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Management Plan
EDU 365-31 Early Childhood
Alyssa Brooks


What is your overall philosophy of discipline that will guide all you do in the classroom?
Guidance plays a key role in the classroom, and it is important to have a policy or
philosophy to guide behavior. One of the most important ways to guide students in appropriate
behavior is by simply modeling it. This can be done at any point in the year, but should
especially be done at the beginning of the year. This way the students know what is appropriate
and expected. I believe it is also best to address issues as they arise in the classroom. For
example, if the teacher finds that the students are asking to use the bathroom often during
inappropriate times, he or she needs to sit down and ask the students what is going on, and
discuss a more appropriate time to go to the bathroom. It is also extremely important for the
teacher and students to be on the same page. There should not be any surprises about
expectations. The teacher should be thorough in his or her expectations and encourage the
students to voice questions or concerns.
I believe it is also important for the teacher to create a safe environment. The students
need to feel comfortable in the classroom and with the teacher. Once the safe feeling has been
established, the teacher can begin to support the students development and help them grow
toward self-regulation. This can be done by indirectly guiding the students through an engaging
and appropriate curriculum, and forming appropriate expectations. The safe environment feeling
will also help the students build relationships with other students and teachers. The teacher
should also exhibit welcoming body language and encourage and engage in active listening. I
believe all of these things will positively encourage the child and guide them positively
(Henniger 2012). Discipline is the final component involved in guiding the child. It is important
for the teacher to positively reinforce good behavior and negatively reinforce bad behavior.


Write a short paragraph on the schedule you created. Tell why you chose to place subjects
where you did what you hoped to accomplish with your plan. Would there ever be a reason
you would choose to change your plan or move a subject?
I created my schedule by keeping all of my students in mind. I know that it is difficult for
students with gold personalities to be spontaneous; they like order. So, I tried to keep my
schedule the same every day, with the exception of social studies and science alternating. I also
know that students with orange personalities have difficulty with remaining on one topic for an
extended period of time, so I broke up English and language arts into three different time slots
throughout the day. I believe this will be beneficial for all students, because periodic breaks give
decrease the likelihood of frustration. I placed a read aloud period of ten minutes at the
beginning of the day, because I think it is a good transition from coming into school and starting
the day. I placed a second read aloud period after lunch and recess with the intention that it will
calm the students down and help them refocus on school work. I placed science and social
studies on alternating days at the end of each day, because I students tend to enjoy those classes
as a break from regular instruction classes. Also, at times science class can be messy and require
extended time for clean-up, and having it at the end of the day will not interfere with the
If I find that this schedule does not work well with my class, I will take notes and make
adjustments. I feel as though the repetition of the day-to-day schedule will be beneficial for all
my students and all types of learners. People in general tend to achieve better with structure and
routine, especially at young ages.


Write a short paragraph discussing the rules you have chosen to post in your classroom
and how you would create the rules? If you teach 1st grade would you create the rules in the
same manner as you would if you were assigned to teach 4th grade?
Classroom rules are crucial part of managing the classroom. I believe that rules are
important in the classroom, however, students also need to be able to be kids. So, I think rules
should be fair, understood, and accepted by both the teacher and students. The best method of
making sure of this is to have the class create a class rule contract. I will have a set of rules in
mind that I think are appropriate, but I will make the students think we are creating the rules
together. So, I will call the students up into a cluster on the floor, and ask them what rules we
should have in our classroom. As the students think of rules, I will write them on a piece of giant
white paper. I will write them in their words, so they are understandable. Once we have decided
that we have all the rules necessary for our class to function successfully, I will pass the paper
around for all students to sign. I will sign it as well. This way, our rules contract can be hung
in the classroom and it is official. I will also provide a typed copy of the rules we decided on for
each of the students to keep in their folders.
The main rules for our classroom would be:

Respect everyone

Use your inside voices

Listen to others and wait your turn

Follow directions.
We can add rules as the year goes on, if I find that we have specific issues that
need to be addressed or monitored. These rules will be reinforced with appropriate
disciplinary measures. If a child runs in the hallway, then he or she will be told to go back


and walk. If a child constantly disrupts class, then he or she will receive a warning. If it
continues to occur, he or she will be pulled aside to be talked to. If none of these
techniques seem to work, the child will be sent to the principal. Oppositely, there will be
positive reinforcements for good behavior and rule-following. I believe there should also
be a positive behavior plan installed. When students perform good behaviors in the
classroom, they should be rewarded. The rewards could be as simple as telling the
students they are doing a great job. There could also be a jar that has marbles in it, and
when the students do something really well, they receive more marbles. When the jar fills
up, they receive some sort of reward, such as a class party or extra recess.
I think this system of rulemaking would be appropriate for any grade level. I think
students in first grade can benefit from it, as well as students in fourth grade. The first graders
may require a little more assistance when thinking of rules, but I think it is a valuable learning
experience. It is also a great way to promote inclusion in the classroom.


Write a short paragraph explaining how a teacher can set the tone in her classroom by
what and how she delivers directives and information to her students.
I definitely think the tone of the classroom plays a major role in managing the classroom.
I think positivity is a key component and an important tone to set. The teacher must always try to
remain positive and help the students to as well. I think students can tell when a teacher is
stressed or angry, and it can upset the entire classroom. One way to insure positive vibes and
stress the students less is to be constantly walking around the classroom. It is important for the
teacher to not stand in front of the entire class all the time. This way, the students will be more
inclined to stay on task, because they know the teacher is walking around and keeping an eye on
them at all times. Also, when a student is misbehaving, the teacher can stop at his or her desk
without drawing too much attention to the situation. If there is a student that struggles with
interrupting or talking at inappropriate times, the teacher could take a picture of the appropriate
behavior (sitting quietly, or raising a hand) on that students desk. Then, when that child calls
out, the teacher can simply walk over and point to the picture. This way it is a nonverbal cue, and
does not interrupt the rest of the students. It is also important to phrase reminders and rules in
positive ways, so no student feels embarrassed or picked on. One way of doing this is by
addressing the whole class, such as: We need to use our listening ears.


Write a short paragraph and explain how the information I gave you about your class
affected your thinking? Is it important to know something about your class as you create
the management plan for the year?
It is important to know the students that makeup the class to plan the schedule. I tried to
make sure the schedule was consistent for the students with gold personalities that thrive on
routine. However, I tried to make sure the schedule had a variety in terms of how the classes
were broken up. Since English Language Arts is required for 120 minutes, I tried to break it
down into three different sections throughout the day. This will keep it interesting for the
students with orange personalities. I also relied on a class read aloud period at the beginning of
the day and after lunch to help the students transition back to school mode. I also know that math
can be a difficult subject for some students and requires a lot of focus. So, I did not want to make
it the first class of the day, but I also did not want to make it in the afternoon when the students
have more energy after recess. This way they can remained focused without being overwhelmed.


Henniger, Michael L. (2012). Teaching young children: an introduction.

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