people. The
second most popular answer was to be famous and these kids dont know what
it means to be famous and it is debated whether that can be a real goal in life but
those are the top 2 answers for the children who will one day be the adults.

I will use this to start to prove that the media has a huge influence on what

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children are striving for and what they have begun to see as acceptable and worth
wanting. Children want to be rich and/or famous but arent saying how they will
do it and dont have a real goal, just a general life goal. This plays into my topic
very well and this is a credible piece of research because this article is from a very
popular site in the UK (The Telegraph).
How are we going to change society so that children are striving for real goals and
trying to achieve things that truly matter?
Does society see a need to change these goals or is it just harmless dreaming that all
children do?

Source 5:
How does the media surrounding jobs affect how others treat people in those
What Does It Feel like to Be Intelligent but Take Blue-collar Jobs?" Blue Collar Jobs.
Quora, 24 Sept. 2012. Web. 29 Oct. 2014.
This article is about a guy who was going through school and trying to help
pay for things by taking a blue-collar job and is mistreated by people
surrounding him who had higher paying jobs than himself. They teased him
and told him he would be where he was forever and basically made him feel
unimportant. However, the more important factor for me is the actual title of
this post: What does it feel like to be intelligent but take blue-collar jobs?
As if you are not supposed to be intelligent if you have a blue-collar job and

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one of the people who had a job in that work force is the one who made the

This will be useful for my research topic because if shows that many people
who work blue-collar jobs feel like they dont belong there and many people
who are working them feel as if they are better than these jobs. I want to look
into what makes them feel as if they are better than that and the medias
influence in that. This is a credible piece of research because it is a popular
anonymous answer (over 1,000 up-votes) on a popular website.
Is anyone working to fix the feeling that we should all strive to be better than bluecollar jobs? Or is this feeling necessary for a society to really strive and attain

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