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Siekmeier via Ferrill




quiz over Act II, Scene ii

1. What evidence does Polonius share with Claudius and Gertrude to prove their
"noble son is mad"? Explain the evidence.

2. _____ As Polonius speaks to the King and Queen, he uses several

A) puns (play on words); B) oxymorons (two cont. words comb.); C) apostrophes.
3. _____ When Polonius decides to arrange a secret meeting between Hamlet and
Ophelia, he says, "At such a time I'll A) send; B) convey; C) loose; my daughter to
4. _____ When Hamlet sees Polonius, he calls him a
A) pantaloon; B) fishmonger; C) jackanape.
5. When Polonius asks Hamlet what he is reading, he first replies __________ ,
__________ , __________ . When Polonius asks him to explain, he says he is reading
about __________ __________ .
6. _____ After Hamlet greets Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, he refers to Fortune as a
A) whore; B) strumpet; C) harlot; which means
__________________________________________________ .
7. When Hamlet says, "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.
To me, it is a prison," what is he calling a prison?
8. Why do Rosencrantz and Guildenstern think he feels so confined?
9. _____ (True or False?) Hamlet immediately suspects Rosencrantz and
Guildenstern are spies, and eventually they admit that they "were sent for."
10. _____ Hamlet responds by explaining his melancholy mood. He calls the earth
A) a whining mammet; B) a gentle daughter; C) a sterile promontory. He also
becomes sarcastic when he says, "What a piece of work is a ____________________ ."
11. _____ (True or False?) Rosencrantz and Guildenstern laugh when Hamlet makes
the statement above.


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