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Process journal

Today I added my first layer. Getting the shape and colours correct, I then began to use the box tool to
create my lettering as shown in this photo above. I unfortunately then had to change my background as
it was needing to be blank and not the maroon colour I have in it now.

I began to do a rough copy of my lettering using the circle tool and box tools. Although I was not very
happy with this because it looks strange and unnatural and not like I would have liked.

I now redid my lettering because I was not pleased with the previous one. This one was much better. I
used the paths tool to get a better shape and rounded motion.

Today I worked on my side part of my logo by creating a silhouette of Parliament house which is located
in Washington DC and is a large monument. I used the paths tool.

Continued to work on the same part as last time put made sharper lines and made it look a bit neater,
by using more of the box and path tools.

This is my final logo. I changed the colour of my side image to help bring some more depth and colours
into my logo. This works very well and effectively.

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