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Lesson Plan Week 2 Overview

Lesson 1.6:

Lesson Aim: Today I will be teaching students about Ancient Rome using
KWL and text set.
Student Learning Objective: The student will identify, analyze and
interpret primary and secondary sources to make generalizations about
events and life in world history to 1500 A.D. (C.E.)
The student will be able to complete the KWL activity.

Lesson 1.7:

Lesson Aim: I will be teaching the students about Ancient Greece and
Ancient Rome using Venn Diagrams and to differentiate.
Student Learning Objective: The student will identify and compare political
boundaries with the locations of civilizations, empires and kingdoms from
4000 B.C. (B.C.E.) to 1500 A.D. (C.E.)
The student will compare and contrast the Greek and Roman empires using a
Venn Diagram based on the previous two lessons and todays readings.

Lesson 1.8:

Lesson Aim: I will be teaching the students about Ancient Britain and using a
cinquains and differentiated readings.
Student Learning Objective: The student will identify and compare political
boundaries with the locations of civilizations, empires and kingdoms from
4000 B.C. (B.C.E.) to 1500 A.D. (C.E.)
The student will be able to list the main factors that begat the British Empire
and complete the cinquain activity.

Lesson 1.9:

Lesson Aim: I will be reviewing the previous eight lessons to prepare the
students for a test the next class period using a review strategy called around
the room review.
Student Learning Objective: The student will ask and answer test questions
out of a pre-selected group.

Lesson 1.10:

Lesson Aim: Today the students will be taking a test on the previous eight
lessons of the first unit.
Student Learning Objective: The student will be able to pass the test with a
score of 70% or better.

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