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‘us Regulation (Scotian) Bl sin Gray MSP consultation Unite the Union represents over 10,000 peopl across the Scottish bus passenger transport sector ‘om bus divers toa varity of othe occupations within the industy inching mechani and eaters, ‘hiss acral ime for Scottand’s bus services andthe Indust’ future prospects, The post: 2008 economic environment has farther constrlned an industry which already need solutions to problems fuelled by decades af deregulation and strategie fale ‘The realty forthe industry ts workers andthe traveling pubic at presents + Declining passenger eumbers across Scotland's localities: + ectnnggovermen: economic support forthe inst + creasing operations costs fr bus service operators + erasing fares coupied with serie cus forthe bus user; and +The erosion of jobs and terms and conditions within the sector. ‘When some major bus operators openly admit that survival and sustainability are the prioites and not growth it's not very dramatc to argue that Scotlands bus industry i staring down. perfect storm scenario, IVs absolutely crtical his evident decine throughout the industry does not sti, ‘Unite Scotland, and aso through our antecedent trade unions, hasbeen 2 longstanding campaigner for ceform in cola’ bus industry. We supported the call forthe regulation of buses in 2020 via the Regulation of Bus Serves (Sctlara) Bill and we are pleased to do so again through support for tan Gray's proposed Bus Regulation (Scotland ill We strongly believe cota’ bus industry needs legis Intervention and economic support {oom governance couped witha clear strategy for growth to delver sustainable lfient and fflordabe bus services not a uts strategy that wl further fuel the industry race othe bottom to the detent of passengers and workers ‘The recent Bus Service Operators Grant (8506) cuts merely the tp af a very problematic iceberg, ‘We storey opposed thi cut initiated in April 2012 a ate of economic turbulence which Tad bate maiy ofthe unsustainable problems within the bus induct that ean be rectly inked to the fares of de regulation, mn 2010 the budget forthe 8506 funding was agreed between the Scottish Government and bus service operators. A figure of 565 milion was settled andthe principe of'sinfcant investment” ‘vera three year period would be sustained. The then Transport Minister, tua Stevenson, sid {this woud provide ‘certainty for Scotand’s bus indus. ‘The Scottish Government efectvaly reneged on thei SOG plans, According to SPICE fires, in 2013/12 the 8506 subsidy wes £603 millon. As of Api 1st 2012 the BSDG hasbeen ut further to £50 milion, approxnately 17% on the 201 igure. ‘Ata time wien the bus industry seeing the squeeze of sng fel costs and - more importantly ~ Passengers are being further constrained by te costo ving the Scatsh Government ruses ina signiicant cui funaing ofthe fuel duty ebate ‘The impact ofthe ct on bus operators budgets was deferred to the public andta bus workersin the form of fare increases and serve cuts We witnessed adc ncreases in fares. tageconch increased fares Scotland wide, on average by ‘7% tn Aberdeen, Fest Group creased fares by some 13%, In Glasgow therse was even more eye- watering with some local oes increashag ars by up to 27% ‘We aso witnessed the gat ofthe 50 cut on jobs ross Fest Group operations in Scotian wih ‘the announcement 200 reduadancles inthe Est coast and Mi-Lothian areas, ‘There are, however, atenates Fundamentally, we have to get people specially fare paying passengers— back oto the buses to ek-start growth acros the industry. Ths means reversing curent tends Recent data released by Tranipot Scotland reveals that passenger levels in Scotland eclned by 6% ‘n 2010/11. However, the epanal breakdowns palnt a more depressing pure + Worth ast, Tayside & Central down 23% + Highlands, sands & shetinds down 27%; and + South west strathdye down 12% ‘ny the SouthEast raion has managed to buck the trend with a increase (ur immediate priority sor the Scottish Government to repeal he BSOG change an at east restore the 2011/12 funding level of £50.3 milion. This would provide some stabi othe industry apd its workforce inthe imma to short-term, preventing further deep and invasive cut to obs and tems an condtios in ation to significant fare-hikes forte paying publi However, we also ae acutely aware that repeal ofthe 8506 cut snot long term panaced forthe future of Scotana’ buses Unite Sotandeelnfoces its lang: staning poly positon thatthe Scottish Government must now serlouly engage with the cg alle hat our bus industry equi leiltve intervention, special a provranme of vereguation ‘The proposals in an Grays us Regulation (Sotand il shoul be the fuerum in wider debate on the future sustainability and growth of Scotland's bus sevces adits legislative underpinnings, particulary as we headinta the 2024 constitutional referendum and robustly debate Scotland's futore, [A moder, efficent and affodable bus servic is reflection ofa goo soley. is, therefore, an unwanted paradox that Scotbna’s most utised public transport service f also prone te some ofthe biggest utsin the mid of wider economic decline. ‘Some good work has baen dane by the Scottish Government va the creation of the Gren Gus Fund ‘whic provides subsidy to bus operators forthe purchase of move environmental endl hybrid ‘technology vehicles (and subsequently boosts Scotch manufacturing withthe market leader forthe production ofthese vehicles 2eing Alexander Dennis of Fall), However, the good work becomes sravlled when further economic constrlats ae place onthe purchasing power of operators. ‘This tuations further exacerbated by the fall of nearly 30 years of deregulation. Both the ‘traveling public and the wortrs wh delver this essential service are ela the mercy of he ‘market athe impact of thefst weeks ofthe BSOG cut should senda stark warning to MSPs bout what we can expect when we enter the peak years of aust to 2035, Unite eitratesits call fora Fesh debate onthe future of Scotland's bus services andthe need fora long-term strategy for growth underpinned by reglstory reform, Two steps are now require: +The 8506 shouts be mmecitely restored to the funding arrangement of 2011/12, sme £603 milion, with the retumof the crignal payment method. This would provide short term economic rele to operators nd should be implemented with the caveat hat key services are ing fenced. This shoul also tele reeze on any redundancies or cuts to workers tens and ‘conditions. Fare increases forte pubic should be repealed to 2011 levels + The Bus Regulation (scotland) Bil shouldbe fully supported, Kk starting a meaning debate onthe future of our bus serves, with sgifiant posite equalty eects by improving series forthe low income, ad and vulnerable citizens who do not have acess to a private ca. The ‘main practical advantage would be greater confidence n bus services by passenger. Revegulation would alow authorities to atonaly design bus sevcesin thei area to ensure they meet the needs ‘ofthe community, including access to employment, ost et. There woud be a reduction in ‘solaton of younger ana oldrctzens An incoase in bus journeys would reduce the umber of ar journeys, ith envonmentalbenaits. Overall the Bil provider a tremendous oppertunity to work towel the ahjathn of passenger eruth ere Sela on aries that are afardabl,ofiiant and sustainable. eos:

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